We Shall Sail Together

  • Cloaked in folds of midnight waters. Side by side, we sons and daughters We set forth for no king's orders. But we'll sail together.

    Hold fast! Tides are turning. Flames roar fires are burning. We'll all be returning. If we sail together.

    All on the waves shall know our story, Sing of the battles fought ashore, we all shall thrive on fame and glory. When we sail together.

    Words of warning have been spoken. Ancient creatures have awoken. Still, until our bond is broken, We shall sail together!

    These are the lyrics to the song "We Shall Sail Together" that was featured in the E3 2016 Cinematic Trailer. You can find the lyrics in game as a random book and in the Tales From the Sea of Thieves book.

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  • Goosebumps

  • I found another for you to be on the lookout for. I'm kicking myself over not writing it down, but this mysterious journal chronicles a crew, as they lament their captain's greed driving them to their deaths. Then it gives you an Order of Souls bounty quest.

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