FOV slider

  • Please for the love of god can you guys increase the max fov on pc. It's almost unbearable playing on 90 fov when every other game I play has a better fov slider like Rainbow Six Siege and Call of Duty. The pvp is nearly impossible to keep up with because I'm so zoomed in that everyone flies off my screen like it's nothing, and plus theres so many FOV cheaters that play in 130 and gives such an advantage to them. A FOV increase could help combat these cheaters by making it slightly more fair and overall more enjoyable because I feel like I can't see anything on my screen. On top of that please fix the sensitivity settings, there should be a sensitivity setting for cannons, my sens is 1.5 which has me turn decently fast but once I'm on a cannon it's like I have to swipe 50 times to get to where I want to aim at. There should honestly just be a sensitivity revamp because it feels like I have mouse acceleration on when I play and the aiming down sights speed to general mouse sensitivity seems to have such a poor conversion, mind you, I play on 1200 DPI. Overall I feel like you guys just need to have a PVP revamp because these liabilities make the game unenjoyable. Thank you - Douglas

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  • @douzg The ability to modify FoV beyond the in-game limits was never intentional and has been removed in order to restore the intended settings of Sea of Thieves.

    The game is designed for 90 FoV Maximum, anything beyond that looks distorted and broken.

    There are no intentions to change this in future.

    Dropping Anchor on this thread.

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