Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?

  • Currently it seems like all Faction Loot is reduced by 85-90% so best community weekend ever.
    Don't waste your time, The Developers don't like the community. Instead of letting the exploits pass on community weekend so normal players are not affected they nerf every Loot.
    I hope they refund us for this waste of time today with another community weekend next week or so.

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  • Let's hope this signals Rare taking (more proper and quicker) actions against exploits in the game, so next community day we'll get the proper rewards.

  • This is what happens when people dismiss extreme cheesing and pve focused exploiting as a "play style that doesn't hurt anyone" in a risk/reward game.

    It's happened for years. Cheesing and exploiting pve are not playstyles, they are cheating the system that we rely on (in organic play) for healthy ecosystems on servers.

    People should face rollbacks but many won't. The organic environment pays the cost for cheesing.

    It's also ridiculously hypocritical for veteran players to cheese everything they do and then turn around and condescendingly tell players without connections to "get good" "pvp is a part of the game"

    Cheesing and exploiting are not playstyles, they do harm the environment, selfish spin on cheesing will never change the reality of it.

    It harms significance greatly, it harms ledgers, it harms community events, but hey, the same people cheesing got another box of secrets outta the deal, and probably a few of them...through cheesing.

  • @kingmaxi958996
    Just turned in my 2nd Siren Skull for 100k did one earlier for 65k.

  • The Exploits aren't the problem here. The problem is that they punish every player currently.

    Exploits that don't harm other players aren't so dramatically that you punsih every one playing. just let them do it and shorten there playtime i don't care and so should you. Exploits are often only found and used(abused) because the normal Methode is not rewarding enough.
    Like in Minecraft with Spawnerfarms and other stuff, but here also no one forces you to do it if you don't want to use them, but often in the end you will use one of it because your goals cannot be achieved by the normal game play.

    Really don't understand why you all start blaming the people that just try to play the game the way they want to play? They don't harm you.

  • @kingmaxi958996 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    The Exploits aren't the problem here. The problem is that they punish every player currently.

    Exploits that don't harm other players aren't so dramatically that you punsih every one playing. just let them do it and shorten there playtime i don't care and so should you. Exploits are often only found and used(abused) because the normal Methode is not rewarding enough.
    Like in Minecraft with Spawnerfarms and other stuff, but here also no one forces you to do it if you don't want to use them, but often in the end you will use one of it because your goals cannot be achieved by the normal game play.

    Really don't understand why you all start blaming the people that just try to play the game the way they want to play? They don't harm you.

    Rare is at least showing a tiny bit of accountability here by addressing it at least a little bit.

    Time for players (especially veteran players) to take accountability for what they are doing and what they are causing in this game.

    Players have been openly flaunting cheesing and exploiting a long time but especially season 11. This is on people that defend cheesing as a playstyle and those that participate in it.

    I agree that punishing all is not ideal, that's why I think extreme intentional cheesing should have always been rolled back when caught, now and in the future. It's very easy to detect, it's very obvious in data.

  • @kingmaxi958996 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    The Exploits aren't the problem here. The problem is that they punish every player currently.

    Exploits that don't harm other players aren't so dramatically that you punsih every one playing.

    Emissary leaderboards - people who cheese the emissaries keep people who don't excploit out of the high(er) ranks. So yes, exploits do harm other players.

    just let them do it and shorten there playtime i don't care and so should you. Exploits are often only found and used(abused) because the normal Methode is not rewarding enough.

    No, people use exploits because they're greedy and/or lazy. I've seen Beard, LD and Kev take down an exploiter and sink their loot ... it was a crazy amout of loot that littered the waters. That has nothing to do with not rewarding enough, it was Greed.

    Like in Minecraft with Spawnerfarms and other stuff, but here also no one forces you to do it if you don't want to use them, but often in the end you will use one of it because your goals cannot be achieved by the normal game play.

