Server maintainence?

  • @gamema5terpat har har , thats good me hearty. now lets hope th' servers will be back again afore th' beta ends. Unteil then I shall enjoy me rum. Arrrr

  • Mr hamond I think were back in business...


  • @arturr0 said in Server maintainence?:

    @gamema5terpat har har , thats good me hearty. now lets hope th' servers will be back again afore th' beta ends. Unteil then I shall enjoy me rum. Arrrr

    I'ma try to head to bed. I know I've said that 100 times. But I'm starting to go. Haha

  • I'm in! Friend me lets play!

  • Been waiting throughout the night; time for some sleep :|

  • My game still won't start up. Anyone else experiencing this?

  • HALLELUJAH! ITS WORKING! brace yeselve's lads

  • @jclivininiquity ok I swear I didn't read your commont that's just weird righthow we both tyed the same movie quote

  • @unorthodactyl Lets Play dude!

  • @timmyv I am experiencing: click SOT icon. Splashscreen with grey border, lasts for about 3 seconds then the game closes. Is that whats going on with you? Just before the matchmaker issue it was working fine.

  • @vbeagle Yeah, that's exactly what is happening with me as well. Mine was working before the maintenance too.

  • Servers are back Online!

    Thank you all for your support and understanding while Rare was working on getting everything back up and running! Get back out there all ye scallywags and plunder them Sea of Thieves!

    I am closing this down as the maintenance is complete!

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