The Best Faction.

  • Okay everyone, I'm quickly researching something here before I make a post. I need you all to tell me what you believe is the best faction (Or alliance... or whatever?) in the game. I'm of course talking about The Gold Hoarders, Merchant Alliance and the Cult Of Cthulhu. (Or the Order Of Souls if you're a blind fool.)

    Personally I like the Order Of Souls and the Gold Hoarders. It's just the Merchant Alliance I avoid.

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  • I can't vote, as it depends on how I feel at the time.

    What a grand adventure in a galleon? Order of Souls. What to chill out and relax a bit? Crew up in a sloop to go dig up some treasure for the Gold Hoarders! Want to play sailing simulator and enjoy finding out what each island really has to offer? Solo it out for the Merchant Alliance.

    I say these because doing them any other way is a personal hassle.

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