After hearing pirate about ‘A hunter's Cry', stuck ship on Portal

  • Hi, i started 'A Hunter's Cry' adventure, passed by portal, heard pirate about the quest and my ship stuck a long time near the portal. Maybe i can't set sail while npc is talking.. maybe...

    ship stuck

    After some minutes, my ship was teleported to a random outpost. I also received many area announcements (e.g. The Reaper's Hideout) while my ship didn't moved an inch on this outpost.

    • The Reaper's Hideout
    • The North Star Seapost
    • Run Runner Isle

    Since i got a bugged session, i decided to quit it and retry tomorrow.

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  • Had the exact same thing happen to me yesterday.

    Usually if I can’t get in to The Hunters Cry instance and then spawn back to an outpost is normal but I spawned exactly at the same outpost you did and had all those island names come up. Only happened once so far.

  • @chorabr try it without captaincy

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