A Island On the Back of Giant Sea Creature, That Moves Around the Map! What do you Think?

  • A Island That Moves Around the Map!

    Could appear or disappear out of no where, or maybe it submerges from under the water and pops up because its on the back of a sea animal (Turtle, Crab, Fish, etc) then sinks after timer or item is grabbed, earthquakes happen on the island when its about to move or goes back underwater.

    Could be a Event that Occurs, a Rainbow will indicate where it is or some other Indicator( Example - skull in the sky for Skull forts). What are some of the community Ideas for this????!!

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  • @crackerjackx13 or maybe its like atlantis and is accessable from underwater while its moving?

  • @crackerjackx13 that would. be cool

  • @tm36-apache In your opinion what would you like to see on this island or its mechanics?

  • @crackerjackx13 a island. that floats. in the air. can only be reached. by firing yourself. to it

  • @crackerjackx13 just putting in my 2 cents. Love this Idea! Would be super cool if it were a sort of rare occasion though. Like it surfaced every 2 hours and only stayed up for an hour at a time. Two ways of knowing it was surfaced, 1:Another ominous cloud in the sky, similar to the skull fort. 2: A sign on the interactive map on the ship.
    Also it would be constantly moving, making it mainly accessible by cannon.
    As for what the challenge was once your on the island? Maybe a new AI threat? Walking, underwater sea creatures with different abilities? (nothing to crazy though, you'd essentially only have about 45 minutes to get the reward from it.
    I would say the reward shouldn't be anything to crazy, maybe between 3,000 and 7,000, or even less. You wouldnt want people to just constantly grind this thing!

  • Love that idea. That’s awesome.

  • @rogueal69 Brillant i love your 2 cents, great ideas, do you have anymore input???? this is great!!

  • @crackerjackx13 I feel like this would kill two birds with one stone. Ive read more then one instance of players wanting a giant sea turtle creature added to gameplay. However, theres two ways it could go, one being that the turtle is just for scenic beauty, and the other would be making it a threat. Instead of having the AIs on the island, the turtle could have cannons mounted that shoot automatically(but please God no auto-aim) and could use its limbs to attack ships that get to close, pushing the players to utilize the cannon route of entrance.
    The only problem with this would be the amount of ocean space the island and the competing ships would take up. It would have to come the form of an expansion event, or it would simply have to move slow enough so that you didnt have to go all the way across the map to finish the challenge.

  • @rogueal69 i love it! this is amazing! makes adding theses mechanics to it would make it more challenging and alot more fun! Great Idea dude!

  • @crackerjackx13 all your idea, man. Im just riding the coat tails. LOL

    Curios to know any other ones you may have. Rare probably wont see them, but its always fun to hash em out in the forums.

  • @rogueal69 apparently there is a @Rare-Employee tag not sure if its real or not, im sure they read this, i know as a oil painter i always love to hear what people thought of my art positive or negative, it improves you as a artist and this game is a work of art, everyone involved did a amazing job! who knows though.

    my question is this though, in regards to implimenting it, should the sand be darker or lighter, where and when should it be implemented. I have other posts i have posted like a volcano island and a Quicksand, etc, but who knows where theses ideas will go. lets have faith in them for now and gratitude for this game even exisiting its beautiful!

  • @crackerjackx13 This is the sea creature forum! LOL I just got done reading through you quick sand idea and i dig it. As for rare employees seeing this, they probably do skim the forums. My question is though, how far out is their content planned? Do suggestions like this have a future spot on the idea board? Is this already an idea? I hope it is!

  • Cool idea. Made me think what if there was a large ship, really large that is also an outpost that sails the sea. In fact thelat ship could be the safe zone people keep harping on about. Made safe by the fact that if you're near it and your cannons or flintlocks fire it unloads on you as a deterrent. On the large ship there are shops and guild representatives and a tavern and supplies. What makes this idea of a moving island or outpost appealing I think is the idea of trying to dock with a moving location. Maybe you have to tether your ship to the outpost when your close enough and then you're taken for a ride with it. Could be a cool place to meet other players in game. It would add variety to merchant missions where you've got to deliver by a certain time but to do that you've got to find the island or outpost ships first, adding yo the challenge.

  • What if as an event, like the fort, an island is selected at random to start floating/moving around? It might be a huge island like devil's ridge, or it may end up being much smaller like cutlass cay. they all have treasure on them, and some form of threat that hopefully wont be a skeleton. It would be so cool to be sailing around, and to see that island over there is in the sky...

  • There's already an island mimic Kraken concept in the Sea of Thieves art book! Would love to see this concept come to life in the game and have it surprise you/swim around in the water!

