Would you be interested in "Sea of Thieves 2"?

  • So yeah, I highly doubt Sea of Thieves 2 to release in the next like 5 years, it will probably never exist and is not even in Rare's mind, BUT, let's say one day they announce Sea of Thieves 2, what would you think?

    I personally would love to start over in a completely different map, let's say like 100 years have passed and many islands became different, some do not exist anymore and new islands emerged or have been built.
    I loved exploring the gaming during my first month or 2, unfortunately there has been nothing new to explore since then for me, the only thing that made me feel the same thing was just the first Pirates of the Caribbean Tall Tale; shrines didn't really gave me that feel. So yeah, I would personally love to start over and explore a new Sea with possibly new or enhanced mechanics as they'd be able to build the foundations of the game with all the knowledge and experience made with SoT. Obviously it would have much less content on launch compared to SoT, anyway... what do you guys think?

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  • As many hours as I have in this game I doubt I would get into a #2.

    It's like a remake or a long after sequel to an original. I'm not against them but they aren't really aimed at me.

    Because of the brand being more known and bigger now it would have to be a different experience than what I enjoyed about this game earlier on.

    It would be big and beautiful but it's likely to be missing the true grind that this game has had in the past. It would be appealing to a wider audience and with that comes sacrifice.

  • I'd be interested but it would need to be completely different to what we are seeing recently. For me at least, everything we have so far in the game I consider to be early game or experimental. The game would need to stop focusing and catering to new players and casual players and stop creating mediocre shallow content. The game needs to be better organized and have better scaling, so as to provide all players a way to learn and master the mechanics so that when players level in rep, voyages start to challenge them in exciting ways that not only tests them, but provide them with twists to continue playing through the narrative of voyages as well as expose them to greater epic combat situations (Like fighting on top of a spire, ontop or inside a moving giant platform, a dark cave, wrecked ship, a man of war, a town, a whirlpool, etxc . For their to be a sequel, a few things would need to be worked out first. I can brake those things down into specific components listed below:

    Treasure would need too be better organized, with themes not being interchangeable (That includes Athena voyages being the sole provider of phantom treasure, goes well with the theme and it's higher quality treasure than their counterparts). Treasure rewards would need to be organized with higher difficulty challenges or longer (multi parts) voyages providing more rare and higher quantity gold. Furthermore, no voyages should provide instantaneous gold upon completion, all gold should be received from selling treasure or opening chests. This is to say that instant gold rewards are extremely restrictive.

    Weapons and tools
    More variety of weapons and tools wether they may be an actual flare gun, a swing shot, a sluggish hand cannon, etc...
    Furthermore weapons and tools should be more useful for combat, traversal, platforming, and puzzle solving. Examples: such as Lanterns should be used to see in the dark or gain different colors to open different lit areas, to see hidden mirage or dark pathways, and to light more trigger torches (perhaps with corresponding different colors for more complex puzzles). Instruments should be used to actually open gates through corresponding rhythm puzzles, emotes used for Simon says type of puzzles. Weapons to solve solve "bulls eye" activating mechanism for doors, gates, or even bosses (Hitting the bulls eye on an environmental object in the boss arena to weaken said boss or make them vulnerable).

    This includes more varied enemy and boss types including varied enemy abilities. So far we have the same generic abilities for most enemies and bosses, for a sequel there must be enemies with smarter AI, enemies abilities such drinking grog and spew flames out with a torch or phantoms that can hover around, or enemies that can transition between land and water or even board ships. Furthermore, this includes more specialized enemies showing up in voyages at higher difficulties, not simply the same enemy behaving like a meat tank.

