Sea of Griefers

  • I'd say this game was fun but it wasn't. I do not get the point of this game at all. Do the most boring activities for cosmetic progression while people are actively trying to ruin your day for no reason other than because it is the only fun thing to do. The most fun thing to do in this game is just grief other players who are just trying to make money. Ganking them in outposts is super fair to them by the way. They literally cannot do anything. Knock down their mast and fire on them till they sink and it's GUARANTEED to ruin thier day.
    I quit this game till there are safe zones at outposts, even if that means I never play it again. In a casual game, as a casual player, you have NO WAY of avoiding conflict with other players. What a waste of time this game was. Honestly one of the most poorly thought out and executed concepts I have ever laid hands upon. See ya.

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  • I don't think this is the game for you matey.

  • Actually you could just sail away when you see a ship

  • @luciansanchez82 completely agree. If he hates it so much why make the effort to join the forums to whine about it

  • and daily greets the groundhog.

    I quit Anno 1800 because a toxic NPC declared war against me.

    But i have to be fair. 2 years ago i start a similiar post here.
    Then start to understand the game mechanics and practice. Practice for defending myself as solo slooper, and practice for actively do PvP. Success.

  • @ponsot bye

  • Bye bye, never come back :D The game is clearly not for you and thats fine.

  • @ponsot You're new, so you're going to have some bad times to start. But, this isn't a game about beating other people because your level is higher.
    This is not a game you can pick up and instantly know everything about. You "literally" not being able to do anything is a result of your inexperience, not some failed game.

    you have NO WAY of avoiding conflict with other players

    You do, but you don't know about that yet.

    Do the most boring activities for cosmetic progression while people are actively trying to ruin your day for no reason other than because it is the only fun thing to do.

    The cosmetic progression has value because anyone can sink you at any time and take all of your loot. Without player threats this game would be just be an endless grind. Which is not the premise. If the activity you are doing is so boring, try another or try a different game.

    The most fun thing to do in this game is just grief other players who are just trying to make money.

    Not that you would have any experience with that... you haven't played that much. The game can be boring and unforgiving to start, but if you make it past the "noob" hump it's a whole different story.

    I'm going to end by mirroring a statement made by another poster, I forget who ( @Gunner-Rat maybe) .

    You should have researched the game before you bought it so you knew what you were getting into. The people who sunk you were playing as the game is intended, if you don't like that and you can't understand that, then this game isn't right for you. Avoid rash decisions next time.

  • @grumpyw01f said in Sea of Griefers:

    I'm going to end by mirroring a statement made by another poster, I forget who ( @Gunner-Rat maybe) .

    You should have researched the game before you bought it so you knew what you were getting into. The people who sunk you were playing as the game is intended, if you don't like that and you can't understand that, then this game isn't right for you. Avoid rash decisions next time.


    Yeah that's one of my very annoying style replies that induces cognitive dissonance lol.

    But to build on what has already been said and in reply to:

    @ponsot said in [Sea of Griefers]
    I'd say this game was fun but it wasn't.

    To you it's not. Too many, a majority even - it is.

    I do not get the point of this game at all.

    That's true- you don't.

    Do the most boring activities for cosmetic progression while people are actively trying to ruin your day for no reason other than because it is the only fun thing to do.

    It's almost like you bought it without doing any research...oh wait...oh no you di - ant.

    The most fun thing to do in this game is just grief other players who are just trying to make money. Ganking them in outposts is super fair to them by the way. They literally cannot do anything. Knock down their mast and fire on them till they sink and it's GUARANTEED to ruin thier day.

    So you are angry that you got demolished at an outpost and had your mast knocked down and your boat set on fire making you "lose" a pirate game...ok then.

    Well it did ruin your day - but only because you made a choice to let it.

    I quit this game till there are safe zones at outposts, even if that means I never play it again.

    A bit rash, but ok, cya then bucko.

    In a casual game, as a casual player, you have NO WAY of avoiding conflict with other players.

    Not true, you can sale away, scuttle your ship, be proactive in watching the horison for other ships, upskill your combat ability etc.

    What a waste of time this game was. Honestly one of the most poorly thought out and executed concepts I have ever laid hands upon. See ya.

    What a waste of time this post was. Honestly one of the most poorly thought out and executed feedback posts I have ever laid hands upon.

    See ya.

  • @ponsot Not sure why you had to make a post saying good bye to a bunch of people you dont know but ok bye!

  • @ponsot SoT isn't your type of game, swabbie. Try out this one instead! It seems more your pace.

  • @ponsot don't listen to the mean guys! they like drama, that's what they are here for...

    Consider playing open crew or use LFC on the discord server. It's more fun when you play with a crew even if they are random really. I'm solo 95% because i like to grind in my own bubble, but when i just want to play and chill, have fun, i (try to) join open crews. :)

    but if you're gone for good, well, stay safe and have a good life! 👋😊

    in case you were just a troll: #@$!🤬!!!!

  • While we understand your intention is to leave feedback and explain your reasons for leaving, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. We value your feedback, and if you want to make suggestions or offer your ideas to improve the game, please feel free to create a new topic in Feedback & Suggestions. This topic will now be locked

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