Decided to try another method of gaining rep. Yesterday I was running from every ship and most left after I informed them of what I was doing, only running away and out sailing them. They'd leave or give chase for 45 minutes to 1 or 2 hours for some. Today I tried a solo brig and a bit of gally.
After going at it for a few hours here are the numbers:
Day 1:
Queue times for brigs are the fastest, quickest to get a match.
Always entered with no emissary at a grade 0, if I did win I lowered at an Outpost.
Always lift anchor and start moving away from islands ASAP.
You must be sunk by either enemy players, NPCs or keg (you can use it on your own ship even). Scuttle or flee the zone and you wont get the rep.
Won 5 battles from players leaving (gives only half a level @ grade 0, if I'm not mistaken when they leave the zone), 1 of the wins being a solo brig vs solo brig.
Losing 13-14 games under 45 minutes will net you 1 full level.
AFKing while searching for a match will kick and give you "Lazybeard"
Out of about 50+ crews I'd say about 7 killed on sight without question of what I was doing.
I got matched with certain teams more then once, one team 3 times. They knew the drill and we chilled while they asked about my rep grind.
During peak 1 minute queue times for Reapers you can approximately cut that time down to 30 minutes per level.
Empty all your supplies and they sink you faster.
Had 1 battle start with me caught in the middle from 2 invaders right after I won a battle. I helped the fellow Reaper sink the Athena.
Day 2:
You can get the same crew multiple times, now on day 2 of doing this I got one crew 5 times in a row.
Throwing fire down, anchor and prep for battle as they try to board to take your supplies.
You will in fact continue getting the same amount of rep per loss all the way to 100, contrary to what others have said.
MMR seems to be grouping low win rate crews with 5-6 wins and 20 losses or entirely new to the Battle crews that are just starting to PvP.
Day 3:
Still getting quick queues the entire time at 1 minute if that.
Getting crews that are still new to the battle or low W/L ratio.
Switching to a "Sailor" outfit helps crews end you faster and not even take your supplies.
Allowing the enemy to fill the side of your boat with holes and not anchoring might be the faster play if you slow down at the start I'm seeing.
Seeing the message "An opponent could not be found, use the war map to search for a new battle"
The queue timer is majorly off tonight with its timing or something, got the same team 20* times (Edit: Matched up more against them more)so far back to back with an original from my first night another 5 times earlier.
Day 4:
Queues are either great and instant or I sit there 2-3 minutes
Finding you sink faster with buckets being tossed in with a few holes, I've found online its 1% per bucket
Day 5:
Level 50 at the end of day 4. First match I get is another solo brig. I defeat them and earn 1 and a quarter of a level taking me into 51.
Region is playing a major part in the queues.
Team wins is what seems to be the next factor.
Still facing nothing but end game Pirate Legends who also have maxxed out rep.
Queues can bug out. Streamers are being told to lower at 4 wins. Yet I sit in a queue for 5 minutes when it says less than 1 minute? Drop queue and try again.
If the above method still doesn't find a game then I suggest leaving game and start a new lobby.
Day 6:
Queue times can be crazy, I think switching to another size boat with a lower queue time might help speed things up
We are now at a rate after 50-55 of 1/28th of a level per loss.
Ended my solo runs at 60 and went to 72 on a sloop crew.
I'm now getting a rate of 1/32 after 70.
Day 7
Current rate is 1/28 of a level per loss
Check page 3 for the table of some numbers of XP per level. ( Credit to OndrejBakan)
Got to 76 and called it early, XpRequiredToAttain Level 77: 15788
Day 8
Got to level 80 solo brig, tired of low rep I switched to solo sloop to 85
Friend got on and we finished the night at 95 and a half with duos, 2 wins to 96 and almost there.
Xp Required To Attain 97: 17271
Was able to finish the rest running some more solo sloops to 100.
I know going solo sloop and getting the early jump on someone can net more in a matter of minutes but I wanted to chill and watch the final 5 episodes of The Walking Dead without having to focus too much. This was all done remotely using a wireless Xbox controller and Steam Link to my PC from the couch or on PC.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Easy passive rep without complete focus while I watch TV, go outside with remote play or use the toilet.
Q: Why a brig? Why not sloop or gally?
A: Faster queues at times and get sunk faster vs a solo sloop where people run away.
Q: How much do you earn?
A: About 1 level per 30 minutes with decent queue times. Can jump to 45 minutes or an hour if queues die/bug out, thats mostly at the early morning hours.
Credit to @OndrejBakan for the XP table with another XP tracked Google doc from him on page 3.
560 xp for losing
4200 xp for win
4675 for 2nd win in a row
5160 for 3rd win in a row
5688 for 4th win in a row
6600 for 5th win in a row
Q: You get more from winning don't you?
A: Yes but I would have to solo sloop, collect supplies, focus, sink them ect ect
Q: How do you get games so fast?
A: 3 factors: Region, # Guardians in queue with 0-20ish wins and speed you can get into queue.
Q: How do you get sunk so fast?
A: Sword to your brig, bring anchor up first, sails down and queue ASAP. Once in a game try to stop at the start near seagulls, might have a keg you can harpoon. Explain quickly to the other team you're doing a solo brig strat and go from there. Rinse and repeat.
Q: What level at you now?
A: Just hit level 52(at time of writing and getting a free win) at the start of night 5 of doing this. Day 1 of update I was running away from ships for wins.
Q: Are you playing at all?
A: I'm playing the entire time, talking with other pirates and helping them out with supplies. When my crew gets on is when the try hard pants get put on.
Q: Doesn't it get boring?
A: I'm earning rep, some gold from the wins I do get and having a good time while at sea with other pirates. What else could I ask for besides the curse at 100. Plus I play with a crew later in night for a bit.
Q: Deranking in other games is frowned upon isn't that what you're are doing?
A: I'm playing the game at a low entry level against pirates who have many hours in the game. If anything its getting them closer to a curse while I get a tiny bit for just being there. A participation trophy.
Q: Wouldn't it boost the other team higher then they should be?
A: Not to a point that it would really matter due to regions, queue time and them just moving on to actual try hard pirates at their level.
Q: How are you getting wins as a solo brig?
A: I'll battle other solo brigs. 7-0 W/L at the moment. While also getting some rep from ships also losing/sailing out of bounds or free sinks doing what I'm doing. I've also found sometimes when I invade there is an empty ship parked at outposts for a free win, got 2 to 3 of those so far.
Q: Why Servants of the Flame first?
A: Queue times are faster and I want that skeleton curse.
Q: What about Guardian rep?
A: I'm level 20 almost with accidental queues and playing a bit with my crew.
Q: How many games have you lost?
A: My guess is about 350 or so.
Q: How do you play remotely?
A: Steam Link app or Xbox Remote play. Pair my Xbox controller to my phone or PC when I'm home. Astro A50s to talk in game if others talk to me or chat features/emotes while using my phone.
Q: How do I give more?
A: Find storage crates on a beach? Fill them up with your supplies and some teams will understand to not bucket your brig and let nature run it's course.
Final Notes on Servants side 📝:
Was a fun little experiment. It can be done purely 100% with losses but takes forever. It felt like I earned 75% of my levels from the wins in very little time and 25% from giving away wins over a long period of time.
Had I tried the entire time it would have gone faster, hence the final push solo sloop and with my crew as we got near 100.
Now for the Guardians of Athena Fortune next:
Decided I'm getting it with a sloop and trying for just wins. While I watch separately The Walking Dead.