Scars and Basic Preset Options

  • So it should be no surprise to anyone how neglected the scars section of the vanity chest is. We haven't had a new one since forsaken shores, 2 years ago. And even then, only one scar is obtainable today. I think scars should take an approach that tattoos did where they implemented very basic preset tattoos that were given to everyone. The ones with the roman numerals on 'em. I think this is needed more-so in scars, because if you want to get some fancy different scars today, you only have the forsaken ashes scars to look at (which, aren't that much of real scars lol). If I can figure out how images work for the forums, there should be a mock-up of what I mean below.

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  • @taaaamas Fixed the image for you matey :)

  • @musicmee Thank you!! Lol, I thought that'd work, I need more experience doing things here haha

  • I liked the scars, even if some required to be shirtless to even seen.
    I think a few face scars will be welcomed, or arms.
    Surprised we didnt get one when Jim got his arm stuck, with all the lava and such....

    Maybe even a rare scar that looks infected with poison :P

  • Yaaaaas!

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