Ahoy! My Name Is... [Insert Pirate Name/Picture]

  • Ahoy thar Fo'Rum!

    HERE WE ARE! Can you believe it?
    Launch Day is upon us and Sea of Thieves is going to be sailing into peoples hands throughout the day.

    Well, now that we have to pick a Pirate that we are proud of, I thought it would be good fun to screen capture our selected IPG (Infinite Pirate Generator) Pirate and show that picture off here alongside some back story and facts about our Pirates.

    Feel free to Copy and Paste the below format to reply to this topic, or just make it up. (once you get access to the game)
    *Please remember to keep to the Pirate Code with your responses and just have some fun.

    Ahoy! My Name Is [insert name]

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves [to] [because] [insert reason here]

    Me interests consist of [insert things your Pirate likes here]

    [Insert Sea of Thieves Pirate Picture]

  • 188
  • Placeholder Post...

    Ahoy! My Name Is [insert name]

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves [to] [because] [insert reason here]

    Me interests consist of [insert things your Pirate likes here]

    [Insert Pirate Picture]

  • [french accent]
    Bonjour! My Name Is Yoirgl

    I ave come to the Sea of Thieves to spread fear in ze arts of ze fithy pirates

    My interests consist of raiding ozer pirate ships and bring ze booty in MY hideout

    alt text

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Censored...

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to Sail the Seas and become a legend for crazy tactics.

    Me interests consist of Bananas, Having a good old joke around, Shanties, Exploring, Learning new things on the seas and Pirate Cake.

    Pirate Stoo

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Bloodfrenzy187
    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to wait 18 more hours
    Me interests consist of waiting for long periods of time while others sail.
    alt text

    Warning: Humor not salt

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Ersatz

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to find a new game to suck at

    Me interests consist of board games by Vital Lacerda. And pygmy hippos.

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  • Ahoy! My Name Is Levi.

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to journey with me crew and become the most fearsome pirate captain in all of the Seas, yarrrr.

    Me interests consist of firing myself from the cannon and digging up buried treasure.

    { Seeing as I don't have a pirate portrait yet, this shall do }

    Pirate Doggo - Captain Blatchford

    I shall be seeing all of you on the seas!

  • @pikaaroon
    Ahoi! Mein Name ist Pirat Buh^^
    Ich bin zum Meer der Diebe gekommen, weil als Pirat verfügen wir über diesen natürlichen, angeborenen Entdeckungstrieb.
    Meine Interessen bestehen aus: Jeder weiß von unseren Taten Sie sind dreist und selten schlecht. Denn wir sind Piraten Und das ist unser gutes Recht wir plündern , wir RAUBEN. Wir beten nicht, wir glauben. Geboren wie ein Gotteskind Das Segel schwarz und hart am Win
    Meine Interessen bestehen aus.
    Wir sind eine hässliche Besatzung, die das Schiff ausspuckt: Männer, die nur ein Handwerk kennen – Rauben, Plündern, Morden^^

    Ahoy! My name is Pirate Buh ^^
    I came to the sea of thieves because as a pirate we have this natural, innate desire for discovery.
    My interests consist of: Everyone knows about our actions They are brazen and seldom bad. Because we are pirates And that is our right we plunder, we RUB. We do not pray, we believe. Born like a child of God The sail black and hard at the win
    My interests consist of.
    We are an ugly crew spitting out the longship: men who know only one craft - robbing, plundering, killing ^^


  • Ahoy! My Name Is

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves [to] [because]
    This bloody compass told me too!

    Me interests consist of

  • @cappjacksparrow get rid of the compass see what happens. I will be seeing you in the seas once I come out of the triangle. I will be waiting, for you!

  • @salazar-armando

    The Sun has Risen over the horizon, Mate. The chase, has begun.

  • @pikaaroon Ahoy! My name is Captain Wheats!
    I've come to the sea of thieves to sail the mighty waves!

    Me interests consists of plundering booty and taming the sea!
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  • Ahoy! My Name Is Captain Pugwash

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to voyage and search for lost treasure.

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Brotherlost

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to become the next legend because why not! Its going to be epic!

    My interests consist of Looting! hauling! And beating up skellys!
    ..have a pic here... umm

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    I do what i want..

