Let's see your pirates! Pirate picture thread

  • @revanjstone thks dude!
    I try to play as much as possible with my friends, but in general we are 2 sometimes 3.

  • @nefrit-od Funny. That's in game screenshots my tv with my OG Xbox one lol. I just made the shots bigger so it looks all blown out.

  • give me more of your pirates!!!

  • Going for a Sea Stalin look, by accident:

  • @gunpai Zdravstvuyte(hello) Comrade!

  • Getting his grove on.

    With muscles like these who needs a top.

    alt text

  • @revanjstone Pozhaluysta comrade! You can't make a voyage without breaking a few ships.

  • Captain Skulliah, I like him so much 👀 he's a nice pirate!


  • Yarrr, snapped this one the other day. Too bad for the FPS and ping in the top, otherwise it may have become my new wallpaper

  • @drunkpunk138 said in Let's see your pirates! Pirate picture thread:

    Yarrr, snapped this one the other day. Too bad for the FPS and ping in the top, otherwise it may have become my new wallpaper

    Photoshop it :)

  • @vanquish-vii said in Let's see your pirates! Pirate picture thread:

    @scurvyrod I like him...cool dude!

    Thanks! He had to look scurvy :)

  • Here's my scurvy dog!(https://i.imgur.com/PE4Glq0.jpg)

  • @drunkpunk138

    EDIT: not my picture, merely reposting someone else's after removing the FPS and Ping from the top left corner ;)

  • More of Bran "the Ent" Speaksy... keeping his cool and sailing down to Davey Jones.

    to Davey Jones!

  • @triheadedmonkey beautiful pic

  • Dangerous and beautiful. A double threat.


  • @vanquish-vii that it is, but unfortunately it is not mine :D

    it is the one @DrunkPunk138 posted but with the FPS and Ping removed from the top corner

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Let's see your pirates! Pirate picture thread:

    @vanquish-vii that it is, but unfortunately it is not mine :D

    it is the one @DrunkPunk138 posted but with the FPS and Ping removed from the top corner

    I appreciate that, by the way! I've never really tried to use photoshop, so I wasn't sure I'd ever get that done.

  • @drunkpunk138 no worries. I am actually new to Photoshop, normally use GIMP (poor mans Photoshop as its free! :D ) so it isn't the best, but it only took a minute or two, most of which was finding the right tool to use! :D

  • This is my buddy @williamhmacey69 he loves the new patch.

  • Another attempt here we go, this guy always gets compliments as how awesome he looks!

  • Well here is the current look of my pirate:
    alt text

  • Laughing at the shamefur dispuray of powa!
    Bild Text

  • Having a bad day

    You've got something on you, just there...no, no right there

    Love connection

    My crew getting in on the love as well...


  • @strawycascade00
    Dude! We either fought you last night, or you have a doppleganger sailing the seas

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