September 19th Update - State of Play

  • @tesiccl
    Most of the exploits somehow make it to retail even though they are not part of Insider and It suprises me how it's even possible.

  • @nikoskoul27 said in September 19th Update - State of Play:

    @sonicbob fix the menu bug too if u can its been there for almost 5 years like jesus do better.

    It is annoying having to fix settings such as mouse sens, other crews vc, server auth hit-markers, etc. every time I load in.

  • @melone-dog This is not true. The NDA specifically allows you to submit footage for ONLY bug reporting.

  • I’m glad this was handled quickly, that there was communication about it, and that there are other bugs being noticed. That being said, this is definitely a pattern of something deeper going on in your release pipeline and/or bug testing/reporting system. It’s crazy to me that bugs this significant and game-breaking are being missed and discovered by players hours, or even MINUTES after release. These should easily be caught by simple internal testing after the initial change is made. I don’t know anything about Rare’s internal processes but I’ve worked in development long enough to see that the math ain’t mathing.

    Social media tends to fall into either blind positivity or extreme hostility at the state of this game so it’s hard to gauge opinions en masse, but even to people outside of that environment like myself, the cracks are starting to show. This is the only game where my friends and I have on more than one occasion said “we shouldn’t play this right now, it’s too buggy.” Invisible geometry, quests being broken, invisible ship parts, server performance that makes Nintendo’s P2P look decent, broken enemy/shark spawn rates and AI, map tables crashing servers, incorrect localization, bugs that let you see ships anywhere, issues with dive events and loot, getting stuck in purchase menus… we’ve seen all of this and more and it is gradually wearing tolerance thin. Add in cheaters and extremely toxic players and everything feels even worse.

    My friends and I have a lot of fun with Sea of Thieves, but this is definitely becoming a pattern, and something needs to change for the better before players start to hit their breaking point. I understand that’s easier said than done, but when an update comes out and my first thought is “what’s gonna be broken this time?”, something is very wrong.

  • "quality bar you strive for"

    If the bar is always already low, getting over it isn't much of an achievement.

    This game has turned out like an abusive relationship, they promise they wont cheat and they'll love you forever and we just sit here and smile watching it over and over again.

    If you want to show you are trying, stop ALL work on the emporium as it is now and fix the game before you even think of advertising for it or adding stuff to it.

    I'll never buy anything from it again nor will be crew, but it would go a long way.

  • @gracie-grog6769

    People that work on the emporium items are not the same people that work on game health, its the same as using an electrician to fix plumbing ssues.

  • @oldreclaimer

    Then remove some of the emporium creators and use the funds to get some people that can actually fix the game.

  • @sonicbob thank you

  • @gracie-grog6769 Im sorry. I understand that the issues are frustrating... but Sea of Thieves is unlike anything that has come before it... which in turn makes things way more complicated to fix.

    Also, just firing the artists working on Emporium Sets and "Hiring more Bug Fixers" isn't going to help at all. It's not like a Masonry project, where having more people laying down bricks will speed up the process. It's more like playing a collaborative version of an extremely elaborate Jenga game... if you have too many people moving pieces and placing them back up on top, someone will undoubtedly miss what someone else may have done and cause everything to collapse.

    I have put a few thousand hours into this game, and while I do admit that there have been frustrations (Though more with the toxicity of some members of the community than actual game issues) and I have taken a few steps back from the seas to focus on Darktide and Hunt: Showdown with their recent updates... I look forward to putting my time into this game again with everything they are trying to improve and also implement.

  • I was hoping that the missing ship shadows would get a high priority hotfix, it looks jarring.

    Also the xbox game bar has been broken for steam users ever since EAC got implemented.

  • @reverend-toast thankyou for the well thought out post!

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