Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats

  • A friend and I wanted to have a ship battle with each other in our own sloops, but we ended up joining separate servers when we set sail at the same time. We tried two different times.

    I want to be able to join the same server as someone in my friend's list, but each have separate ships.

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  • Yes! That would be really fun! Or split your four player crew into two duo sloops but still be on the same team.

  • @crock sagte in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    but we ended up joining separate servers when we set sail at the same time. We tried two different times.

    That it was possible for computer players to start the game at the same time to appear on different ships but at the same server..... that was a bug/error/exploit .

    The result of that was servers full of real life friends .. they was hunting the one and only stranger on the server.

    I hope that RARE fixed the Problem .I really dislike the idea that real family members or real friends are able to claim the whole server for themselves. If RARE would support such behave then they should offer privat familly servers but on the open community server should such behave not be possible.

  • I wish the game prioritized matching with friends in this way. It’d be a lot funner to mess around with other people you actually know rather than randoms you’ll likely never see again.

  • This is why private servers are needed.

  • @drakebg757 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    I wish the game prioritized matching with friends in this way. It’d be a lot funner to mess around with other people you actually know rather than randoms you’ll likely never see again.

    I suspect this is the reason Rare thought this game(their vision) would work in the real world. they spent the last 4 years internally playing, and marketing,(rather than developing) the game as we see it today, but with a population of internal(company) players and the select few outsiders, which made it like a huge family, and the game worked. Enter the Real World Gamers, where nobody knows anyone for the most part and don't really care too either. which leaves us with this GORGEOUS looking platform for a game with TONS of potential going down the drain @ an alarming rate!

  • @Noruas I have exactly the same feeling every time i watch one of their videos, they're beyond naive... it's like they've never really played any multiplayer game with actual players at all.

  • @super-poopsy said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @Noruas I have exactly the same feeling every time i watch one of their videos, they're beyond naive... it's like they've never really played any multiplayer game at all with actual players.

    naïve or very deceitful (marketing aspect), as they surely brought in the money with this title.

  • This can only backfire so horribly I feel like if it were implemented you'd get fleets griefing players threads daily, complaining they got killed by two galleon pvpers, instead of the usual.

  • @noruas Thank you for putting this so eloquently. This is exactly my feeling with the game. This is why I say the vision is a failure, but some people misunderstand me as saying the game is a failure and think I'm attacking Rare when I say this. I'm most definitely not.

    The game would be perfect if it allowed private servers or private sessions where you could invite, for example, 16 of your friends and all chose your teams in the matchmaking screen, then start the game with all of you on the server.

  • @noruas You do realise they had about 5 months of alpha and beta testing right, with random people that weren't rare? It's more time than you guys have been around here complaining about private servers, they didn't change their mind then, won't change now, won't change ever.

  • @urihamrayne said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    , they didn't change their mind then, won't change now, won't change ever.

    and those who don't adapt and overcome (goes for companies as well as the individual) will fail. we can all see which direction this game is headed whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.

  • @urihamrayne said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @noruas You do realise they had about 5 months of alpha and beta testing right, with random people that weren't rare? It's more time than you guys have been around here complaining about private servers, they didn't change their mind then, won't change now, won't change ever.

    Why are you always so negative and attacking others? Relax.

    As for not changing their minds, they've already changed their minds on other things. It might take time, but they'll implement other changes. This is how game design works. The alphas/betas were mostly to test servers and bugs with the games, and the audience was limited so the experience was closer to what rare had in mind. Another reason was the game was new and people were actually exploring and in awe of the beautiful, if empty, world. I played in the beta and had no problems.

  • Private servers remove the unknown and risk from the game .
    Groups of friends in different boats will wreak havoc on other players.
    The game as it is now makes you deal with people you don't know and that is how a pirate world should be. Not a sea full of your friends or friendly pirates.

  • @noruas I don't support this idea, I am more concerned in helping actual good suggestions that have been popping up in the forum, that have a much better chanse to be implemented into the game compared to private servers, which has a 0% chanse.

    Let me enlighten you on where you should put your effords in supporting:

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    and that is how a pirate world should be. Not a sea full of your friends or friendly pirates.

    whose pirate world should be that way? yours? what if my opinion differs.

  • As much as I would like this; people would exploit this. Why would I go sink a friend? I would help them instead. So there would be much less risk on these servers.

    If they did this any gold and rep earned on a private server should be NULL. I would be fine with having private servers if the rewards were gone or separate.

  • @noruas said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    and that is how a pirate world should be. Not a sea full of your friends or friendly pirates.

    whose pirate world should be that way? yours? what if my opinion differs.

    This is how the game was designed. Adapt or find a new game instead of expecting this one to be changed to suit your own wants/needs.

  • It's possible, you need to find crews (in the same server as you) that are willing to invite you on their open slots on their ships.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @noruas said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    and that is how a pirate world should be. Not a sea full of your friends or friendly pirates.

    whose pirate world should be that way? yours? what if my opinion differs.

