The prices

  • I think ship cosmetics are too overpriced to be honest, 70,000 for a figure head and 100,000 for ship colors...

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  • I don't think so. I mean anything for a ship irl is going to be hella expensive.

    Gives players more of a grind, which I enjoy.

  • @laserblikk as long as along with prices they greatly bumped up the pay out of chests, then i'm ok with it

  • @laserblikk that's a very good thing. if the prices will be like in beta everyone will have custom ship in one day

  • I think like they should add 20k for a figure head and 50k for a ship color

  • Good. I dont want to own everything in a week or two

  • Chest payouts need to be raised too then. Which I'm sure they are.

    Like 15k for a bilge-rat coat that is just scraps kind of sounds hilariously dumb.

    I kind of expected cost to equate to quality and fancy/niceness/not destroyed, and go up from there.

  • Oh no, you won't have your perfect pirate and ship by the end of the week. Sad.

  • The chest prices are the same

  • @laserblikk its because they have no content

  • Lol, those prices are unbelievable !
    For a poor basic set, you have to pay 210.000 G !
    You need what, ~30 minutes to get 1000 G in the game. So this will take 105h to get this basic set, this is insane !!!!
    Nobody want to grind so much time for that, and you have to spend gold on other things !

    How can anyone say this is good ?

  • Taken from a stream just now.

  • Yeah I was disappointed when seeing the prices. Personally I can’t imagine myself doing the same type of fetch quests over and over again to make the most of it.

  • I was upset too. Instead of making a large number of ways to earn gold, they left 3, which get bored for 3-4 hours each and remains pvp and the boring grind. And this is in the game for 60$. Nice work.

  • I'm laughing so hard, between those who were saying earlier that they would rush that content in no time and those who actually understand that it will take some more time. But... I don't remember seeing anywhere there it would be easy, nor necessary, to collect all the cosmetics. You do?!

    You will have to make choices.
    You will have to value your gold and your chests.
    And it won't be easy.

    Welcome in the true SoT.
    Not the game you expect it to be.
    Not the game you rush and you're done with.
    Just the game it's meant to be :)

  • @thejolirouge there is a difference between "more time = +10h" and "more time = +100h"

  • Prices are perfect nothing wrong with them, want a game thats over in 2 minutes go play story based games. I would love to see some at 1,000,000 + have a goal to aim for

  • @emanuel-wynnn a dit dans The prices :

    Taken from a stream just now.

    So that's that ? 8 color variants for the sails, 8 figureheads (and only 4 models) and 8 hulls colors ? That's the extent of ship customization ? In a game where everything revolves around how you and your ship look ?
    It's not even different models, it's just different textures, honestly, it's a day of work for 1 2D artist for all the current ship skins.
    I have hard time to believe it. There must be more.
    And the prices ! What about SoT not being grindy ?

  • @samoclarkey for 1,000 G = 30 minutes playing / 1,000,000 G = 500h = 20 days no stop

    Good luck with that !

    There is really some people here who don't think before they speak !
    Everyone who think it's ok, go find some news about unlockable characters with Battlefront II from last year, you will understand the issue !

  • I imagine how they wanted to add something like emeralds next to gold and immediately give a link to a store where you can buy them for $$$ like in f2p games

  • This is all assuming that beginning rewards are the same as rewards later in the game. I'm sure it scales up.
    Do you really want to be able to buy everything right away anyway?

  • @aenima123 a dit dans The prices :

    @emanuel-wynnn a dit dans The prices :

    Taken from a stream just now.

    So that's that ? 8 color variants for the sails, 8 figureheads (and only 4 models) and 8 hulls colors ? That's the extent of ship customization ? In a game where everything revolves around how you and your ship look ?
    It's not even different models, it's just different textures, honestly, it's a day of work for 1 2D artist for all the current ship skins.
    I have hard time to believe it. There must be more.
    And the prices ! What about SoT not being grindy ?

    Please someone tell me there is different variations in every outpost

  • @aenima123 I'm sure they are never, ever going to add any more customization options and they are done working on this game.

  • Very much doubt they'd make a big thing like a Ship Cosmetic the same as say, A Mars Bar...

