SOT's Pumpkins 2017?

  • Last year I spent hours making a stencil for the lovely guys and gals at Rare only to bring one out you could print off. Anyone have any SOT pumpkin ideas for Halloween next month?
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    Once completed we can share them here.

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  • Im thinking maybe sharks encircling a swimming pirate or Captain bones with his sly smile?

  • @i-mr-stuff-i Dude nice carving! Never thought about doing SoT style pumpkins. How about a ship being attacked by the Kraken?

  • @i-mr-stuff-i
    That is really well done!
    Now i kinda want to do a SoT-themed Pumpkin as well, great idea.

  • @i-mr-stuff-i Oh wow! Great idea... Hadn't thought of doing this at all... Off to get a pumpkin first thing!

  • The fish bones would be a good one. That and a Tankard.

  • I would like the Mad Monkey logo (as seen at E3 2016 and on Sprinty John's chest).

  • @i-mr-stuff-i

    That looks really effective!

    Few more ideas in this thread from last year including some stencils!

  • I really want to go for something that will be a challenge.

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  • @gradedclover504 Perhaps...could be something fun for the community.

  • I definitely would try my hand at carving some more pumpkins!

  • @GradedClover504 @I-Mr-stuff-I Here..I made it official:

  • @jediknightxiii
    I have spent the most part of today doodling and drawing my stencils 😎

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