So I thought of something a while back, why is Flameheart able summon ships from the sea of the damned but the pirate lord can't isn't ghost stuff like his main thing? and since he's had the veil of the ancients for a while now it should be even easier for him to do it we know that some of those affiliated with the pirate lord can use the Sea of the damned as a form of travel such as belle, and most likely the mysterious stranger in the tavern
Lord Ramsey questions
Flameheart manifested that fleet from the sea of the damned in his time there. He basically has learned to use the sea of the damned to his advantage and can manifest memories and armies to do his bidding. Thats where the ghost forts came from as well, they were basically his manifestations from the sea of the damned that were pushed to the living world.
Ramsey tends to spend his time in his tavern being jolly and sharing tales, and he seems to warn caution when it comes to the sea of the damned, so he may be against the idea of utilizing manifestations in the way flameheart does.
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