best flex title in game

  • hello ı started my journey wıth champıon of athena and champıon of flame
    then legendary sea dog and trıumphant sea dog
    ıs there any better tıtle ı can get ? for flex

  • 85
  • Legendary hunter of the shrouded ghost

  • @ghostpaw I mean the one achiveable

  • Hunter of splash tails?

  • The foul skull one? Think about how many of those you get these days versus the various flavors of villainous/hateful, lol.

  • A "Sailor" in one of the - new to game - outfits that everyone makes fun of slaughtering an entire crew without saying or typing a word is the best flex

    All these gold curses and heart of fire curses and hunter of the shrouded ghost or legendary sea dog titles are all cookie cutter killers

    I want my sailor assassin to look like the bird lady from home alone 2 and absolutely destroy me without ever saying a word and then disappear into the sea. Ultimate flex

  • Im rocking the Voyager of Lost Souls Title, I’m proud of it as casual Gamer!

  • It's triumphant sea dog or legend of sea of thieves only because alot of people still don't have it

  • None are flex anymore really. Too many people cheesed them with win trading in arena or on alliance servers. We got people maxing out factions and Athena in less than 6 weeks playing on alliance servers. My guess is they can completely max out the game achievements minus arena in a matter of 3 months.

  • Brave vanguard title with vanguard sails

  • The ones where you need to complete 250 quest as they are the only ones you can't really shortcut too much. Very small percentages of players unlock those.

  • Skeleton Exploder

  • Maiden Voyager

  • In no particular order:

    Conqueror of Skeleton Fleets

    Brave Vanguard

    Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost

    Hoarder of Treasured Tears

    Drunken Sailor

    Pirate Menace

    Death Defier

  • @galactic-geek a small correction, Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost

  • I am currently running as a Giver of Gifts.

    Mainly because during the event it was pure pain to to get other people to sell your gifts in reapers. Last point of event I always took reapers chest into there with gifts in order to get someone come to island. There was some good on that event as with that I met one random pirate when they come to inspect reaper chest in the island and after that encounter that pirate has been in my friends list and we sail together quite commonly.

    And also I haven't seen anyone else using that title in seas when I have met other pirates...

  • By flex i mean not rarity
    legendary hunter of shrouded = 0 skill
    champion of athena = 0 skill
    brave vanguard or any tıme lımıted = 0 skill
    legendary sea dog or triumphant = requires skill in arena if u dont join alliance
    legendary hunter of sot or legend of sot = 0 skill pure pve

  • @cpt-antitree by thınkıng that ı thınk ı found best tıtle
    anythıng affılated wıth sea dogs ıts pvp
    yes ı found ıt
    ıt gotta be
    legendary sea dog or tırumphant or ıron sea dog
    others pure pve after thınkıng ı found ıt

  • Brave Vanguard

  • Merchant Shipwright

  • @cpt-antitree best flex: westward blackpowder reaper/ eastward blackpowder reaper.

    Also arena titles dont mean anything considering how many boosters there are in arena

  • @ghostpaw Nothing is "flex" when it's pure luck.

    Legendary Sea dog/Triumphant Sea Dog or Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves are the most flex titles there is.

  • I honestly run the starting title. I think its funny when i take down pirates with fancy titles and all they see is just sailor.

    If youre trying to tell someone "yeah, i did that" every time they see your name, look at some of the Athena titles. There is stuff that takes so long some people wont know what it is or just wont get it for a while. Think theres one for sinking 500 skelly ships after obtaining pl. Doesnt sound hard til you remember everything you did before pl doesn't count. Even if it did you still wouldnt have 500 retroactively.

    In short hand. There's not really a flex title. Save for the shrouded ghost one. But thats just luck so....

  • @naynayso19 bruh athena titles are bot titles
    only tıtles ıs good is
    legendary sea dog and triumphant sea dog
    they requrires tons of wıns ın arena

  • @mathemoto said in best flex title in game:

    @ghostpaw Nothing is "flex" when it's pure luck.

    Legendary Sea dog/Triumphant Sea Dog or Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves are the most flex titles there is.