  • The thing with ships customization is that you're not alone to apply them when you play with friends.
    You know, these peoples with whom you can share the fun... and the costs.

  • @erikinthebakery a dit dans The prices :

    @aenima123 I'm sure they are never, ever going to add any more customization options and they are done working on this game.

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

    Plus, as i said, it's only different textures, i can't fathom why they would add so few for launch. It's really really simple and quick to do. Like really. Sails are basically one flat color with a logo... It's unbelievable.

    Hard to feel unique on the seas with so few variations.

  • If you wait 2-3 months I bet you can drop some hard cash to get the cool stuff without the grind. Think I've seen this somewhere before, though I cant be sure.

  • @aenima123

    I'm actually quite keen about both the prices & amount of items currently available for purchase at the various shops.


    Too many different factors play a role, when it comes to earnings per hour.

    For example. You could have a lucky time, defeating skeletons forts without player interruptions. That would be close to an easy +3,000 doubloons every 20-40 minutes.

    Maybe you're just having a lucky item digging valuable chests up like Captain's, Grog or Sorrows? That would increase earnings too. Or maybe you just sunk a random Sloop, and ahoy look! They got 8 chests. A nice boost to the earnings too.

    Now, i didn't even mention the progression of voyages. A level 25 voyage has the chance of having islands with up to 4 chests on each of them. Easy gold in a short period of time too.

    My point is, you can't just say 1,000 doubloons every 30 minutes, based on your own experience and display that as a fact. Because that be false!

  • @aenima123 said in The prices:

    @erikinthebakery a dit dans The prices :

    as i said, it's only different textures, i can't fathom why they would add so few for launch. It's really really simple and quick to do. Like really. Sails are basically one flat color with a logo... It's unbelievable.

    Why you don't design games, or why Rare doesn't just hire you on the spot right now is beyond me.

  • @tre-oni a dit dans The prices :

    @aenima123 said in The prices:

    @erikinthebakery a dit dans The prices :

    as i said, it's only different textures, i can't fathom why they would add so few for launch. It's really really simple and quick to do. Like really. Sails are basically one flat color with a logo... It's unbelievable.

    Why you don't design games, or why Rare doesn't just hire you on the spot right now is beyond me.


    SoT has a lot of amazing things, but that shouldn't keep us from critisize, and honestly, 8 sails variations at launch, that is hard to believe. That's why i believe there must be more in other outposts.

  • @aenima123 said in The prices:

    @tre-oni a dit dans The prices :

    @aenima123 said in The prices:

    @erikinthebakery a dit dans The prices :

    as i said, it's only different textures, i can't fathom why they would add so few for launch. It's really really simple and quick to do. Like really. Sails are basically one flat color with a logo... It's unbelievable.

    Why you don't design games, or why Rare doesn't just hire you on the spot right now is beyond me.


    SoT has a lot of amazing things, but that shouldn't keep us from critisize, and honestly, 8 sails variations at launch, that is hard to believe. That's why i believe there must be more in other outposts.

    Criticizing and entirely playing off what it takes to make something and have it function in game are two different things lol.

    Act like they paint a symbol on a white square in MSpaint and hand that in as work done.

    Just saying, you seem to know these things as a fact, which I can only assume is through skill.

  • @laserblikk I like the grind and dont want to be bored in a week

  • @emanuel-wynnn yeah maybe ! Let's just wait for someone that will get the basic skin set after 40h instead of 100h !

    I can't understand why so many people can agree to this !

    • Battlefront 2 : 40h for very good unlockable character with new gameplay = tons of complaints, and finally EA had to cut the prices
    • Sea of Thieves : 40h only for a basic skin for your ship, and some people think it's okay xD

    Are you all ultra hardcore gamers ? :)

  • @dragonic26 Honestly I don't think its that bad, I could have that in no time at all, and yes I am pretty hardcore :)

  • Remember, we haven't seen the highest rank in any trading company yet, or any of the legendary voyages. We might eventually get say... I don't know... ~10,000 every 30 minutes? This is just pure speculation, I have no idea if this will be true.

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