Saying Goodbye to The Arena

  • Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • @triheadedmonkey It's fine, it's my same old debate that led me to leave the game years ago and I only ever come back when new stories are written, you know, actual content.

    My only question is the people that want to pvp get that option to do so, correct? But those that do not want it are forced to do it? In what game design world does that make sense? Everquest, WoW, Final Fantasy XIV, and every single other massively multiplayer game to date has always had the option to choose to pvp or pve, and I've always done both but I want to be able to decide when I want to do pvp and I also want to be able to decide when I do not. I don't have the option at all right now and it's just silly not allowing that choice for your players (for when they get a bit older and slower reflexes naturally or even just tired and not wanting to focus on the horizon non stop for hours). You should give them that option... it's a super simple programming toggle.

    All I want is the choice to do it or not, a simple toggle and if that's not here, I won't play the game anymore for a good while until new story content is released. Love the story, hate the forced pvp design... I also won't do seasonal content anymore or purchase anything in the store. If I don't have a choice you don't get my money. I choose to not pay to play this game now... you see? Voting with my wallet...

    Back to Lost Ark, I guess.

  • @derekthegray said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    @triheadedmonkey It's fine, it's my same old debate that led me to leave the game years ago and I only ever come back when new stories are written, you know, actual content.

    My only question is the people that want to pvp get that option to do so, correct? But those that do not want it are forced to do it? In what game design world does that make sense? Everquest, WoW, Final Fantasy XIV, and every single other massively multiplayer game to date has always had the option to choose to pvp or pve,

    If you keep coming back after claiming you've left.. have you ever really left?

    Don't list 3 copy/paste formula mmo titles, and then go off about "every single other mmo in existence" having the option.. because you're wrong.

    Is SoT even and MMO for starters... when you're only in a world with at max.. 5 other crews of varying sizes? SoT isn't an MMO, it's a shared world adventure game. Built around the potential threat of anyone else out on the sea.

    It's really just on you. You're the one coming in to a game designed its particularly way for a reason, and complaining it doesn't suit you.. when it was never supposed to or intended to suit what you were looking for in the first place.

    You're like the journalists complaining Sekiro and difficult games designed that way because the challenge is intended NEED to make themselves easier and more accessible because "it's hard, and not for me, but I want to play it so it so they should make it suit me" when really.. if you're not ready to adapt, it's just not one for you.

    @derekthegray said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    All I want is the choice to do it or not, a simple toggle and if that's not here, I won't play the game anymore for a good while until new story content is released.

    There won't be. You'll have to settle for "leaving" and returning every time they do story content now. Which is going to be once a month.

  • I keep experiencing a lie in Arena - the chest is never actually where it says it is. Fellow pirates have informed me that this has been happening for years. It's no wonder the mode is so broken and nobody plays it (the way it's meant to be played). How can you win when you don't even know where the objective is?


  • @derekthegray
    When you split up PvE and PvP:

    • All players doing PvE go to the PvE servers
    • So the players on PvP servers fight over almost nothing.
    • Since there is no real threat for PvE players, everything becomes a useless, endless grind that means nothing for nobody.
    • Everyone quits because there is no fulfillment.
      These kinds of servers could never be implemented perfectly anyway, there's always an opportunity to ruin someone else's day or cheese the system.

    Here are the fundamental aspects of Sea of Thieves that you still need to learn:

    • Loot is not yours until you sell it.
    • Half the value of the loot is the risk you went through to get and sell it.
    • Sea of Thieves play focuses on player interaction, not just grinding.
    • It's not about strictly PvE or PvP. It's about PvEvP.
    • Other players on the horizon are an unknown quantity that brings nuance to every play session. If you do anything to the PvEvP nature of the game, you ruin the mystery of those interactions.
  • @galactic-geek said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    I keep experiencing a lie in Arena - the chest is never actually where it says it is. Fellow pirates have informed me that this has been happening for years. It's no wonder the mode is so broken and nobody plays it (the way it's meant to be played). How can you win when you don't even know where the objective is?


    As bad as that bug is, it just brings back a piece of OG Arena... Remembering who has what chests based on the information that the server gives you.
    You can also look at the mark on the map, but that's bugged as well, the actual location of the chest is at the top of the symbol, not where the icon points. So you have to zoom in to get the right position.

  • ROFL at "they must be using a targeting app"

  • @tre-oni I consider leaving WoW for months at a time leaving that game and I do the same for Sea of Thieves. Semantics? You're going to argue semantics. The choice should be there and it's not, so I DO leave and I'm gone now... Semantics?

