How to equip Ship titles and banners?

  • So I keep seeing that I'm unlocking ship titles and banners while I play, I look around all over and can't find how to buy them and equip them, so I try to use Google and it says that I have to do it through the ship milestones system, and again I don't see anything about equipping them and nothing online explains how to equip them just unlock them. Some videos show that they go to the ship customization chest and they're all there but are locked but when I look in the chest it shows nothing but the default ones and the ones I bought in the emporium, but none of the ones it says I've unlocked. Is this a glitch or am I missing something?

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  • Chest next to shipwright. Decorations.

  • @peteloaf777 I guess you don't know how to read.

  • I might be mis-remembering, but you may need to be using a Captaincy ship to use the ship titles/banners - are you?

  • @knurd9369 yep I have 3 captained ships

  • I have the exact same issue. none of them showing and I know I have unlocked them but they dont show anywhere! I have way over 100 levels on some of the milestones

  • I am also having this issue, I have titles, banners and logbook items milestones reached but everything in the decorations chest at the shipwrights is locked and I'm unable to equip.
    How do we unlock them or is this a known bug?

  • I am having the same issue as well, I don't know if I myself am doing something wrong but I seem to have none unlocked other than the default, despite me being in class 994 for some

  • OP, is this your issue:
    "Unlocked Ship Milestones rewards not showing for some players in their ships inventories" from Known Issues

  • @nshade1v said in How to equip Ship titles and banners?:

    OP, is this your issue:
    "Unlocked Ship Milestones rewards not showing for some players in their ships inventories" from Known Issues

    Woop-There-It-Is!!!! Lol

  • @slimmmmcity so did this get fixed cos I'm having the same issue it's really annoying and the link sent isn't working anymore

  • @flauntyclient16

    I think I know what's happening. When your in that Ship Customization chest next to the Ship Right try to change your banner to something else and manually save that banner to your ship just like you do with the ship cosmetics/sails ECT...

  • Hey man I was having the same problem but just figured it out after a while. My game was a bit bugged.

    I don’t know if you figured it out after but go to the ship customization chest, select decorations, scroll all the way right next to ship banner, and it should show a medal like symbol next to it to signify titles.

    If you have any issues beyond that maybe restart or contact the devs if all else fails. Hope this helps!

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