What legendary sea creatures would you like to see besides the kraken?

  • So it seems the few that are well known are

    1. Kraken
    2. Moby D**k

    and I'm wondering if rare will add some unknown mythical creatures, they say they want us to have stories to tell and that these creatures will offer us these unique stories.

    I'd like to see some that aren't as popular or not too known...I don't think they necessarily have to be all violent but here is some that I thought were pretty cool.

    1. Umibozu - Feared by many, the Umibozu is a large sea monster that, without warning, emerges from the sea surface and destroy any nearby ship either by smashing its hulls or capsizing it. Before it appears, it infuriates the sea waves and weather conditions, creating the most horrific circumstances possible for its victims.

    The legend describes Umibozu as a humanoid giant with a body that consists of black skin and a bighead with a pair of huge eyes.

    Abaia - Abaia is described in Melanesian mythology as a large eel-like monster that lives in the bottoms of freshwater lakes in the Fiji, Solomon and Vanuatu Islands. The legend says that Abaia considers all of creatures in the lake as its children. Therefore, it killed anyone who attempted to harm or disturb them. In one legend, a man discovered a lake abundant with fish. However, the man was unaware that at the bottom of the lake lived the extremely protective Abaia.

    I feel this one is good if people fish like crazy that it would disturb some type of protective creature, lol.

    Abraham Ortelius - a whale-like creature that looks fearsome, but actually fights off other more dangerous beasts to save fishermen.

    so which ones would you like to see or would you have RARE just create some of their own

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  • Sea Serpents?

  • @chosen-predator The first thing that came to mind personally was Jörmungandr, solely because im infatuated with norse mythology l**o, its the world serpent, but eh then there would have to be a bunch of other stuff l**o, because of how in depth the myth surrounding it is, so that idea is bunk but like @stalkrates had said sea serpents in general sound like they would be a cool addition :)

  • @stalkrates yeah serpents would be great seeing quite a few pirate maps with them on there

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  • @fsg-hades i knew i saw that some where! it was on this god of war trailer right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKHiyKx7qLY ?

  • Godzilla for the laughs

  • i saw some rock paintings of large birds picking up pirates off ships imo that would be cool

  • Megalodon-Prehistoric shark of gargantuan proportions. Dwells by the surface after defeating Moby Richard

  • To be honest, big legendaries are ALWAYS cool, but I wanna see smaller things, too. Sirens, kelpies, selkies, that sort of thing.

    For big legendaries...maybe a turtle with an island on its back? Whether it's hostile or not would be up to the devs, I guess.

  • @twitchingglitch a big moving turtle with an island on it would be cool. You can only find it by luck and have to sneak onto the island without alarming the turtle or it goes under water.

  • Good point.
    Moby d...k would be awesome.
    Sea serpents ok with that. One created by RARE, awesome too.
    All good ideas.

  • Really huge megalodon with a chest hidden inside its stomach and explorable having to be defeated in coordination from the inside and outside.

    A giant bird too where we can mount on it to beat it or cross some winds after taming it.

  • Never thought about a giant turtle it kind of reminds me Xenoblade Chronicles 2 where there is huge ecosystems on giant titans, I wouldn't mind that all.

    I also like the smaller mythical creature ideas

    1. Yacuruna -In the Amazon legends, Yacuruna are water dwelling people who resemble human beings. They are often described as hairy creatures with deformed feet and heads turned backwards. Occasionally, the Yacuruna are accompanied by other creatures such as serpents or crocodiles.

    make sure you dont get to drunk or they will kidnap and make you one of them lol


  • The legendary nessy that would be entertaining, there should be some rare sighting as well like Red dead redemption would have the Yeti or GTA had big foot, little things like that should be all over the game lol

  • @chosen-predator I think Sea Sirens would be a neat idea

  • King Kong and Godzilla........

  • @chosen-predator

    I would love t' see Nipper the Giant Hermit Crab from th' RARE game Banjo & Kazooie from its level Treasure Trove Cove!

    An' make Nipper immune t' ranged attacks so you have t' get close with yer sword.

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    ~Captain Maximillian Zeus
    of the Maximillian Pride

  • @maximillianzeus makes sense i've even heard SPINAL from killer instinct, perhaps he should be the king of the skeletons lol

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    hell even the stage looks straight out of SEA OF THIEVES lol

  • @chosen-predator

    OH YES! Please ALL of that!!

    Oh and if you liked the Nipper idea you should see my Treasure Trove Cove as an island thread.

  • I feel like sea serpents are a must. Giant shark, Sea serpent and a Krakken... I feel like that would actually be enough to have variety (different tactics required for survival) and not so much as to be overwhelming.

    I think in the same vein of functionality, having a couple of legendary vessels crewed by AI (a la the Flying Dutchman) would be a nice addition. OO! What if the devs logged on once in a while AS the crew of the overpowered Flying Dutchman! That would give it the adaptation as to be clever and unpredictable....

    I just got myself really excited (in non-sexual terms).

  • @farfignu I actually made a thread (it got zero response) about the devs playing storyline characters that make appearances in the world, perhaps voice acted by someone and the devs are controlling the deck..it would make for one hell of a unique experience the last time a dev actually played the storyline characters in a game was Richard Garriot for Ultima Online - lord british and his arch enemy was another Dev Blackthorne.

