[Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion

  • @scarecrow1771 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @theargonaut144 Yeah, new players will lose to experienced players in a pvp game, that's true of every pvp game ever.
    But in SOT the combat is rather simple and straight forward, and there is no penalty for losing.
    SOT was designed in a way that there is no cost to failure.

    This pretty much describes the situation pretty well. As Jack Sparrow would say: "The problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem".

    The eternal pvp/pve conflict stems much more from a mentality issue rather than a gameplay one. People who use words such as harsh punishment, and describe loss as a waste of time and refer to the game as hard work needs to lighten up and realise they are playing a game, and that sometimes you win and others you lose.

    These people need to work on their attitude and good sportsmanship or reflect on why they are playing the game in the first place, instead of asking to drastically reduce chances of defeat in the game because it hurts their feelings.

  • @bloodybil bravo! Never seen this explained that well. 100% agree.

  • @ajm123 sagte in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @stundorn so your saying all pvp is wrong and all pvpers are toxic

    No i didnt, you cannot read carefully or you make up for wrong facts extra.

    I'm at 21 million meters. I can assure you it's the pve people who are toxic because they got sunk because they had a emissary flag. I've been called way worse by people who send us on a goose chase for a hour for no reason other then refusing to pvp.

    LoL serious?
    What is wrong about refusing pvp and lets say sail into the Shroud?
    You said above you play like intended and do mainly pvp.
    Do you hop servers for that?

  • @ajm123 i agree. I was called so many nasty names tonight by the crews we hunted down and slaughtered. Its amazing what people call you sometimes. Oh well, that's what they get for flying an emissary flag.

  • @captain-coel Jokes aside, Crews that have attacked mine, win or loss, are mostly either silent, or offer a "GG" and maybe a little friendly, tongue in cheek banter.

    On the other hand, most of the insults I've received out on the seas have come from crews that we have attacked. "griefers!" "you're ruining the game!" and "sweatlords with nothing better to do!" being the main points and leaving the naughty bits out.

    Only twice have I come across truly toxic crews that had me seriously thinking about reporting them, and both were found in the Arena.

  • @bloodybil just had the worst gaming expierience of my life and im never playing this trash unless they add an option to make yourself immune to other players so you can have fun instead of putting in 5 hours for one item on a sloop and then loosing it to a galleon thats just being a rude troll

  • In my honest opinion, such mega thread is completely needless. It just looks like a place for ragers to vent.

    Mostly because Rare have already spoken up on the subject. The game is PvEvP whether some people like it or not.

    Given that the producer has already presented his position, any threads concerning the same topic should simply be provided with Rare's standpoint and then be locked.

  • And for anyone who wants to say oh but it's a PVP game there's an ally system there is absolutely no reason for you to steal a loot from other people it is completely rude and should be a bannable offense

  • Also for sure anyone who attacks a ship with an alliance flag on it is just being rude for no reason and should be banned because you don't need people like that in that game literally you've ruined this game for me I spent 5 hours for one item was allied with somebody and then one random galleon decided to just come and blow up everything for no reason and for anyone saying that it's sea of thieves and that you should steal from other players the point of the game is to steal from skeletons.

  • And for anyone who says I'm overreacting it took me all night and I didn't even get my tall tale rewards.

  • @greengrimz sagte in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    In my honest opinion, such mega thread is completely needless. It just looks like a place for ragers to vent.

    Mostly because Rare have already spoken up on the subject. The game is PvEvP whether some people like it or not.

    Given that the producer has already presented his position, any threads concerning the same topic should simply be provided with Rare's standpoint and then be locked.

    This ☝️

  • @sfp-the-hulk sagte in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    And for anyone who says I'm overreacting it took me all night and I didn't even get my tall tale rewards.

    And there are checkpoints for the tall tales...if another crew is attacking you over and over, change server and start from checkpoint

  • @sfp-the-hulk sagte in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Also for sure anyone who attacks a ship with an alliance flag on it is just being rude for no reason and should be banned because you don't need people like that in that game literally you've ruined this game for me I spent 5 hours for one item was allied with somebody and then one random galleon decided to just come and blow up everything for no reason and for anyone saying that it's sea of thieves and that you should steal from other players the point of the game is to steal from skeletons.

    No...the point is to steal from other players

  • @sfp-the-hulk first, you're overreacting. Secondly, game is intendet to have pvp and stealing others loot is one think that drives people into pvp. Allaince flag means nothink, i would say every ship that i encounter with it is first one to shoot. Thirtly, its not anyones fault you lost five hours worth of loot but you're sealfs because you didn't sell more often.