    Really don't understand why you all start blaming the people that just try to play the game the way they want to play? They don't harm you.

    See above.

  • The cheesing really only hurts the cheesers.

    It doesn’t affect me at all.

    I play 100% organically and all my ledgers are done.

    Sad that they want to burn through their distinctions so loot doesn’t matter to them again.

    I truly don’t understand the mindset of PvE exploits.

    SoT should last another four years at least and people feel the need to get all distinctions for all companies as fast as humanly possible.

    Why? There’s no point.

    For Rare to punish everybody for the acts of a few is totalitarian nonsense. Poor leadership. Kinda sad.

  • @meekkitten64978 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    The cheesing really only hurts the cheesers.

    It doesn’t affect me at all.

    I play 100% organically and all my ledgers are done.

    Sad that they want to burn through their distinctions so loot doesn’t matter to them again.

    I truly don’t understand the mindset of PvE exploits.

    SoT should last another four years at least and people feel the need to get all distinctions for all companies as fast as humanly possible.

    Why? There’s no point.

    For Rare to punish everybody for the acts of a few is totalitarian nonsense. Poor leadership. Kinda sad.

    I'm not sure how people are facing the consequences of cheesing and still rolling with the "it doesn't hurt anyone" spin

    this is literally a clear example of what it leads to, in large part to people dismissing it, lol

    If people took a principled stance on it and stuck up for the environment rather than what benefits them and their friends then Rare would have more community pressure to not let it get out of control, like it has been doing for a long time.

  • @wolfmanbush

    No poor leadership on behalf of Rare is what caused this.

    PvE exploits literally hurt no one but the cheesers.

    Rare should have went on YouTube found out who is producing videos teaching these exploits and yellowbeard them.

  • @meekkitten64978 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:


    No poor leadership on behalf of Rare is what caused this.

    PvE exploits literally hurt no one but the cheesers.

    Rare should have went on YouTube found out who is producing videos teaching these exploits and yellowbeard them.

    It's a risk/reward environment that depends on all of us participating in "balanced" content.

    It's wild to suggest that people killing off significance and altering participation in a way that harms many if not most of the servers does not harm others.

    This game does not function as it is built without addressing cheesing and exploiting in serious ways, like rolling back progress for those that are doing it.

  • Maybe...just maybe...unpopular opinion here...

    Play the game because you enjoy the (expletive) game?

    How dare.

  • @pithyrumble said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    Maybe...just maybe...unpopular opinion here...

    Play the game because you enjoy the (expletive) game?

    How dare.

    Aye - doing random stuff still got me nice value for the things I found as well.

  • @wolfmanbush

    The people exploiting still have to sell the treasure. They are still at risk of being attacked. Actually they are more at risk because the greed for more treasure equals more time spent doing the exploit rather than just doing one activity and selling immediately.

    You don’t like cheese and neither do I but that doesn’t change the fact that PvE exploits hurt nobody except for the cheesers themselves.

    It’s not wild it’s common sense.

    The gatekeeping is always extreme no matter what the topic is.

    Rare released an update with PvE vulnerabilities because they simplified voyages to an extreme and insiders clearly don’t report exploits because they would rather wait til they can use them in retail.

    For Rare to punish everybody is horrible leadership.

    I would rather have distinctions progress gated by seasons like the Chest of Fortune commendation is rather than a massive temporary blanket nerf.

    Impulsive decisions are usually bad.

  • @lem0n-curry

    Island hopping pays more than Athena cheese.
    Is OP stuuuuu....mmm
    My bad.

  • @meekkitten64978 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    Impulsive decisions are usually bad.

    The cheesing has been going on all season, they are going light on people.

    They could have made it real clear that they don't want it happening if they wanted to, easy to detect who is doing it.

    This is light punishment

    and it's not even really much punishment for those that aren't actively cheesing or around friends that are cheesing.

