@gamema5terpat har har , thats good me hearty. now lets hope th' servers will be back again afore th' beta ends. Unteil then I shall enjoy me rum. Arrrr
Server maintainence?
@arturr0 said in Server maintainence?:
@gamema5terpat har har , thats good me hearty. now lets hope th' servers will be back again afore th' beta ends. Unteil then I shall enjoy me rum. Arrrr
I'ma try to head to bed. I know I've said that 100 times. But I'm starting to go. Haha
@jclivininiquity ok I swear I didn't read your commont that's just weird righthow we both tyed the same movie quote
@timmyv I am experiencing: click SOT icon. Splashscreen with grey border, lasts for about 3 seconds then the game closes. Is that whats going on with you? Just before the matchmaker issue it was working fine.
@vbeagle Yeah, that's exactly what is happening with me as well. Mine was working before the maintenance too.
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