  • @sfp-the-hulk @Schwammlgott

    Ahoy maties!

    I have edited your posts above - please remember, even though this is a very hot topic, our language doesn't have to be so heated!


  • People are connecting PvP and toxicity... and that is a problem as it is not really "the same thing". Sure some PvP players can be toxic, by name calling and such. But boarding and taking your supplies and loot is not... that is part of the game. The addition of the Emissary flags and the world events are beacons for PvP happenings.

    PvE players can be just as toxic in their behaviour on the seas. They are just as likely or even more likely to get really salty and start bad mouthing you if you start attacking and stealing their loot, just because they feel bad because another crew is playing the pirate role in i PIRATE GAME.

    So my point is... toxicity is not crews playing an aggressive PvP role (although many PvE players make it sound so), rather is is a problem that ALL online games have... some players are just not behaving very nice on the Internet. And this is a totally different problem, that has nothing to do with the PvE and PvP aspects of the game.

  • @sfp-the-hulk Thanks for demonstrating the problematic and over-dramatic mentality that makes people not enjoy the game. The problem isn't the other players, it's their own attitude hindering themselves.

    I've lost hours of loot to people as well, still had fun during the session. We said GG to the other crew, we talked and laughed, made friends and sailed with them the next day making 3 times as much loot I lost the day prior.

    Lighten up and sell more often ;)

  • When I see that Rare wants to hear feedback thinking about maybe creating PvE or PvP servers, I see that Sea of ​​Thieves has lost its essence.

    Sea of ​​Thieves was made with the proposal to be a pirate game in a shared world, and both proposals for PvE or PvE servers only, would evade the proposal we have.

    In both cases, it would be removing pirates from a pirate game. In both cases we won't have an attacker and a defender. In both cases, we would have farm servers, and meaningless PvP servers.

    On PvE servers no one would attack, and this would cause players to buy everything in the game and leave the game. On PvP servers, the only reason to attack would be destruction, driving away players who want to win a battle and sell the loot in a dignified manner.

    Both options are terrible, the game must keep up with the current proposal.

  • @musicmee I guess you saw that I just replied to his insults...but I'm ok with it

  • @schwammlgott I diiiidd I diiiddd. You know how it goes.

    No harm done. Just them rules be the rules!

  • @targasbr said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    When I see that Rare wants to hear feedback thinking about maybe creating PvE or PvP servers, I see that Sea of ​​Thieves has lost its essence.

    Sea of ​​Thieves was made with the proposal to be a pirate game in a shared world, and both proposals for PvE or PvE servers only, would evade the proposal we have.

    In both cases, it would be removing pirates from a pirate game. In both cases we won't have an attacker and a defender. In both cases, we would have farm servers, and meaningless PvP servers.

    On PvE servers no one would attack, and this would cause players to buy everything in the game and leave the game. On PvP servers, the only reason to attack would be destruction, driving away players who want to win a battle and sell the loot in a dignified manner.

    Both options are terrible, the game must keep up with the current proposal.

    I see it more as an initiative of the mods to tidy up the forum and prevent unnecessary duplicates castaway threads repeating the same thing over and over.

    I am pretty sure Rare already knows everything they need to know data-wise about whether this should happen or not, and this forum is certainly not the best barometer of anything that should happen or not in the game really 😄

  • @bloodybil sagte in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @scarecrow1771 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @theargonaut144 Yeah, new players will lose to experienced players in a pvp game, that's true of every pvp game ever.
    But in SOT the combat is rather simple and straight forward, and there is no penalty for losing.
    SOT was designed in a way that there is no cost to failure.

    This pretty much describes the situation pretty well. As Jack Sparrow would say: "The problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem".

    The eternal pvp/pve conflict stems much more from a mentality issue rather than a gameplay one. People who use words such as harsh punishment, and describe loss as a waste of time and refer to the game as hard work needs to lighten up and realise they are playing a game, and that sometimes you win and others you lose.

    These people need to work on their attitude and good sportsmanship or reflect on why they are playing the game in the first place, instead of asking to drastically reduce chances of defeat in the game because it hurts their feelings.

    It's true and i agree with it in general, but it isnt that simple imho.

    when you invite pro and casuals players to play together, share a world and have a "social experience" and fun together, when we consider the pirate code your post becomes quesrionable, because when pro players dont have any empathy for casuals, but become elitist this claim is just that, elitist.

    Like it's your fault you have no Job and are poor it's because you arent really willing to work hard and improve.
    We all know that this is not true.
    But that is what many believe and start their common meritocracy talk aka git gud.