    Voyages should be more complex and entertaining in terms of story telling, platforming, exploration, and combat. Each sub goal or challenge completed should provide a small amount of treasure. (The example for this is too long, I have an idea on how they should work in the first topic post I ever created, just go there, on my profile, to get an idea of what I mean if it interests you). Furthermore, this includes a better system for voyages, with more complex voyages scaling with reputation level, and sub goals rewarding more and rarer treasure as one progresses through it. Voyage distance length would need to be reduced. Merchant alliance and the hunters call (fishing) should be merged together. End game would need to actually have meaningful content and epic lore, not just a copy and paste rehash combo mix of what is already in the game but with boosted health for enemies.

    More advanced ship designs, with ability to customize railings, masts, decks per level, ship lanterns, captains quarters (Beds rugs, open/closing doors, table, chair, etc), back of the ship balcony area or back of the ship design, etc. Overall the game should have less focus on purchasable cosmetics or microtransaction stores.

    All exploits would need to be removed. Sword lunging exploit should be the normal substitution to regular lunging, no portal hopping, Red Sea dumping, faster bucketing, or shoveling, or moon jumping, or quick weapon swap, or silent ladder climbing, no tricks. Play fare and transparent, either learn the mechanics or fail type of deal.

  • I'd rather see them continue to iterate with the game as it is. It might need a rebuild at some point and a move to UE5 (not that it would be trivial, considering Rare uses a lot of customised tools, but Epic has at least lessened the hurdles).

    Instead of a sequel, I would love to see spin off games set in the same world. I've mentioned before my dream of an adventure RPG (single player and co-op) set in the Sea of Thieves. Microsoft has so many RPG studios now that getting one of them involved could make for something special.

  • @realstyli

    Actually never thought of this, spin offs could be very interesting. I also can see some interesting ideas for the community like a more PvE COOP focused game, I can see a lot of people would enjoy that.

  • Absolutely. The content isn’t robust enough anymore and the devs are limited with the OG Xbox one. I’ve lost interest particularly because I feel like the game transitioned to “we want to make meaningful content” to “look at this cosmetic my sweet child, buy it!” It’s far more costume contest than role play.

  • I think it could work as a spin off. Like maybe "Sea of Thieves: Battle Royale" or "Sea of Thieves: New Horizons". Basically using the same foundation but a different game experience, in the above cases, a BR game or an exploration game, etc.

  • I rather they just release a overhaul update that changes everything. Keep the original game, idc buy the update and go with that.

  • @pellahh As Rare's game Everwild will be an online game, probably PvEvP as well, I guess this will be some kind of SoT2, just without the ships...

    Before release it has been said, SoT will be supported for 10 years, so we have at least 6 years to go...if a SoT2 will come, it would need a few years between the end of SoT and the launch of SoT2...

  • Ahoy!

    I have seen with follow up games, rarely do as good as the original game. I used to play an MMO and after 4 years they made a second version of the game .... it wasn't a pretty sight as it never harvested a lot of players and eventually killed both the original game and the second. I won't mention the game :P but yeah, sea of thieves 2 would be a bad idea. Yes people would be excited and play it for a bit, but they will eventually go back to the original game. Nothing can beat the original game. :)


  • @realstyli said in Would you be interested in "Sea of Thieves 2"?:

    I'd rather see them continue to iterate with the game as it is. It might need a rebuild at some point and a move to UE5 (not that it would be trivial, considering Rare uses a lot of customised tools, but Epic has at least lessened the hurdles).

    Instead of a sequel, I would love to see spin off games set in the same world. I've mentioned before my dream of an adventure RPG (single player and co-op) set in the Sea of Thieves. Microsoft has so many RPG studios now that getting one of them involved could make for something special.

    Perhaps it would interest you to know that Rare is an official affiliate/partner (not sure of the actual term) of UE5 alongside many other game studios. My guess is perhaps they’re planning to use UE5 for Everwild?

  • @gundy-the-shark That's most likely the case, though you have to wonder if maybe one day they'll go through the process of porting sot to ue5. I wonder how much of a benefit it would be for them to port it or if it wouldn't even be worth it.

