Parrots, Talk to me.

    I would love different parrots to buy with different "sqauks". When an in game command is given from the command wheel such as, (man the cannons) our pet parrots will sqauk what we say, "watch it matey" or "LOOK OUT!" or perhaps just expand the command wheel to include special parrot chat "chickens everywhere" "look out sir" "pretty boy" etc. Like the shanty, the parrot volume can be lowered or turned off completely so not to get annoying. Would love a parrot like Jaffar's one in Alladin :D Thoughts??

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  • Hear hear! Ever since early alpha testing I’ve always envisioned a ‘push to talk’ mechanic where parrots repeat what you say on mic in a screechy parrot voice heard by other players in game chat.

    Essentially a voice mask/changer... maybe even the ability to ‘store’ some short voice recordings for quick use.

    Imagine being a stowaway or hiding in bushes, using parrot talk on unwitting pirates!

    Oh the hilarity that would ensue!

  • Definitely always loved the idea of a talking parrot. But one that is independent of you (wild) and occasionally sits on your shoulder.

    I like the idea that, depending on how you treat him/her, the parrot becomes annoying and insulting, or actually helps out by warning of danger, or spotting something you can't see in the distance, or even attacking an enemy pirate when you are fighting. He should be very funny too.

    I also think that if you treat him kindly and always feed him/her, the parrot becomes attached to you and stays with you. Conversely, if you treat him badly, he irritates and frustrates, insults you and your crew, and sabotages your efforts. If you try to shoot him or kill him, he/she simply flies away and attaches itself to another pirate, or just flies away.

  • @baconwrappedsac that sounds insane! Lol so many ways to incorporate parrots, it's a MUST for any pirate :)

  • @starship42 YES!! This is a great idea, a parrots mood based on the efforts and achievements of pirates! We really need to keep pushing this as the hilarity will be endless.

  • @shetokes420 Anything that adds life to the world gets a big fat thumbs up from me! I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see something along these lines when pets are introduced.

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