Bad Stars

  • A comet appears for a few week. While it's visible in the sky there are random events like meteorite strikes that leave collectible stones sellable at any vendor (like the mermaid statues) huge air bursting meteors that shower islands and shallow ocean parts with big stones that you have to pry open (again, like the mermaid statues) but maybe it drops more than one since they're bigger. Have a bunch of cosmetics (swords, guns, ship parts, clothing), even something like magnetic cannonballs that stick in a ships hull and attracts and traps drawn swords and guns and can only be pried out with a wooden plank.

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  • @p0tatovodka

    Really love the idea of comets and meteor showers impacting the islands, could be a nice seasonal/ random event with long gaps in between. Cosmetics would be awesome for this too, not sure about the magnetic cannonballs though, perhaps a new cursed option similar to this?

  • @p0tatovodka This is a great event idea. I would love to see you fleshout this idea with some imput from the rest of the community. Can i add your post to the Community Ideas Master List. It will help get your post more views and not get buried in the Forum.

  • @p0tatovodka

    Nice idea! Comets, falling stars, and other cosmic events would be awesome. There was a post a while back bringing the sky more alive.

    It does not have to be limited to what can be taken out of the astral rocks found. The events could be an omen to events in the game taken place. Skeletons could change temporary, slumbering creatures at the bottom of the sea could be awaken, or the could strike open hidden secrets on the islands.

    I agree with @KattTruewalker that it would make a cool seasonal event. I think Sea of Thieves could benefit a lot from seasonal events that pirates can look forward to each year. We have had some great experiences in Bildge Rats adventures that it would be a shame to not experience them again, especially new players.

    Definitely let @ENF0RCER add your idea to the Community Ideas Master List.

  • @p0tatovodka Wow, nice idea. I don't think I've seen a suggestion like this either. That would be really cool.

    I'm imagining some sort of system where you can use the gems to create a particle effect to attach to weapons/clothes xD

  • @p0tatovodka I have added you post to the community as i see you have not been on in sometime so i assume you never got my reqest. If you wish to be takin of the list plz PM me.

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