    This is how the game was designed. Adapt or find a new game instead of expecting this one to be changed to suit your own wants/needs.

    you don't know me. you don't know my wants/needs. the only thing I "EXPECT" in this life is to die at some point.

  • @trickrtreat01 sagte in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    Private servers remove the unknown and risk from the game .
    Groups of friends in different boats will wreak havoc on other players.
    The game as it is now makes you deal with people you don't know and that is how a pirate world should be. Not a sea full of your friends or friendly pirates.

    Well , if there will be private servers then they should be restricted. Fort raids and Voyages (Missions and quests) shouldn't be possible there. Private Servers should serve only one purpose.... to make pvp against real friends and family members.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    The game as it is now makes you deal with people you don't know and that is how a pirate world should be. Not a sea full of your friends or friendly pirates.

    I just love this argument! Maybe familiarize yourself with how pirates actually behaved and how they interacted with each other, before claiming how a pirate world should be.

    Hint: Pirates were rarely enemies of other pirates, they were enemies of the Navy and privateers.

  • You can technically accomplish what you want to do but it will require time and a co-operative ship.

    If you meet a ship at sea and they are friendly you could have them invite one of the two of you to their ship. You would then invite them to your ship. You would have to become friends and it would be a one time only thing but it would be a fun accomplishment.

    A friendly sloop would be ideal as you would each have a friend to beat up lol and new friend to beat up as well.

    Good luck!

    As for long term. I think private servers are inevitable. They are just getting the game going and the current system was obviously the best way to start and a allow everyone to play but to start with private servers would have just led to exploits. Sail away!

  • @greaseman85 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    The game as it is now makes you deal with people you don't know and that is how a pirate world should be. Not a sea full of your friends or friendly pirates.

    I just love this argument! Maybe familiarize yourself with how pirates actually behaved and how they interacted with each other, before claiming how a pirate world should be.

    Hint: Pirates were rarely enemies of other pirates, they were enemies of the Navy and privateers.

    and they didn't shoot themselves out cannons either, who cares. It's a pirate game and people are having fun sinking ships and stealing loot. I am sorry that isn't fun for you but it's a huge part of the game that should never be removed or be allowed to opt in or out from.

  • @trickrtreat01 Thankfully you don't get to decide that. It is inevitable, it will happen. You can cry later when it does.

  • @greaseman85 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @trickrtreat01 Thankfully you don't get to decide that. It is inevitable, it will happen. You can cry later when it does.

    Says the guy crying enough tears now to fill every ocean on every server...

  • Its tricky but u have to get close to a ship to make friends. Usually at an outpost, then if they are unloading they usually don't mind leaving so you can have their ship. Two of us friended a random sloop..then one of the random left, I joined the random team. Then he left now I have his boat. Then I inv a friend. And my old crewmatebinv a friend. Now we have 2 sloops, 4 people. We did this till we had 4 sloops, 8 friends. And spend 7 hours at least. Harassing galleys and doing missions. We would pile tons of loot on the docks and the team that needed merchant rep took the crates...ect .....

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @greaseman85 said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @trickrtreat01 Thankfully you don't get to decide that. It is inevitable, it will happen. You can cry later when it does.

    Says the guy crying enough tears now to fill every ocean on every server...

    I'm not the one going into every thread with ideas I don't agree with only to cry about how I don't like the idea.

  • @greaseman85
    No, your the guy making post after post about how the game should be fundamentally changed to make you happy. This game is not hard. Surviving in this game is not hard. I just don't know why you are having such a difficult time with it.

  • @trickrtreat01 the guy you keep replying to just likes to bait people, ignore and move on.

  • I think that spawning on the same server with 2 or more ship isn't the solution.

    I think actually stealing a ship and take ownership of it should be possible in a way. So a gallion team could take another one or a sloop.

    The actual way of doing it should be an item to actually lock down every member of the crew on the ship(like handcuffs). While handcuffed, they can't vote/sink their ship. Throwing them overboard after that should give you the ship.

  • @crock Isn't this a really bad idea? You can just imagine three ships of friends on the same server ganging up on other ships...

  • @trickrtreat01 actually pirates weren’t all enemies of each other. They usually worked together and founght the British and Spaniard navies

  • @greaseman85 hey greaseman what’s up dude, remember me?

  • @super-poopsy said in Playing in the same server as a friend, but on separate boats:

    @Noruas I have exactly the same feeling every time i watch one of their videos, they're beyond naive... it's like they've never really played any multiplayer game at all with actual players.

    This is so true. I am looking forward to the May update but I am also worried about it. They want players to defeat a new AI threat and work together? WORK TOGETHER? In a game where they have given everyone tools to kill each other, named the game 'sea of THIEVES' and added no system into the game for cooperation? Yea I'm sure that will work will. So naive, chaos will ensue if they introduce a boss with nice rewards but expect us to work together and then fight over the loot, mark my words. -.-

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