    I agree that this @SFP-The-Hulk is overreacting and wrong, but i can still sympathize with him beeing a new player not knowing all and everything and maybe also not that used to sandboxish PvEvP game.

    But a lot of good pirates dont care about it, get even upset because he's "such a snowflake" and then maybe
    "teach him a lesson".
    But we all know this only leads to more frustration, separation and a less playfull session.

  • @Scarecrow1771 While I agree new players tend to die to experienced players in PvP, there are usually systems in place in games to prevent new players being put with seasoned veterans to stop new players getting stomped. Either a rank system, various areas where vets hang out etc. PvE only starter areas etc. I know the maiden voyage is there and there's probably a whole other thread about how the maiden voyage is woeful in getting players ready for the game.

    There is also the fact that ganking via a 4 man crew stomping a 2 man crew (or a 1 man sloop) is - by the nature of the simple number of people in each crew - imabalanced. The IMBA of PvP is also another potentially huge thread.

    @BloodyBil To claim other people's attitude is the problem is a bit of a self-own, as it could be argued that your attitude to the problem is also part of the problem. Savvy?

    Having been on the Forums for a little while now I am still quite baffled as to why some players are so objectionable about PvE servers.

    Through the merger system there'd still be the right amount of ships in each server in adventure so it wouldn't feel empty.

    If PvE only servers got pitiful loot when they turned in rewards and had their own (potentially lamer)achievements it would not mean people could grind without risk up to good achievements or cosmetics. Adventure Achievements could be transferred to PvE, but not vice-versa.

    It could entice lapsed customers (and their wallets) back to SoT.

    Adventure-Moders could still do their thing as they have always done. Threads wailing about getting sunk would stop. Alliance servers would be pointless. People actively looking for PvP might encounter people who are like minded and have a great fight rather than chasing someone into red sea. I'm not really seeing the practical downsides other than someone saying "It's not how it's intended."

  • @bloodybil

    After countless complaints about recycled content, lack of originality in creating new features for the game (all we have are new skeletons) and about features like auto-run, colored names in alliances and other features like that, I really doubt that Rare already knows everything they need to know.

  • @theargonaut144 Crew numbers don't need to be even to be balanced, asymmetric gameplay is quite common in gaming, even in pvp games and is alot of fun (right about now there are many solo sloopers clearing their throats and preparing to introduce themselves).
    A form of skill based matchmaking or ranking has no place in SOT, and it's effectiveness and whether it has a positive effect on a pvp game as a whole is.... contested to say the least. Overcoming the adversity of a learning curve (as flat as SOT's is) is something many people enjoy, and is part of the charm of SOT. Not every game needs to spoon feed its players with the best way to "win", or the answer to every challenge they may face, sometimes we gotta use out brains.

    To you point about why PVE server can never happen.
    One of the core philosophies of the game, and a HUGE part of the enjoyment of the game is the mystery of the the horizon, you never know what or who is just over the horizon, what you encounter when you set sail.
    You add pve server, even ones with reduced rep or gold gain, and you have now segregated the player base. I was beginning to type out the whole explanation but I have neither the time, nor the effort, and its a topic done to death.
    The answer is no, make your peace with that.

  • I don't want to see separate PVE servers in the current adventure world.
    But what I would like to see one day would be a single player mode, and with a totally different progression and cosmetics to the shared world adventure experience. Both modes would be totally separate and nothing carries over between the two, levels or items.

  • I would like to add a flavour to the discussion: while this game is designed as pvp-pve, the argument "don't play it then or at least don't complain" is missing the point that this game CAN offer a beautiful PvE experience. The ships, the atmosphere, the water effects and sailing mechanisms as well as the PvE content are amazing and fun enough to many. I like, and often play, the pirate game it's designed to be, but also sometimes I just want to play it with few friends and family after work with limited time. And guess what, pvp players really can ruin that experience. If you have to sail away for 1h because a reaper doesn't let you finish a tall tale, it just feels bad. So if you say "then it's not your game", I must disagree, because it could easily be, and often is. If Rare releases Sea of Sheep, I would play it for those occations.

    What I'm trying to say is, there is good reasons to want PvE only and you shouldn't judge to quickly :) Also some pvp-standard answers simply miss the point.

  • @targasbr sagte in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    When I see that Rare wants to hear feedback thinking about maybe creating PvE or PvP servers, I see that Sea of ​​Thieves has lost its essence.

    Sea of ​​Thieves was made with the proposal to be a pirate game in a shared world, and both proposals for PvE or PvE servers only, would evade the proposal we have.

