Coordinated Search for the Pirate Legends Tavern

  • Since quite a few of us are going to be looking for it, let's post which islands we've visited and any information we've collected, such as whether the island has a waterfall, or a locked entrance to something below the surface, or both. If an island definitely doesn't contain the Tavern, post that. If you're not sure, post that too. The biggest islands are the most likely. I've heard a few people talking about Thieves' Haven as a potential spot, but any of the large islands can also work.

    Happy hunting!

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  • I heard it was an unmarked island. If you get enough people you could assign grids to everyone.

  • @mattydove74 Good idea. Anyone who finds an unmarked island on their journey, mark off the map coordinates and give information.

    Unmarked K14: Nothing there.

  • @mattydove74 I doubt it's unmakred as it would be a large island. They said you sail in and out of a waterfall so it has to be big enough to fit that.

    It;s likely one of the larger outposts or one of the largest islands in the game.

  • Thieves' Haven: There are some small to medium waterfalls, but I didn't find anything that seemed to be an entrance. I'd say it's unlikely to house the Tavern. The place is big enough that I could've missed something. Inconclusive.

    Booty Island: Not big enough

    Mutineer Rock: Not big enough

    Devil's Ridge: Big enough, has some waterfalls, has an underground cave system, did not find an entrance. Also, none of the waterfalls seem big enough. Note: The waterfall on the west side has a potential chest (mine was a Captain's about 3/4 of the way up).

    Unmarked Q24: It's a big rock, nope.

  • I'm betting that you can get to it by a Small Cave if you walk, but Any Waterfall That's big Enough, I know of 3 islands, you can go passed it, unless you unlocked it. I'm betting. Also the 4 Uncharted islands/Sunken Temple that i know of are not big enough for it.

  • Nothing on Kraken's Fall that I could see. It has a large cove but no types of waterfalls or anything else interesting aside from the many Kraken skeletons.

  • Unmarked N21: Big rock archway, nothing useful.

    Plunder Outpost: No waterfalls. Side note, just lost 6 chests to server disconnect. Whoops. Didn't even get to turn in my Captain's Chest.

  • I have my suspicions about Devil's Ridge. I noticed that the hallway to the main cave with the tall ceilings has an activated trap with someone who had long died because of it. Another trap can be found deeper inside the cave. There is also a waterfall inside this cave system, as well as a waterfall with an exit to the cave, although it's definitely not big enough for a ship, and cannot be entered by foot due to it's height. However, the first chamber you walk into seems to have a path cut out into the ground leading to the wall of the cave.. almost like a door is supposed to be there? The first chamber just seems so empty compared to the second with the hog skull and the drawings and pottery.

    Why is this chamber empty? Why does the floor look like it's leading to something? Why are their traps and so many skeletons laying around this cave?

  • @psych0-knightro I was also curious about the traps there.

    I found this on Crook's Hollow. It's got a fairly large waterfall, but I was kicked from the server before finishing exploration. There is also a medium cave system. So far Crook's Hollow and Devil's Ridge show minor promise.


  • At work right now (yeah I know..) but my suspicious is Mermaid's Hideaway.

  • @dellaint Those skulls are from an ingame event that lead to a shipwreck with very good chests

  • In my opinion that hideway should be somewhere in the middle of the map... due to the fact that they said that this will be 1 port when you can park your ship, so center of the map should be the same way for other map areas.. I will start from center.

  • @zakne

    That's a good place to start, but my money is on the hideout being somewhere in The Ancient Isles, or the Southern part of the map.

    Also I forgot to mention that first suspicious cavern I was talking about has water dripping from the ceiling, and the rock that seems to possibly be a door is covered in glowing blue stuff. I swam in the bay of Devil's Ridge and noticed the ground there is very deep, and it looks like there are channels cut out, almost like if a ship is supposed to pass through them.

  • @mattydove74

  • @dellaint The skull there is a remnant from the Gamescom Live event, there are also 7 others scattered across the world.

  • So, I was thinking... One thing we need to take in account is this... It could VERY well be behind a Rock Face as well..