  • @chosen-predator Definitely Sea Serpents, thatd be really neat to run into a couple of those.

    I'd also like to see a big crab monster, a big turtle monster,
    and a crocodile monster for some of the marshy islands

  • @chosen-predator Rare, if you are listening, I hereby submit a theoretical resume of voice acting skills to play a story character. Call me any time. ;)

  • @farfignu

    Sure those three could be enough but with as large of a map as this is (potentially bigger upon the full launch), it would be cool to see a large variety of such creatures. Remember not all creatures have to be directly combat oriented like the giant turtle mentioned above.

    I would suggest 8-10 different types of large creatures BUT only 3 or so can be on one server at a time and eventually will cycle through.

  • sirens or mermades/men as in i belive greek might be viking mythological she/he sings a beautiful melody atrecting salers beautiful bodys till you get close then shows as enemy lol, pesiden king of the sea have him yell before a huge storm comes in i can go on for day, legndery
    weopnes look depends on area random and superpowers its still a game luck of the roll kinda thing oh sea dragon, lyvithens, sea kings pirot eara

  • @maximillianzeus I think having the limited number and scarcity of appearance would be better, and here's why:

    Modern logic tells us that there were no such-type creatures, right? Stories of them came from a mishap in a storm or possibly a drunken misunderstanding, then legends grew through word of mouth. I think that having a small number, but especially considerably rare appearance rates, would help lend the 'legendary' element to the tale. Imagine, after turning in your chests, sitting in the tavern drinking while someone tells an enthralling tale of the time that they barely survived an encounter with an enormous serpent that split their ship in two.... After hearing that, and others chiming in with "A friend once talked to someone that saw that happen to another ship a long way off...", etc. ... after that, your eyes would be peeled on the seas for the possible chance that this giant serpent may come for you, too....

    Well, that was a longer-than-intended description. But yes, I think more rarity with end-all be-all creatures is better.

  • Ok, so we have so far: WITH PICTURES

    Mythological Masters of the Sea:

    • Davy Jones
    • Posidon

    Mythological Predator Creatures:

    Mythological Non-Combative Creatures:

    Mythological Non-Giant Creatures:

    • Sirens
    • Yacuruna (couldn't find a good picture)
    • Harpies
    • Flesh Eating Mermaids (that lure players to them by appearing like normal mermaids)

    Giant Versions of Real Sea Creatures:

    Giant Land and Air Monsters:

    • The Giant Chicken
    • Giant Vuture

    Prehistoric Creatures:

    Other Boss Battles:

    Environmental Events:

    • Giant 200 Foot Wave that can even blanket certain islands completely for a few seconds.
  • and those all don't have to be in the game at the same time rare can put them in to add content surprises, so we know 100 percent that the kraken is going to be one of the first one in the game. I don't think we should be able to kill this kraken the first time we meet him, hopefully DECADES of experience makes it smart enough to know when to flee ..perhaps it changes through whatever pirates are lucky enough to ever encounter it.

    So i see legendary ones being spectacles and big events for players to run into ... and if the devs want everyone to see him before he disappears again they can do a huge event.

    I already feel Unibozu is in the game ..that storm seems like a symbiot life form is moving inside of it, it's Unibozu choice to show if he wants to appear and you'll know it by the storm being worse then it usually is

    but yeah it can be rare occasions and some could be frequent

  • @roshkavp said in What legendary sea creatures would you like to see besides the kraken?:

    sirens or mermades/men as in i belive greek might be viking mythological she/he sings a beautiful melody atrecting salers beautiful bodys till you get close then shows as enemy lol, pesiden king of the sea have him yell before a huge storm comes in i can go on for day, legndery
    weopnes look depends on area random and superpowers its still a game luck of the roll kinda thing oh sea dragon, lyvithens, sea kings pirot eara

    I had been mulling how to implement Sirens (from Greek--you're right) mythology. They were said to sing so enticingly as to lure sailors to leap from ships or steer them into deadly rocks. Obviously without some actual enchantment, players would just say "Oh, that's a Siren" and avoid them. BUT while reading your post I had a brainwave.

    What if the 'Sirens' appeared on an island. A ship steers toward it, the crew maybe hearing a faint melody on the breeze. The island looks like it has a harbor, maybe some chests just sitting on the beach, and then KAPOW the jagged rocks that, up until then the game did not allow you to see punch giant holes in the hull of your ship!

    Moral of the story: Visual tricks could mimic a Siren's call.

  • They may not be legendary, but schools of dolphins that mimic actual dolphin behavior would be a nice touch. I see being close to your ship with a legendary haul, looking in the water only to see a shark bearing down on you, only to suddenly be saved by Flipper and friends who beat the bejeezus out of the shark(s).

  • Also on the not of Merfolk: I am hoping for a few small merfolk villages under the waves.

  • @farfignu

    Considering that this game is entirely based around the stereotypes that pirates have and the fact that we fight actual magical skeletons it should be expected that the number of unrealistic monsters to exist in the game would be increased. This is not a game about real life pirates and what they would or would not encounter, this is a fantasy game about the romanticizing of pirates.

    However I think that you are right in that the encounters should be rare and memorable.

    Then let us decrease the amount of monsters per server to say 1 then give it a long time in between the monster would switch say 30 days in game. Then lets decrease the odd that you would actually find one. All that should prevent over exposure to a sea monster.

  • @farfignu that would be cool

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