    Just like in life, we all have different priorities. If I had earned Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost I can guarantee you I would be using it because it is very rare. If I had the Golden Banana sails then that’s what I would sail with on my ship. I don’t value grindy stuff as much.

  • @ghostpaw but you never gonna earn its not possible to kill 0 chance 5 time
    or 1 time
    0x5=0 0x1=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • @cpt-antitree said in best flex title in game:

    @ghostpaw but you never gonna earn its not possible to kill 0 chance 5 time
    or 1 time
    0x5=0 0x1=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    I’m probably never going to visit a planet in another galaxy either, but if I ever do and somehow return, then I would probably annoy everyone by working it into every conversation. That's what flex is.

    BTW. people on these forums have killed the shrouded ghost at least once.

  • Ratcatcher

  • @cpt-antitree I use a time limited one, not sure if I translated it correct: Giftgiver (german: Geschenkgeber)

  • @cpt-antitree sagte in best flex title in game:

    By flex i mean not rarity
    legendary hunter of shrouded = 0 skill
    champion of athena = 0 skill
    brave vanguard or any tıme lımıted = 0 skill
    legendary sea dog or triumphant = requires skill in arena if u dont join alliance
    legendary hunter of sot or legend of sot = 0 skill pure pve


    what skill have people who cheesed it like everthing else got cheesed?

    @cpt-antitree sagte in best flex title in game:

    @naynayso19 bruh athena titles are bot titles

    are you calling other players bots here?

    why do skilled pirates need to flex???
    do you lack selfconfidence and need to flex???

    In the thread Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost and Brave Vanguard are mentioned the most.
    So that is the answer to your quastion here.

    I have both, so i beat you with your cheesed Sea Dog titles?
    Not cheesed? I doubt it, you sound like one of the exploiters, arent you?
    Have you canceled animations? So an exploiter Title :D

    fair winds

  • @cpt-antitree Brave Vanguard

  • @bugaboo-bill I personally grinded my a$$ off for the Arena commendations, took me weeks. And Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves is still one hell of a grind, it's like insane of a grind. There aren't any other titles that can compare to these two grinds. So for me, "flex" titles, if there really are any, are those who will take you alot of work. Not luck, not some voyages or simple commendation, just crazy dedication and commitment.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in best flex title in game:

    @cpt-antitree sagte in best flex title in game:

    By flex i mean not rarity
    legendary hunter of shrouded = 0 skill
    champion of athena = 0 skill
    brave vanguard or any tıme lımıted = 0 skill
    legendary sea dog or triumphant = requires skill in arena if u dont join alliance
    legendary hunter of sot or legend of sot = 0 skill pure pve


    what skill have people who cheesed it like everthing else got cheesed?

    @cpt-antitree sagte in best flex title in game:

    @naynayso19 bruh athena titles are bot titles

    are you calling other players bots here?

    why do skilled pirates need to flex???
    do you lack selfconfidence and need to flex???

    In the thread Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost and Brave Vanguard are mentioned the most.
    So that is the answer to your quastion here.

    I have both, so i beat you with your cheesed Sea Dog titles?
    Not cheesed? I doubt it, you sound like one of the exploiters, arent you?
    Have you canceled animations? So an exploiter Title :D

    fair winds

    from my experınce whoever dont have lsd or tsd tıtle plays bad most people ın arena have ıt and best players dont use tıtle lsd ıs lıke starter tıtle of arena and adventurers who dont play arena ever they would get destroyed by arena players its clear and sımple lol
    oh also ıf u dont play arena ı cant take u serıously ın pvp lol bcs best players only play arena all day everyday (not sayıng ım best player)
    and all these tıtles u got pure pve or pure luck only skıll requırement thıng ın thıs whole game ıs arena

  • @cpt-antitree

    And? It's it fun to you to destroy adventure players without any challenge for you?

    Go play arena with likeminded gamers.
    You can kill my pirate, but not destroy anything, i'll come back thanks to the Ferryman.

    Sorry your exageration and pixel pride makes me laugh.

    Flex in a video game, lol ridiculous XD

    Oh and "playing bad" is only true for competetive gameplay, not true for immersive adventerous playing for fun.
    Because there is no rating about how someone plays.

    That's only your limited aproach and pov of "playing" the game.

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