    Just made it easier for me to leave a few pieces of loot behind so I don't gotta run it through a field of geysers.

  • @wolfmanbush

    It’s a punishment that affects everyone and during community weekend.

    The leadership @rareltd is garbage.

    I didn’t notice the nerf because I spent my time fishing. Going for that Legendary Hunter title during a time when fishing is as lucrative as it possibly could be.

    But if I did do a veil for example and I was hit with a gold/rep punishment I would be livid.

    I guess just focus on commendations and you won’t be upset is the best advice I can give anyone for the remainder of the event.

  • @meekkitten64978 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:


    It’s a punishment that affects everyone and during community weekend.

    The leadership @rareltd is garbage.

    I definitely disagree with how they handle some things, especially with cheesing in this game, but they are doing the best they can with a community that disagrees.

    I defend what I think is right but people aren't bad for disagreeing or making decisions I disagree with. I'll just keep defending how I see things and they will keep doing their best, no beef, just disagreement. It ain't personal, I know people are just doing what they think they gotta do, devs and players.

    It's just as easy to find agreement on other topics and awesome changes and improvements.

    Entire point of community day is that even though we disagree and sometimes strongly, we are still in it together and should still be there for one another if the opportunity ever arises, supportive, encouraging, constructively critical.

    Same goes for the people cheesing, it's not personal. People love SoT, they get passionate, they feel they are doing what is right and acceptable, it's just disagreement on this topic.

  • @meekkitten64978

    Leadership is not garbage.
    I will defend this hill even tho my particular playstyle has been hamstrung. Along with a LOT of other playstyles that would have absolutely fallen under tools not rules.

  • Better solution…

    Rollback any players who have achieved a reputation higher than distinction 2 back to the start of distinction 2 aka level 201 in Gold Hoarder’s, Order of Souls, Merchant Alliance or Reaper’s Bones.

    Rollback any players who have achieved a reputation higher than distinction 1 in Athena’s Fortune back to the start of distinction 1 aka level 101.

    I’ve been grinding Athena hard and 100% legit and I’m only rep level 96 I think. I’m within top 1000 globally in the ledgers.

    Only allow up to one distinction earned per company per season.

    Nobody gets punished. Distinctions are no longer cheesed only gold.

    Community weekend back to normal.

    Fix the exploits. But keep the distinctions progress gated by season like the Chest of Fortune commendation.

  • @meekkitten64978 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    Better solution…

    Rollback any players who have achieved a reputation higher than distinction 2 back to the start of distinction 2 aka level 200 in Gold Hoarder’s, Order of Souls, Merchant Alliance or Reaper’s Bones.

    Rollback any players who have achieved a reputation higher than distinction 1 in Athena’s Fortune back to the start of distinction 1 aka level 100.

    I’ve been grinding Athena hard and 100% legit and I’m only rep level 96 I think. I’m within top 1000 globally in the ledgers.

    Only allow up to one distinction earned per season.

    Nobody gets punished. Distinctions are no longer cheesed only gold.

    Community weekend back to normal.

    Fix the exploits. But keep the distinctions progress gated by season.

    The change largely targets a specific exploit and doesn't change a whole lot for everyone else.

    Pretty much the only ones that will notice it in any serious way are the people that were/are doing what they shouldn't be doing.

    People that play organically shouldn't notice much at all.

  • @wolfmanbush

    LDSylvr used a method of canceling cargo voyages to reach distinction v in less than one season of time.

    There’s a gold hoarder vault exploit in the roar.

    There’s a sea fort exploit that can be used for any company.

    Rare intended these distinctions to keep us busy for some time.

    My suggestion would only affect players who very likely used exploits to earn distinctions much faster than intended and resets their progress to a state where theoretically it could have been obtained without using the exploit over the length of season 11.

    So nobody gets mad and everybody still has distinctions to earn in future seasons.

    Community weekend isn’t ruined.

    This a much better solution.