  • @burnbacon

    Yeah, I would love if they overhauled some parts of the game, this said, I'm not an expert but wouldn't it be easier for them to make the systems from scratch for a second title instead of changing stuff on an already existing game? Genuinely asking.

  • @coyote4711 Ahoy matey! Be careful what you say, where you say it... This is not an Insider post and so the NDA applies!

  • @musicmee oh sorry, i must have confused that, my bad. i'll pay more attention now

  • @gundy-the-shark

    Aye, I saw the logo during the Unreal 5 event. My guess at the time was Everwild, but I don't know how far along that is or if it was started on UE5. It could be an unannounced project either.

  • @peony7185 I don't think it'd be that much of a benefit for them to update.

    The way I see it, (unless Microsoft were to bring this game to other platforms) this game has probably maxed out its potential/playerbase.

    If players haven't had interest playing before, I really doubt a new game engine would entice players to start up (especially if Rare did nothing to address all of the other issues brought up in this thread.).

  • I loved exploring the gaming during my first month or 2, unfortunately there has been nothing new to explore since then for me, the only thing that made me feel the same thing was just the first Pirates of the Caribbean Tall Tale; shrines didn't really gave me that feel. So yeah, I would personally love to start over and explore a new Sea

    ...and be thoroughly entertained for another month of two?

    If you got that jaded with Sea of Thieves in such a short time, I doubt any " Sea of Thieves 2" would hold your interest for long either. You would be calling for # 3 soon enough.

  • @surveyorpete

    I've almost 2000 hours on this game, it's not like I lost my interest on the game after my first two months, it's just that I love exploring new world when I get really interested in it. That type of experience usually just happen as a new player, when everything is new, like I got very immersed in the world of Grounded, Dragon Age Origins, Dark Souls 1, Mass Effect Trilogy, Cyberpunk 2077, all Dishonored games, Prey, Arx Fatalis, Skyrim and The Witcher 1 and 3.

    It's a unique type of experience and usually won't happen a second time within the same game, believe me if it would be possible I'd erase my memory and start this adventure from the start. As said I don't play Sea of Thieves for that reason now, otherwise I wouldn't played the game for almost 2k hours, and I'm aware it probably won't happen again, but I love the game so much that I really hope to have that experience of discovery with this game again.

    Also to me it doesn't really matter how much time a game keeps me interested as long as I feel like the quality of the time spent was good, I'm not the guy who crave for new content, I've got so much games that I still have to play that I don't feel the need for a specific game to always have stuff to do.
    My first Dishonored 1 run lasted just about 12 hours, I have now about 130 hours on that game as I enjoyed it so much I played it over and over (+DLCs got released)
    Sorry got a bit lost, basically yeah... I'm aware that type of experience happens only once per game, so I wouldn't crave for a SoT 3 right after exploring all SoT 2. I'm thinking of it now because I've been playing this game for over 3 years.

  • If character cosmetics transferred over than sure else not really no. I don't want to just restart my grind randomly for no reason at all. If they made a SoT2 in a new engine than sure a new game would be nice, may run better and be more expansive, but at the end of the day it will still be the same SoT experience.

  • @nitroxien I view this as an ever-evolving game with A LOT of story left to tell. I don't really foresee this as something in need of a sequel. I think they could take the pirate concept and come up with a new idea for how the game work work/unfold... maybe focus on just pvp... or maybe make it more of a large scale mmo type pirate game along the lines of Pirates of the Burning Sea was. Or, maybe redo the story of Curse of Monkey Island but with the updated engines, etc, to make it an epic experience.... heck, now that they've done pirates of the Caribbean I even hope to see Monkey Island make an appearance in SoT.

    But yeah, I don't think there's any point whatsoever in recreating a similar concept in a whole new sequel... Again, I think this game has a whole lot of story left to tell, and I think any future game should be completely different, even if it is pirate based.

  • So hear me out
    SOT 2, but all the cosmetics and items you got in SOT 1 are there, and locked behind, and now all you can earn as new players are the things in sot 2. I’d be down

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