Hello, so this is my first forum post on this website, so excuse any wrong formatting.
Anyways, I have had an idea about some new clothing sets.
What if SoT added a clothing set tailored to each region of the world.
For example, the wilds clothing set could be all mangey and such, and have a darker hue coloration;
<img src="https://www.seaofthievesmap.info/images/locations-large/217.jpg" alt="Sea Of Thieves Map - Galleon's Grave Outpost - Merchant Alliance Shopkeeper"/>
Maybe for the Forsaken Shores, the outfit could be similar to the outfits worn by Captain Grace, and her crew (The ones with the sick necklaces).
<img src="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/seaofthieves_gamepedia/images/7/74/Stevie.png/revision/latest?cb=20190807165739" alt="Stevie | The Sea of Thieves Wiki"/>
<img src="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/seaofthieves_gamepedia/images/d/d6/Wednesday.png/revision/latest?cb=20190807170845" alt="Wednesday | The Sea of Thieves Wiki"/>
In addition, there ould be one for the Shores of Gold, where the outfit appears to be similar as the ones worn by the skeletons that spawn there.
<img src="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/seaofthieves_gamepedia/images/9/9f/Gold_Hoarder_Skeletons.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20200914104023" alt="Gold Hoarder Skeletons | The Sea of Thieves Wiki"/>
Thats pretty much all I have to say about these outfits at the current time. To me, these outfits would bring such an awesome chance for roleplay and stuff. For example, I like to think my pirate kind of grew up in the wilds (Since he first started at Dagger Tooth Outpost).
P.S. Sorry if the pictures don't load on the website page, they are just meant to be refferance photos.