New Idea for some clothing options (Maybe for PE but it can work for normal shops as well)

  • Hello, so this is my first forum post on this website, so excuse any wrong formatting.

    Anyways, I have had an idea about some new clothing sets.
    What if SoT added a clothing set tailored to each region of the world.
    For example, the wilds clothing set could be all mangey and such, and have a darker hue coloration;
    <img src="" alt="Sea Of Thieves Map - Galleon's Grave Outpost - Merchant Alliance Shopkeeper"/>
    Maybe for the Forsaken Shores, the outfit could be similar to the outfits worn by Captain Grace, and her crew (The ones with the sick necklaces).
    <img src="" alt="Stevie | The Sea of Thieves Wiki"/>
    <img src="" alt="Wednesday | The Sea of Thieves Wiki"/>
    In addition, there ould be one for the Shores of Gold, where the outfit appears to be similar as the ones worn by the skeletons that spawn there.
    <img src="" alt="Gold Hoarder Skeletons | The Sea of Thieves Wiki"/>
    Thats pretty much all I have to say about these outfits at the current time. To me, these outfits would bring such an awesome chance for roleplay and stuff. For example, I like to think my pirate kind of grew up in the wilds (Since he first started at Dagger Tooth Outpost).

    P.S. Sorry if the pictures don't load on the website page, they are just meant to be refferance photos.

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    fan artjust for fungeneral
  • This is a great idea. Now would they be different sets or more like reskins of the same item?

  • @rockaceyt
    In my eyes, I would like the Sets to be different articles of clothing, not a costume set. I think a completely new style of the set would look so good. With the clothing from the wilds, it would be different in design from the ones in the Shores of Plenty. A bit later I'll upload some ideas for the sets Such as I'll delve deeper into the outfit looks with each noticeable feature.

  • @endcore3224 Just a bit of information for ideas you might draw:

    The Gold Hoarders, Merchant Alliance, and Order of Souls, in lore, have a dominance over each section.

    GH for Ancient Isles

    MA for Shores of Plenty

    OOS for The Wilds.

  • @rockaceyt
    Oooh yeah, I forgot about the dominance of each faction.
    I might do a sketch later on down the road, but I really want this idea in SoT. I think it would improve the lore about the areas a lot better and add some more opportunities for some acting and what not for streamers and pirates alike.
    If I do send out a sketch, just remember that I am not some fantastic artist and a lot of people can do so much better, lol.
    But, I'll post it here if I ever draw it, for now I just hope that the mods/devs see this post and possibly add it to the game.

  • @endcore3224 I am literally drawing stuff right now.

  • An Ancient Isles outfit would be great, they could base it on the Ancient's fashion adding loads of gems and jewellery.

  • Ok, here is one idea for ancient isles, GH themed cause of the Dominance. Eyepatch has been enlarged, comes with its own tattoos. It is a little rough, drew it in like only ten minutes. Sorry for the bad quality I am no artist.

  • Alright, after a bit of sketching and drawing out a very rough sketch, I have made a concept idea for the Set. So far, this Set Piece contains; The Wild's Headband, Eyepatch, Jacket, Gloves, and Pegleg.
    Hope everyone likes it and sees my vision. Again, I am no artist, so try to personally imagine the concept
    alt text
    (Sorry for the quality as well)

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