PC Players - Ashbeard?

  • I looked to see if there was an issue signing in on the PC and didn’t see any. Is anyone else getting “Ashbeard” when trying to use the PC? I’ve signed in on my Xbox App and use the app to open the game. I even rebooted the PC.

    Currently playing on my Xbox, but I prefer to play on my PC.

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  • @fairyguardian Yes, me and my crew are having the same issues. Ugh!

  • @genuine-heather Doh, this is an issue for sure. Okay, thank you!

  • @fairyguardian Yeah I've tried it with and without the Xbox app and got the Ashbeard attempting the latter.

    Why must I need to be signed in to the Xbox app to play on PC?
    Windows is tracking my activity and the Microsoft store knows my gamer tag. Which, by the way, just opened perfectly normal with me logged in.

  • I was getting a 0xbba error on the PC Xbox app, and an Ashbeard error in SoT. Finally got the Xbox app to sign in, but still getting the Ashbeard app. So is my brother. Seems borked.

  • @damatheus Same issue here. Ugh.

  • Supposedly it may be an issue with Xbox Live. Keep getting an error on it. I’ll keep trying every so often.

  • same to me :(

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