Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best Tall Tale Screenshot!

  • My first time in the Shores of Gold!!!
    Ah, listen to this. There was a prophecy: just before his head died, his last words were "Death is only a door, time is only a window, I will come back!" [cit.]

  • The fate of the Magpie’s Fortune

  • Shores of Gold
    First time sailing into Shores of Gold. I was blown away.

  • At the end of a long, long journey.

  • Through the Shroud

  • @lizalaroo
    Here is my entry! Heart of Fire, mixed with Ashen Dragon Set. :)

  • So i went to do The Legendary Storyteller Tall tale and guess what is see! A stranded Megaladon!

  • Loved many of the mysterious locations you go to for Tall Tales!

  • @lizalaroo

    Here is my entry, this picture was taken in the flameheart ''cave''.

  • @lizalaroo

    A deadly standoff in the Trapmaker’s lair

  • @lizalaroo

    I spy with my little eye, Flameheart!

  • Gold Hoarder has traded in his love of gold for the love of sunrises and fresh air


  • I surrender Captain Briggsy!

  • Heart of Fire screenshot :) "You'll never get me Flameheart!" It was a funny photo shooting with my friends xD

  • @lizalaroo

    Arr, our intentions be in the right place. We not be making THAT mistake again.
    alt text

  • FINALLY!!!!!!

  • @lizalaroo
    Buried with my most prized possession

  • A pirate painting a magnificent scene!

  • @lizalaroo

    alt text

  • @humantoldtruth not too long

  • Shroudbreaker Skellies

    I love all the Tall Tales, but the coral skellies just look awesome to me.

  • Convinced the Skeleton Lord himself "Lord Graymarrow" to be my trusted right hand man behind the helm, watch out on the seas boys and girls, we're coming!

  • @lizalaroo
    ah, victory


    Waiting for my fish to cook while doing the first tall tale (the shroudbraker). During the tall tale I was lucky to find the chest filled with the rage of the pirates who had been sunk during there voyage.

  • Here is another link for the same screenshot, because it says an error on my reddit, so im not sure if you can see the screenshot threw reddit. So if you cant click on this one.
    Sir Sharp II

  • This skeleton really wanted the Shroudbreaker! ( I love how these skeletons look )

  • Some hide in fear...
    And some stand tall and fight the monstrosity!

  • Well that’s it for another week! Well done everyone, loving those screenies! Check back tomorrow to see who’s won and of course, your new mission, should you choose to accept it.

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