Your favourite drink?

  • So as I am sitting here at college, bored at dinner time I decided to get a little disscussion going.

    What's your favourite drink people? Mine is monster green. Love that stuff.

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  • Rum and coke!

    All the way... I know, a pirate, loving rum, who knew!

    I would love to see if anyone has any piratey cocktails too!

  • @musicmee My current favourite is Rum and Ginger beer, In particular Kraken spiced rum and old Jamaica ginger beer.

  • @musicmee Funnly enough I tried that during new years eve, going into new years. I woke up and threw up about 10 times. It was nice though(The rum and coke, not the sick)

  • @britishtwin-one

    The Order of Souls Lady at Golden Sands does a good brew... coffee ;)

    edit It's under the counter stuff.. you have ask real nice & obviously be a good customer.. think she puts something special in it.

  • Tea!

    And i will stop at nothing to board your vessels to get my hands on more!

  • @needsmokes Get the kettle on!


  • @musicmee What's the most yorkshire thing to say about tea? Go make me a cuppa? Or go make tut tea?

  • Water is life.

  • @genuine-heather Huh? What's that? Don't think I've ever drank that before.

  • @britishtwin-one Tea. Yorkshire tea, to be precise.

  • @luciansanchez82 As it should be. Shouldn't be anything else.

  • @britishtwin-one said in Your favourite drink?:

    @genuine-heather Huh? What's that? Don't think I've ever drank that before.

    It’s the clear, hot liquid you pour over your tea. Believe it or not, some people drink that stuff straight!

  • @genuine-heather Oh, I'm british therefore I have a butler automatically. I know nothing of this water. My butler has only told me about yorkshire tea.

  • I'm torn between the Champagne and the Milkshake 👀

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Your favourite drink?:

    @britishtwin-one Tea. Yorkshire tea, to be precise.

    by 'eck lad tha's bringing a tear t' mi eye!

  • @sshteeve @LucianSanchez82

    Does tha' know, th' be two Yorkshire legends perusing these waters?

  • @britishtwin-one normally it is squash for me at home and coffee at work.

    For a proper drink it has to be either one of these:

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  • @musicmee said in Your favourite drink?:

    @sshteeve @LucianSanchez82

    Does tha' know, th' be two Yorkshire legends perusing these waters?

    Aye lad, an' us an'all doin' summat usually.

  • @britishtwin-one said in Your favourite drink?:

    @genuine-heather Oh, I'm british therefore I have a butler automatically. I know nothing of this water. My butler has only told me about yorkshire tea.

    Naturally, I understand. It’s largely unknown here in the states, as well. Most of us only drink Starbucks coffee or Bud Light. Although both contain water, those who drink it straight are shunned as either cissies or barbarians, depending upon whom you ask.

  • Rum, Mead and Red Ale.

  • @britishtwin-one

    I drink larger when I’m at home in the Taverns which is usually a mix between:
    Carlsberg, Budweiser and Estrella.

    If im not drinking alcohol its usually just plain old Water or Green Tea lol. I love the refreshing feeling green tea gives me and it calms my nerves. It’s also the healthiest drink on the planet.

    If I’m abroad I will litrally just drink an ungodly amount of Strawberry Daqaries (Spelt that wrong)
    It’s basically a Rum slush puppy paha!

  • If we're talking mixed drinks, then Cuba Libre, Gin and Tonic or Jim Beam Honey with apple juice.

    Other than that, tea, coffee, beer, wine.

  • @genuine-heather

    @genuine-heather said in Your favourite drink?:

    @britishtwin-one said in Your favourite drink?:

    Haha. Love it. Largely unknown in the states, made me chuckle. Yeah I do drink water. If the water machine is working, I'll keep drinking it.

  • @britishtwin-one You're half-way to my fave drink. Just add some spiced rum (preferably Kraken, of course) to that Monster. ;) OR if you feel more adventurous try a Monster Mule (ginger flavour) with some rum. Yummy Yummy

  • Oooh! Great thread!

    I had an amazing, alcoholic milk shake one time with Old Grandad's bourbon in it. Wow, was that good!

    My all time favourite drink, though, is a shipwreck: 3 oz. bourbon shaken with 1 oz. agave syrup and mint muddled into four eighths of a lemon, all poured over crushed ice. I also add some lemon balm to the mint just 'cause.

    I do make a mean hot-buttered rum, though. To do it right you need a hot fire going. Leave a poker in the fire till it's red-hot. Then you're going to pour something like 5-6oz of rum, top up with boiling water — I come dangerously close to equal parts — and a small pat of butter (just under a tsp or so, which should start melting right away). Then put in the hot poker to caramelize the sugars and sprinkle with some spices to taste. My wife likes it with a little added brown sugar, but I like it as is.

    Drink cautiously.

  • Krackn is good but I'd prefer Captain Morgan black spiced all day

  • @ajm123 I had rum on new years eve. It was captain morgan's spiced gold. Tasted quite nice with coke. Not really much of an alcholic drinker but would like to try more to see if I like anything else.

  • @conal-cuan Interesting mix. Might try that. Only because I love monster though.

  • I literally only drink Sparkling Water 😬.

  • @britishtwin-one

    There is always a nice Chianti... ;)

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  • @musicmee said in Your favourite drink?:

    @sshteeve @LucianSanchez82

    Does tha' know, th' be two Yorkshire legends perusing these waters?

    Mekkit 3 soft lad

  • KingGoblin from wychwood brewery is the beer of choice, for Rum I'd go with Kraken, Red Leg or Dead Man's Finger... or Rum Bullion... Tea wise, if it's not Yorkshire it's nowt, more of one of them coffee heretics anyway, soft drinks wise, probably Fanta (any flavour)

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