    In both cases, it would be removing pirates from a pirate game. In both cases we won't have an attacker and a defender. In both cases, we would have farm servers, and meaningless PvP servers.

    On PvE servers no one would attack, and this would cause players to buy everything in the game and leave the game. On PvP servers, the only reason to attack would be destruction, driving away players who want to win a battle and sell the loot in a dignified manner.

    Both options are terrible, the game must keep up with the current proposal.

    Agree, yet we have a good Portion of Alliance Server and pvp only serverhoppers.
    These both extreme aproaches harm the game imho.
    The pve alliance server players exclude themself from the Pool by serverhopping, i'd say it's bad but the numbers in total comparison wont be that high i'd guess

    And the PvP serverhoppers give you often the feel they just want to ruin your session, because as openly stated numerous times in the forum, they dont care for loot, they care to sink and spawnkill you and want you to ragequit or at minimum switch server.
    With people openly say so, it often feels these players are everything else but following the pirate code.

    Serverhopping is a problem, because it supports playstyles that have nothing do with a PvEvP pirate adventure.

  • @theargonaut144

    Additionally, they wont be able to get all titles or cosmetics with what adventure mode players can still brag and feel more pirate.

  • @stundorn said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Agree, yet we have a good Portion of Alliance Server and pvp only serverhoppers.
    These both extreme aproaches harm the game imho.
    The pve alliance server players exclude themself from the Pool by serverhopping, i'd say it's bad but the numbers in total comparison wont be that high i'd guess

    And the PvP serverhoppers give you often the feel they just want to ruin your session, because as openly stated numerous times in the forum, they dont care for loot, they care to sink and spawnkill you and want you to ragequit or at minimum switch server.
    With people openly say so, it often feels these players are everything else but following the pirate code.

    Serverhopping is a problem, because it supports playstyles that have nothing do with a PvEvP pirate adventure.

    I will not be a hypocrite, but I am one of those who jumps from server to server after PvP, and rarely sell what I get, because I have more money than I can spend on the game.

    But I'm not the type to go around being toxic, spawnkill cases only happen when I find a real toxic player, who are usually racist, homophobic, etc. This is why I do spawnkill, and particularly, I don't think I'm wrong on this point.

    However, I believe that the best solution for "both sides" would be to show players that both attitudes like closing the server and attitudes like spawnkill in novices, keep players away from the game.

  • Wierdly, and because of reasons, I've been thinking about this a lot lately. In actuality - I think we're polarizing around the wrong divide, as a playerbase.

    Specifically - PVE or PVP is silly; PVEVP is the point. Without risk, turning in those rewards is not nearly as exhillarating (the PVP adds to PVE experiences) and without people who love digging up chests and fighting skeletons, dedicated PVPers would have no booty to loot. In other words, the content of each 'playstyle' really is dependent on the other style.

    Thus, bluntly, PVErs who insist that PVP is spoiling their fun are missing the point just as much as the PVPer who says 'git gud' or who thinks raiding other people's forts and never doing anything that gives them something to lose is the pinnacle of how awesome they are.

    IMO - If you engage in only one aspect of the game, you are not playing it as intended. PVP server hoppers looking for people to fight are just as to blame as PVErs who hop looking for peaceful sailing experiences. PVPVE is exactly the point. To the point -that PVPers saying "You shouldn't be allowed to run so that I have better fights" are just as problematic as the PVEr saying "I should never have to fight."

    However, I think it fair to say that where the problem lies is in certain core gameplay loops that could use a bit of tweaking. PVPers, you want other people to start forts so you can steal them.. but you don't want to start your own to get the fights you want. PVErs would love to do the forts, but never start them because... what's the point? THey rarely get to keep the loot. And - while I'm exaggerating, I'm not exaggerating by much, here.

    I would suggest that any 'fix' should be directed at two simple concepts:

    • When you sink a PVEr, they shouldn't lose everything. Mechanically, the game already tracks whether you were the first person to touch loot or not; why not give half the value to the fellow who touched it first, as long as they're on the same server as when it's sold? This solves two problems: the PVE player doesn't leave the server emptyhanded after a bad experience, and the world-event-doer has incentive to at least get it done, as the loot has significant value.
    • When world events are designed, they should not be designed in such a way that they favor the aggressor. Flameheart is actually a good example here - those ships are equally aggro to anything that gets close and the 'event surface' is across only one aspect of gameplay: ship combat. The FOTD is a terrible example: one crew has to be on the fort fighting the event, while everybody else has to fight only the half that's defending the FOTD-doers ship. Aggressors are set up to win, and defenders are at a tremendous disadvantage.

