Why can't we bind multiple settings to the same key?
Sure indicate us that it's already in use but let us do it anyway.
You could also make it so we can bind mutliple tools to the same key and cycle (like for instruments).
For exemple we could set a unique tool interaction button. Instead of having separate menu keys.
We could have all tools have their menu/interaction on the R key.
Want to recharge the double-canon pistol? R.
Want to open the music selection? Hold R.
Cycle through instruments? R.
Want to open the throwable items menu when holding one? Hold R.
Cycle through throwable? R.
Open the blow dart menu? R.
Want to put a worm on your fishing rod? Hold R.
With mutiple tools on the same key we could easily swap our tools!
Have the same key for the Shovel and the Compass. Be a renown explorer!
Have the same key for the Bucket and Planks. Be the best at repairing your boat!
Have the same key for the Lamp and the Megaphone. To better communicate with other pirates!
Have the same key for cannon ball and throwables. Be a feared cannoneer!
Allow us to bind mutliple tools to the same key and cycle through them.