  • @ardent-38 said in A Island On the Back of Giant Sea Creature, That Moves Around the Map! What do you Think?:

    What if as an event, like the fort, an island is selected at random to start floating/moving around? It might be a huge island like devil's ridge, or it may end up being much smaller like cutlass cay. they all have treasure on them, and some form of threat that hopefully wont be a skeleton. It would be so cool to be sailing around, and to see that island over there is in the sky...

    I love this idea!!! Great Job!

  • @therebelrooster Thats really Cool do you have the picture?

  • I love the idea, but maybe to make it feel different than pre-existing mechanics you could just have no place marking it. Then people can be out sailing and be like, "Where did this big island come from? It's not on the map, maybe I should explore it".

  • @joesakabe said in A Island On the Back of Giant Sea Creature, That Moves Around the Map! What do you Think?:

    Cool idea. Made me think what if there was a large ship, really large that is also an outpost that sails the sea. In fact thelat ship could be the safe zone people keep harping on about. Made safe by the fact that if you're near it and your cannons or flintlocks fire it unloads on you as a deterrent. On the large ship there are shops and guild representatives and a tavern and supplies. What makes this idea of a moving island or outpost appealing I think is the idea of trying to dock with a moving location. Maybe you have to tether your ship to the outpost when your close enough and then you're taken for a ride with it. Could be a cool place to meet other players in game. It would add variety to merchant missions where you've got to deliver by a certain time but to do that you've got to find the island or outpost ships first, adding yo the challenge.

    I also really like that idea.

  • @joesakabe brilliant ideas also wow, this community is filled with lot of great ideas! I love it.

  • @crackerjackx13 Yes! scroll to look through the pages. There are a ton of Kraken/beast concepts! https://books.google.com/books?id=dnFDDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA197&lpg=PA197&dq=crustacean+kraken&source=bl&ots=BS4m3wISqa&sig=UJS8N0-uzXf_tYvx0laaOpGR8ik&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj0p9Dvx5raAhUJ7VMKHbPtDbEQ6AEIdTAN#v=onepage&q=crustacean kraken&f=false

  • @crackerjackx13 That is one of the best ideas since launch! :)

    Instead of a marker on the map or a cloud in the sky, i would like you have to gather info from different outposts if and where the island is spotted. That way it isn't just a race who is there first, but also a nice way of searching :) (ofc you can just sail around and hope you see it)

    Although, i see a little problem for a solo player.. What do you do with your ship when you enter the island? Think there need to be an option that you can attach your ship to the 'island'.. That would be also another threat, you have to detach your ship ontime, otherwise it will sink with the island :)

  • Nice, I came up with an idea similar to this one a few months ago:

  • @therebelrooster thank you so much for the link! the artwork is beautiful!

  • @ktingaling great idea! i love it, it would make the the boat bit a little bit more realistic, i always thought u would have to shoot yourself onto the island but you do make a good point! for single players a rope would defintly make a difference and a challenge, it could also be used for quicksand...if they ever add it!

  • @jetorchidee97 its a wonderful old concept going back to old Native American Indian folklore! i love your idea, it shows we have similar interests! keep up the amazing Work !

  • @jetorchidee97 Wow this is a great post, i suggest others take alook at his post he made! is there a way we could merge our posts because it seems we have similar interests?

  • would be hell to program, but I'd rather have an island mimic, a kraken that is pretending to be an island.

  • @CrackerJackx13 Mentioned in the art book. I think it was called a Mimic Kraken. You would be surprised how far Rare is thinking ahead for this game

  • @twiladerp @CrackerJackx13

    I wish I could find a copy of the page in the artbook, where the concept artists played around with moving island concepts... if I do I'll post it here.

    Definitely a popular idea, I'm not sure how I feel about it being enormous but to drop anchor at some mysterious island and then feel the thing move beneath your feet would be utterly amazing lol

  • I see what you did here! Earth is on the back of a flying space turtle so why not!?

  • I love this idea, I hope Rare sees this and mentions this in an upcoming dev update.

  • I can take a picture and post it later. It has other types of kraken on it too

  • @crackerjackx13 said in A Island On the Back of Giant Sea Creature, That Moves Around the Map! What do you Think?:

    A Island That Moves Around the Map!

    Could appear or disappear out of no where, or maybe it submerges from under the water and pops up because its on the back of a sea animal (Turtle, Crab, Fish, etc) then sinks after timer or item is grabbed, earthquakes happen on the island when its about to move or goes back underwater.

    Could be a Event that Occurs, a Rainbow will indicate where it is or some other Indicator( Example - skull in the sky for Skull forts). What are some of the community Ideas for this????!!

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    Sort of reminds me of Terry Pratchett’s “DiscWorld”

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