    Seriously - one minor loot change, though, and you solve these issues. I want to be the one cracking the fort and opening the vault, because then I'm guaranteed at least half the value of the stuff in there. I want to take down the ashen lord because even if you've thrashed my ship in the ocean, I'm going to get something out of the experience.

    It really is disheartening to spend a lovely evening doing something fun with friends to be denied your payout. It's merely annoying to lose a freshly spawned ship - but it's downright rage-inducing to get steamrolled by a better crew when you're just trying to get logged out for a night.

    Want fresh blood? Really reduce the failure penalty. Give people the understanding that - hey, if you fight? You get it all, but if you fight and lose? You still get half.. and watch people not immedately head off into the red sea.

    Reminder: There is absolutely no way to practice effectively in adventure mode. If you're a PVPer and you're up against a new player, or even someone who isn't who just hasn't had many encounters? You are not making their day more fun. They have zero incentive to fight you - you brought no treasure, you're better supplied, have better skills, and their experience is akin to a kitten getting mauled by a steamroller. OF COURSE they're not going to be happy with that! How is that fun?

    "Git good" doesn't make up for the frustration of the loss - so lessen the frustration of the loss, and I suspect you'll lessen calls for the losses to be removed entirely.

  • @jonahgrimm said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I would suggest that any 'fix' should be directed at two simple concepts:

    Want fresh blood? Really reduce the failure penalty. Give people the understanding that - hey, if you fight? You get it all, but if you fight and lose? You still get half.. and watch people not immedately head off into the red sea.

    There is reason why you can't open lets say you're captains chest at island and you have to sell it. Its so someone could steal it and leave you with nothing. "Loot isn't you'res before you cash it in" By giving losing side half of the gold that they got stolen from them (and them losing it was nobody's fault but their's) is like giving them participation medal for getting the last place.

  • @stundorn refusing to pvp is the issue. Your refusing to play the game. I get it you want pve servers but man I truly think it's lack of xp of combat. Granted on occasion I'll troll with fotd key and leave it somewhere in the shores of gold but i still wouldn't throw it away.
    If your gonna run away and go off the map because "I'm not good enough to beat them and it's toxic because they wanna steal my loot." just realize when the game was made they in no way shape or form imo intended for you to do that.

    By the time you hit around 10 mil meters you more then likely should own everything in the game?

    Right or wrong?

    So what is wrong with losing loot who cares.

    Learn to fight. "it's not about the gold its about the glory"

    Be More pirate

    And to be clear i don't care if you run. Deadwind is beatable.
    I could go on and on about this but I wont. I'll just tell you I make lfgs all the time. I'll invite the noobiest of noobs. Show them how to do a rowboat play. And they will just tell me that they never seen that before and it was the most fun they ever had

  • @Limend - and?

    This isn't a sport - it's a game about cartoon pirates making gold points.

    I run with new players constantly. They love the game - until the moment they're steamrolled, and then I lose them, potentially forever.

    Their gripe? "I did all that stuff - and there wasn't any point? I struggled and we fought giant megalodons and we did x thing or y thing.. and then this guy rolls up and we didn't even do anything?"

    I can laugh myself, or point out how it's a game about pirates, and we can do that too! .. but that new player just saw some guy come through and take everything from them. It takes time to learn that this game isn't about progression, or even gold - it's about those moments, and those experiences.

    If that one change gets more people to stay on your server, if that one change gets you more fights, and more interesting interactions - more daring pirates! - what diffeerence does it make? That's what we're all after - and gold game points can be rewarded without taking away from your experience.

  • @jonahgrimm said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @Limend - and?

    This isn't a sport - it's a game about cartoon pirates making gold points.

    If its only game about making more gold and nothing serious then it should be ok to loose all of it sometimes :) But i see you're point

    If that one change gets more people to stay on your server, if that one change gets you more fights, and more interesting interactions - more daring pirates! - what diffeerence does it make? That's what we're all after - and gold game points can be rewarded without taking away from your experience.

    If this would make them stay on server and start new voyage, maybe fight them again and again wouldn't that mean that they don't care about losing it anymore?
    If so why would they bother to fight anyway?

    I can laugh myself, or point out how it's a game about pirates, and we can do that too! .. but that new player just saw some guy come through and take everything from them. It takes time to learn that this game isn't about progression, or even gold - it's about those moments, and those experiences.>

    If game didn't have any progression what the point of getting loot then? We do it for gold and rep. But after that there isn't need for any of them so you do it for sake of it.
    Then only things left are mainly pvp and that way having fun.

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