Athena 30 and beyond

  • Hello everyone!

    I have sold my soul, taken my nolife sadman photos, and made it to Athena 30 the other day doing 9 gilded athena missions, many emissary missions when possible, gold rush hours taken advantage of, 1 ship sunk with 1 athena and the 3 items aboard ( only 1 opportunity to steal a chest sadly ), and many many veil missions..

    I then began to realize and pay attention to.. the Belles bathwater ( Someone else used the reference on here and I liked it ) and the other less likely to acquire item commendation grind.
    Over the course of the entire grind, many choices were made along the way such as, skipping any loot during the shipwreck mission that was not found before the key was discovered ( leaving loot behind), or ignoring all non athena items etc in order to try to speed up the process of farming these specific items and the voyage completion aswell.
    it seems that we need 100 of these items which would be an absolutely insane grind,
    I do not know how many people are really into knocking out the commendations super fast / efficiently, but I was hoping a few might chime in and perhaps would have discovered or will discover over time, ways to make the voyage completions and/or farming the items, faster.

    Anyone have any tips, discoveries, or ideas?

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