  • Ahoy!

    This thread was created with the intention of people easily obtaining all of the information around the closure of The Arena.

    It was not intended for off-topic personal attacks and arguments.

    If your responses are not on topic, if you're using the thread to direct anger at the mods or at each other or the dev team, or if you can not simply be civil, we will be dropping anchor on this ahead of the orginally planned date of March 10th.

    There are only a few weeks left of Arena. Everything I have shared here is our final decision and will not be changed, so why not use these last few weeks to celebrate the time we have had in The Arena over the last three years, the commendations, last minute wins, stories you've created and friends you have made?

    Any more attacks or off-topic arguing and I will drop anchor.


  • @meroviel I once won a game by 5 points. The other ship and I were neck and neck after they stole the chest. Our ship had drifted too far out to get any more points and they were on the turn in ship firing the cannons. Green passed by, couple of shots, still behind. Then somehow, no other ships had passed them by, and they couldn't get any more points.

  • @meroviel

    Could you please clarify the achievement situation and what "legacy" actually means in terms of 100% achievement completion from March 10th?
    I feel like the clarification needs... clarification 😂🤷‍♂️☠️

  • @meroviel said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:

    There are only a few weeks left of Arena. Everything I have shared here is our final decision and will not be changed, so why not use these last few weeks to celebrate the time we have had in The Arena over the last three years, the commendations, last minute wins, stories you've created and friends you have made?

    This isn't an attack or an attempt at an arguement or anything.. but what's to be expected when by admission 2% of users interacted with arena? It's pretty clear an overwhelming majority unfortunately just clearly haven't had many if any great memories, or much to celebrate regarding arena.

    And then you'll have the people upset, or losing it over the achievements, commendations, recolours, or cut off period of the ship sets.

    There's just no way this thread would stay on the topic of celebrating arena with so little of a userbase in the first place, and the drama surrounding the removal of achievements, reskins, cutoff period, or anything else detailed in the removal.

    We're all pretty much aware its a final decision, as it should be, but I think you'll be hard pressed to keep this thread going as an arena celebrating send off tbh. Anybody who cares and enjoys arena sees only negatives in nearly all of this, and any of us who don't care about arena are either indifferent, or freaking out about PvE

    I think talking about arena, and putting to bed people's concerns about the effects its closure will have on PvE are still on topic in a thread talking about its closure, but that's just me personally. I don't see the value in potentially locking a thread that gets away from celebrating its time at this point, so close to its closure, when we're really only likely to have.. at most the likely 2% who would really celebrate it or have many memories with it anyway.

    I kinda just can't wait for this all to be over, and to go back to the game just being the game. No modes. No alternative game types. Just adventure. People are going to realize quickly.. aside from not being able to play arena, not much will have changed regarding their experience. It'll probably even change for the better if anything.. when adventure is the absolute sole focus.

  • @tre-oni

    I could not agree with you more :D

    I kinda just can't wait for this all to be over

  • @meroviel said in Saying Goodbye to The Arena:


    This thread was created with the intention of people easily obtaining all of the information around the closure of The Arena.

    It was not intended for off-topic personal attacks and arguments.

    If your responses are not on topic, if you're using the thread to direct anger at the mods or at each other or the dev team, or if you can not simply be civil, we will be dropping anchor on this ahead of the orginally planned date of March 10th.

    There are only a few weeks left of Arena. Everything I have shared here is our final decision and will not be changed, so why not use these last few weeks to celebrate the time we have had in The Arena over the last three years, the commendations, last minute wins, stories you've created and friends you have made?

    Any more attacks or off-topic arguing and I will drop anchor.


    J0toro just close this thread since most people here can't have a civil discussion with each other, it will be better for you and the Mod team so you can use your team resources for something better instead of monitoring this thread. In this thread all i see is personal attacks, arguments, negative and off-topic posts. From the 32 posts each page has only the 1-2 posts are about obtaining all of the information around the closure of The Arena or share your Arena memories.

  • @chettlar

    Think you're over exaggerating a bit. Nobody is censoring anything. Everybody is free to express their approval or disapproval but in a civil manner.

    I personally do not like to see Arena go, and would have much rather preferred if it was fixed and cared for instead. But hey, it's Rare's world, and therefore, their rules. Dislike their actions/decisions? You are a free person, you have no attendence obligations as a user/community member.

  • I’ve never played arena mode but I hope this doesn’t just send a wave of sweat lords onto the regular server

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