Screen ShARRe - Your Best Sea of Thieves Screenshots!

  • Ahoy thar Fo'Rum!

    Another play test done and dusted and I'm seeing some really fun and creative pictures from the Pirates time at Sea, far and wide across the different social platforms.
    Figured it would be good to give people a place to dump their snaps.

    Do you have any screenshots you'd like to show the Crewmunity?

    Show us your best seascape, sunset, grog shenanigans and hijinks!

    I'll kick things off with these two I took alongside my buddy @Jangles87

    While he was doing all the actual work and sailing the ship I was getting in the way taking pictures...

    ... and then when we landed ashore he did all the work in finding the gold.*

    Here's a screenshot of the camp, which is now my Xbox One background.

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  • me being very stuck with my ship

  • @brandonblk said in Screen ShARRe - Your Best Sea of Thieves Screenshots!:

    me being very stuck with my ship

    Hahaha did you end up getting 'unstuck'?

  • @pikaaroon nope i had to take all the chests off and scuttle, i put it down to the mechanic where when you hit a rock the ship automaticly backs away, but here it couldn't so it got stuck


  • Little sloop at the port

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  • I bravely decided to dig up some treasure on my own this morning...

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    Keeping a close eye on my boat I noticed I wasn't the only one with a keen interest for fame and riches however

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    In a quick getaway attempt they managed to catch up with me. Trying to outsmart them I jumped in the water to swim over to their ship, but alas, I got killed by a surprisingly well aimed shot from one of their cannons

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    Back in business I decided to scout the seas for a sign of their ship with my beloved treasure, but not without a little surprise for them in mind!

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    There they are!

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    With a small but deadly present on the bowsprit of my boat I sailed straight toward them!

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    I think I may have just killed myself...

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    Next time a Galleon might not be such a bad idea...

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    At least I don't need a crew to enjoy the sunset!

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  • Hello everyone, here I put some captures I made.

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  • @pikaaroon

    Skulls are such beautiful decoration
    Because playing the sad song for your ship as it goes down, makes it all just a little bit better.

  • They can smell the gold...
    party p*****s

    A shy moon
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    Cannon Cove
    Cannon Cove

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  • Searching for Davy Jones.... :D


  • @pikaaroon How did you get a SS of you reading a riddle? I can only get outside views of my toon when I emote.

  • @touchdown1504 said in Screen ShARRe - Your Best Sea of Thieves Screenshots!:

    @pikaaroon How did you get a SS of you reading a riddle? I can only get outside views of my toon when I emote.

    I took the screenshot of my friend as he was reading our riddle. He didn't know I had taken it. I was being all sneaky sneaky photogragher-like

  • "Arrival at Dawn"

    "Breaking Through the Storm"

    "Farewell, 'til Launch"

    I loved the Beta and Scale Test. Can't wait for Launch!
    30 MORE DAYS!

  • @pikaaroon They need to have an emote, or series of emotes, that are just some sort of pose, so we can get screenshots!

  • Myself and my first mate, @GladiusNocte, were celebrating our treasure hunt at golden sands outpost when we suddenly got attacked by the crew of a galleon. Gladius killed 3 of them, before clombing onboard before stealing their treasure. Meanwhile, I climbed onboard to kill their idle Captain. He jumped the ship, which gave me and Gladius enough time to raise their anchor. While I positioned their galleon towards the cliffs in the photo we decided to scuttle our own ship.
    They managed to spawn back and kill me, throwing Gladius off the ship, but... they could not save their galleon in time.
    You can see the galleon just above our 'roof'.
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  • 0_1519030219161_2f744610-d8f9-443f-8cd7-0cc27a8e3fd0-image.png
    "Me and my lad prepares for a fresh new adventure and a voyage consisting of 8 maps."

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    "Fids getting ready to scout for enemy pirates whom may or may not be out for our booty."

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    "Beautiful setting! First island of the day."

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    "And on we go."

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    "Our most feared captain! In full vigor!"

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    "Arh, sunset... what a sight!"

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    "Testing reflection... check!"

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    "Testing zoom... check! Shandy song you got over there lad!"

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    "A little dance maybe.*

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    "The new color theme from blue to greenish... absolute gorgeous."

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    "Maybe not the best idea lifting a heavy anchor with a belly full of grog Capt'n!"

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    "Aaaaarh! Even female pirates can grow beards! (And look good at the same time...)"

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    "A tribute to our first encounter of the day."

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    "Til next time Sea of Thieves!"

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  • @ch3wiie Breaking Through the Storm is amazing matey

  • Here a bugged ship we came across in the beta
    and my sloop at an outpost

  • Kilt the Rare/Legenday/Mytichal Skeleton pirates.

  • Out on the Sea
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    Out in the Storm
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    Out on Nintendo 64
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  • @Pikaaroon This is probably one of my favorite scenery shots from the Beta.

  • @pikaaroon "this is fine"
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  • 7+ minutes of beta screenshots (with only a couple accidental duplicates):

  • What is the easiest way to share your xbox screen shots here?

  • @godsphoenix13 You could upload them to One Drive and share the urls from there?

  • @musicmee I created an Imgur account but when I put the Image Link in a post it doesnt show up for some reason.

  • @godsphoenix13 If you hover over your uploaded picture on you should get a url in the top right corner of the picture.

  • alt text @Musicmee Thanks Boss!

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