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Sir Salabean

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to get a tan

    Me interests consist of crying with the depressed chest

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Captain Eilog

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to bring the seas together and rule all that the water touches.

    Me interests consist of sailing and killing... not necessarily in that order.

    alt text

  • LOL not one picture from the pirate generator XD

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Lobo.

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to live amazing adventures.

    Me interests consist of sneaking and avoiding you, bloodthirsty punks.

    alt text

  • @cpttsu Rolling launch dude. they are releasing it throughout the day to every country that has access.

  • wiki wiki slim shady.

  • alt text

    Let Captain Peach Beard your servant be born again from the sea, as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel. What is dead may never die, but rises again - harder and stronger.

  • @doctor-n****e said in Ahoy! My Name Is... [Insert Pirate Name/Picture]:

    wiki wiki slim shady.

    I thought I was the only one hearing this song in my head after seeing this post.

    Name is Imposter

    I’ve come to the sea of thieves to make more gold as a merchant. Playing with friends will no doubt lead to other wild voyages im sure.

  • Ahoy! My Name Is William B Pordobel, but I go by the name of One Eye Willy.
    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to hide me treasure from the British fleets.

    Me interests consist of Plundering, Pillaging and telling bad jokes to Spanish kings.

    Alas there be no pictogram thingy's of my coconut.

    ahh look lads a cave to hide in

  • Ahoy! My Name Is ShanickRedbeard

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves sail the Ocean and seek for Adventure

    Me interests consist of make friends, alliances and find hidden Treasures.

    Bild Text

  • Ahoy there! My Name is Thor von Blitz.

    How i got to the Sea of Thieves? Honestly i don't know..
    Last thing i remember is that i ..uhh.. tried paying off a debt in a Tavern on La Isla Mosquito..

    Well anyway, now that i'm here i figured i might as well make some coin.

    I'm sure an.. honest man - such as myself - can find work within the Merchant Alliance.
    You see trading goods is kinda my thing.

    Bild Text

  • @pikaaroon Ahoy! My Name Is Captain Specter

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to drink, pillage, get rich, and be the best damn pirate I can.

    Me interests consist of protectin me lucky charms! No, wait, getting the gold, killin the skeles, sailin the seas, and meltin your face, if need be.

  • My Name is Lavender Beard ..... thats all

  • @maartac said in Ahoy! My Name Is... [Insert Pirate Name/Picture]:

    My Name is Lavender Beard ..... thats all

    I wonder who's Kiwibeard then....

  • Ahoy! My Name Is OneEyed W1lliam

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to seek me fortune in gold and become a Pirate Legend, because who better than a fleet of Pirate Legends and their crews to take down the Kraken!

    Me interests consist of Treasure, Grog, Music, Grog, W*****s, Grog, Adventure.....Did I mention Grog?

  • Ahoy! Me name is TheUnknownD
    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to seek gold and go on adventures and meet new friends!
    Me interests consist of Treasure,Friends,Grog,Music,W*****s,Adventure.

  • Ahoy ye' yellow-belly scoundrels! Me name be Capt'n Sandy Shorts.

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to get some coin in me pocket, but also to build some new friendships while out on the sea.

    Me interests consist of anchoring me boat too late, sleeping on the job, playin' me songs for the crew, and hanging off the sides of enemy ships.

    Some facts o' fun about me:

    • The name be short fer' 'Sand in me Shorts,' because I always have sand in my... well, I think ye' be gettin' the point.
    • While I am not always wearin' shorts, the sand always follows.
    • I once shoved a coin or two up me nose for a dare, and I don't think they ever came out.

    A little bit of 'the creation' story:
    There was a previous pirate I had chosen before my current one, who had cool tattoos and all, but I just wasn't feeling it with him. I deleted him and immediately regretted my decision as I could not find any pirates I could click with. All hope was lost when I was about to go with a pirate that I thought was okay when this beauty showed up in my IPG. I immediately clicked with him. And here he is now.

  • Ahoy! My Name Is Hiram Mason.

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to escape the tyrannical rantings of m[ink smear]ife.

    Me interests consist of getting fabulously rich, famously drunk and universally admired.

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