Cursed Cannonball Crate

  • Ahoy Mates!
    If ya ask me the Supply Crates are alot of fun to fill up and sell.
    Banana Crate
    Woodplank Crate
    Cannonball Crate

    And now that Cursed Cannonballs are part of the Sea of Thieves economy, I was thinking that there should be a Cursed Cannonball Crate!

    How would it work?
    Well, here's my take on that:

    • It would be able to hold up to 25 Cursed Cannonballs.
    • It would be sellable to the Order of Souls not the Merchants.
    • It would have to sell for a pretty penny because CCs are hard to come by and they're quite valuable as weapons.

    Anyways mates, that's my idea on the Cursed Cannonball Crate!
    Do you think a Cursed Cannonball Crate is a good idea?
    Let me know your opinions!
    Until then see ya on the seas!

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  • @sgt-palooggoo

    I like the idea. I know folks have issues with them, especially acquiring too many. It would definitely give us an option for when we do find them to earn some gold at the end of our voyages.

    Maybe since they are cursed we turn them into the Order of Souls to cleanse. They could also happen to be so environmentally conscious they are recycling. So that is the reason why we find so many of the good old irons ones in the barrels all around the outposts. : ) That way they do not upset the balance of nature and magic.

    I know a lot of them usually go to waste. Sometimes we give them away if someone is around when we are docked and logging off.

  • @x-crowheart-x
    Some good points there mate!
    If ya every meet a handsome devil in a red coat on the ferry handing out Cursed Cannonballs know that it's me.
    alt text

    That's how I usually get rid of mine, or I leave a Rowboat full of em at an Outpost.

  • I think this would be a great idea. It would incentivize more people to not hoard them on their person which we see often. Then you would be able to actually acquire some cursed cannon balls from ships that you sink. Far too many hoard them on their person just to prevent losing them when they sink.

  • I prefer PvE play, and at the end of a session, I'll just dump them all in a rowboat and leave it at an outpost. It'd be nice for a pacifist like me to be able to get more use of them.
    Additionally, the design of the crate could be really cool, lots of glowey bits.

  • The idea is simple and to the point. I like it!

  • @nefnoj

    Yip... I like to consider myself a thoughtful pirate too.
    At end of session, I empty the contents of my vessel into the available barrels on whatever outpost I'm on. ( Tend to pop them in multiple barrels )
    Before I scuttle, then pop to the tavern for a quick grog before I log off.

    I will never know if it helps anyone, but I like to think it might.

  • @galactic-geek said in Cursed Cannonball Crate:

    The idea is simple and to the point. I like it!

    If the idea has the @Galactic-Geek's approval, than it must be a good idea!

  • I like it.
    A good way to get rid of em at the end of a session.

  • @nefnoj said in Cursed Cannonball Crate:

    Additionally, the design of the crate could be really cool, lots of glowey bits.

    Aye, just imagine what the Award winning SoT art team could come up with!

  • @piratecraggy as you leave islands, barrels restock and override whatever's inside. 😢
    Rowboats don't though, so those are safe bets.

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    Or you can have a crazier idea :

    With the future realease of cooking in the game, we could melt down a cursed cannon ball in the fire, then put the curse on one of our weapon.

    So you could have a sleeping eye of reach (for one bullet or more)

    Or a poisoning sword ! (for some shots)

  • @rakan-le-rouge
    Mmmmmm, I like that idea!

    Super looking forward to cooking btw.

  • @piratecraggy I thought this too, but it turns out the barrels respawn every once in a while, getting rid of whatever was in them. Leaving them in the rowboat should work though.

  • @captain-arcanic

    Change of Strat required then.... must remember the rowboat :)
    Have used the rowboat previously as a method of disposal, makes good sense.
    Thx guys!

  • @piratecraggy
    I handed out a bunch of CCs on the ferry yesterday.
    The guy was pretty amazed that I wanted to give like 12 CCs away.
    Of course he didn't know I was logging off.

  • @sgt-palooggoo

    Yip... certainly the better way is to do it in person.
    A random act of kindness ( well..... not for the guys they are to used against )...... :)

    edit: Could always sneak onboard a vessel & leave them in the ball barrels, then disappear back into the night.
    I'll have to try that one out... "Secret Santa" style.

  • @piratecraggy
    Aye, well I like to think they'll use em against Skeleton Ships. ;-)

    As for putting em in someone's Cannonball Barrels?
    I've actually done that before.
    One time a Brigantine spawned at the Outpost I was on, so I hopped aboard and put all my CCs in the Barrels before they even got to the ship.

    I bet they were pretty surprised when they looked into those Barrels, cuz I made sure not to be spotted.

  • You seem to have a popular idea. Would you like me to add your post to the master list?

  • That'd be real nice @enf0rcer.
    Thank ya!

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Cursed Cannonball Crate:

    That'd be real nice @enf0rcer.
    Thank ya!

    Add. Say you been on the forum for a long time. Got any old Topics you would like ms to add to the list?

  • Really cool idea. Would you want different crates for different curses? Or one crate for all?

  • @enf0rcer said in Cursed Cannonball Crate:

    @sgt-palooggoo said in Cursed Cannonball Crate:
    Add. Say you been on the forum for a long time. Got any old Topics you would like ms to add to the list?

    Well, not many come to mind.
    I had one on Carts a long time ago.
    You can check it out and see if it's worth putting on.

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Cursed Cannonball Crate:

    @enf0rcer said in Cursed Cannonball Crate:

    @sgt-palooggoo said in Cursed Cannonball Crate:
    Add. Say you been on the forum for a long time. Got any old Topics you would like ms to add to the list?

    Well, not many come to mind.
    I had one on Carts a long time ago.
    You can check it out and see if it's worth putting on.

    I added you cart idea as well. It's a good idea but i feel that if they added a proper grab and hold mechnic for the rowboat it could be used to serve the same purpose.

  • @enf0rcer
    Yeah, at the time the Rowboat hadn't even been announced yet (I think), but I do think being able to grab the Rowboat and hull it ashore is a great idea.
    It would probably replace carts pretty well.

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