  • @meekkitten64978 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    Community weekend isn’t ruined.

    Why is it ruined? I'm against the cheesing, I disagree with how Rare has handled it, I disagree with cheesing out the box of secrets for these events, didn't ruin the event though.

    I just did what I wanted to do even in disagreement.

    It's about community, I enjoy it in the game, here, around the game because the community participates. That's the point of the weekend. I'd rather have people cheesing stuff than an empty sea.

    Ruined is when something serious happens to people, for a while.

    The rest of this is just playing a game and chillin'. It's not ruined, nothing that serious happened, thank goodness.

  • @wolfmanbush

    There’s zero point in playing (other than commendation grinding) if reputation gains are nerfed by 90% other than fishing and hourglass assuming both of those aren’t affected.

    Like I just said there’s a PvE exploit for every company.

    The better solution is a progress rollback after the exploits are fixed.

    For now just let people do it and think they get to keep all the progress.

  • Community day but only for developers.

  • @meekkitten64978 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:


    There’s zero point in playing (other than commendation grinding) if reputation gains are nerfed by 90% other than fishing and hourglass assuming both of those aren’t affected.

    Like I just said there’s a PvE exploit for every company.

    The better solution is a progress rollback after the exploits are fixed.

    For now just let people do it and think they get to keep all the progress.

    the point is to have fun lol

    this game, a different game, offline, outside

    whatever feels right for that day

    many of us have been caught in the cycle of treating the game or community participation like it's a job but for the majority it isn't. I love chillin' on my sloop, huntin' some big sharks, sounds of the environment, other players doing whatever they do. That's my point in playing.

  • @wolfmanbush

    The newest sea fort ploit is absurd. Works for any company and is crazy efficient. Based on how sea fort treasury keys are universal (not fort specific) and how dying in the game resets the island.

    The only decent solution is a progress rollback after it’s fixed. I hope the other ploits are fixed too.

    If Rare is feeling generous they could roll people back to distinction 2 for the companies with a previous max rep of 75 and distinction 1 for AF.

    If Rare is feeling a little taken advantage of and disappointed in the cheesers roll everyone back to distinction 1 for all companies.

    To me it doesn’t matter because I just enjoy the session.

    Nerfing community weekend is not a good solution.


  • Athena loot is now worth less than a cooked splashtail. I didn't do the exploit but I'm still being punished for other people doing it.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    @kingmaxi958996 said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    The Exploits aren't the problem here. The problem is that they punish every player currently.

    Exploits that don't harm other players aren't so dramatically that you punsih every one playing.

    Emissary leaderboards - people who cheese the emissaries keep people who don't excploit out of the high(er) ranks. So yes, exploits do harm other players.

    just let them do it and shorten there playtime i don't care and so should you. Exploits are often only found and used(abused) because the normal Methode is not rewarding enough.

    No, people use exploits because they're greedy and/or lazy. I've seen Beard, LD and Kev take down an exploiter and sink their loot ... it was a crazy amout of loot that littered the waters. That has nothing to do with not rewarding enough, it was Greed.

    Like in Minecraft with Spawnerfarms and other stuff, but here also no one forces you to do it if you don't want to use them, but often in the end you will use one of it because your goals cannot be achieved by the normal game play.

    Really don't understand why you all start blaming the people that just try to play the game the way they want to play? They don't harm you.

    See above

    Agree, the cheese impacts leaderboards, also the cheese stacks impact server performance negatively. I was trying to do HG earlier and there was as 3rd party grade 5 athena at nearby seafort. The server was very unstable, I'm pretty sure they were doing it.

  • @chronomagnus said in Community Weekend = -90% Loot value?:

    Athena loot is now worth less than a cooked splashtail. I didn't do the exploit but I'm still being punished for other people doing it.

    It would be easier to simply remove the room key altogether for now, than de-valuing the loot, no? I'm no programmer but maybe that's not an option?

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