    BUT This is the BIGGEST thing... we sail the SHIP out of the island.. so the Place where we sail out of has to be DEEP enough for a 4 man vessel.. so If there is SAND all the way around the Island it's already no go. Need to find an Island, that has Rock touching the see on the map.

  • Anyone else seen the locked door at Kraken's Watchtower?

    I need a key to get in.

  • @airtuba4

    Those are for the Raids that will be coming after launch.

  • @rgbknights Thanks

  • @dellaint I had a look around the waterfall in crooks hollow and found there is a small kind of tunnel inside the waterfall more like a really big ledge. But the name as well "crooks Hollow" the inside of the island is hollow, big enough for a tavern, a ship?

  • Marked Islands

    • Discovery Ridge - but the East side small waterfall could be something.
    • Plunder Valley - nothing
    • Wanderers Refuge - nothing
    • Mermaid's Hideaway - nothing
    • Sea Dog's Rest - nothing
    • Lagoon of Whispers nothing
    • Crescent Isle - nothing
    • Keel Haul Fort - nothing
    • Rapier Cay - nothing
    • Lone Cove - nothing
    • Crooked Masts - nothing @General-Carnage


    • Dagger Tooth - nothing, no waterfalls
    • Plunder - nothing, no waterfalls

    Unmarked Islands

    • K14 - nothing
    • S/T 16 - nothing
  • I know its not conected to this topic but where be the reef they been talkin bout eh?

  • I have personally searched (on land and the the depths around) every island, rock, and grid point but found nothing that I could see definitively relating to the hideout. But I'm never giving up. :P

  • @mate-fh3 said in Coordinated Search for the Pirate Legends Tavern:

    I know its not conected to this topic but where be the reef they been talkin bout eh?

    one at 16 S/T

  • @daphonic thank you

  • Crooked Masts - nothing

  • You have to be lost to find something that cannot be found otherwise, everyone else would know where it is - Captain Barbossa

  • @drugged-bmo said in Coordinated Search for the Pirate Legends Tavern:

    You have to be lost to find something that cannot be found otherwise, everyone else would know where it is - Captain Barbossa

    I'm dissapointed in the lack of PotC quotes so far on this forum, so thank you.

    I wondering, since once many players eventually become pirate legends there will be a lot of traffic at this legendary hideout, maybe the hideout is player specific, with each player's hideout being in one of several locations across the map. Its seems odd that legendary pirates would share thier hideouts. Which means that this methodical searching would not be so effective.

    Also are people actualy sailing their ships into the waterfalls that might fit the bill? I wouldn't risk just close up inspection incase its a door that can only be pushed open by a ship. Ram em in there. Be thorough.

  • @inbred-chimera The wording of the devs in some media articles strongly implies there is one pirate hideout. Something about "this hidden area, by the way, was in the closed beta, but no-one discovered it" makes me think it's in one place. Even if it isn't, we can be 90% sure it's not instanced out because the devs don't want safe zones. That means that if there are multiple places it can be, it would be in all of them, which makes our search a lot easier.

    The more I look at the gif from that article the more I think that waterfall is completely underwater. It's too difficult to hide a waterfall that big otherwise. That waterfall is huge compared to the ones I've seen in game.

  • Crescent Isle: Nothing
    Sailor's Bounty: Nothing
    Smuggler's Bay: Nothing

  • Seriously? Don't people read?

    To find the island you have to be a pirate legend. Otherwise it's invisible or out of phase or something. In other words impossible.

    To become a pirate legend you have to raise your reputation with all three factions. Currently there is only one.

    Yeah have fun with that.

  • @casesugar401098 Make sure you've informed yourself correctly.
    Devs themselves said that it's in the beta and they were surprised that nobody has found it.

    How could they be surprised if nobody was able to become a legend yet..

  • Found 3 caves,
    2 aztecs
    1 some kind of pirate in center of map

    but no secret hideout ;|...still searching...

  • but what if....

    (purely speculative as I have no clue myself)

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