March 20th Disappointment

  • Is anyone else really quite annoyed they've spent weeks shouting about the March 20th mega update and only just now said that the Mega update is in the future?

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  • @cthulhusroadie They have made it perfectly clear there wasn't going to be a major update today. They've always said: We'll announce our mega update on March 20th.

  • @cthulhusroadie They said march 20th was going to be a big announcement about the future of SOT they never once said it was going to be a mega update.

  • @cthulhusroadie

    No... not disappointed at all... as has been said was never planned for the 20th as a content drop.
    You unfortunately misinterpreted the information given out.

  • @murkrage said in March 20th Disappointment:

    @cthulhusroadie They have made it perfectly clear there wasn't going to be a major update today. They've always said: We'll announce our mega update on March 20th.

    Where's the announcement though? Did I miss it or is it just not there yet?

  • @princes-lettuce It isn't out yet matey. Dev updates tend to arrive a little later in the day.

    Something to do with the amount of time @The3SheetsNeate has to spend in make-up before filming, I've heard.

  • @princes-lettuce sagte in March 20th Disappointment:

    @murkrage said in March 20th Disappointment:

    @cthulhusroadie They have made it perfectly clear there wasn't going to be a major update today. They've always said: We'll announce our mega update on March 20th.

    Where's the announcement though? Did I miss it or is it just not there yet?

    The announcement trailer isn't out yet...

  • @cthulhusroadie Rare never said the Mega Update will be released today, they will say the real date today.

  • @princes-lettuce Ahoy!

    I imagine it is delayed at least partly due to the servers acting up, and that it might be a priority at the current time.

    I'm positive it'll be released shortly.

  • @cthulhusroadie Not at all.

  • They will announce it March 20, They didn't say that they're releasing the mega update today.

  • I'm disappointed about the play of my football program. I'm hopeful, yet slightly disappointed about my basketball program. I'm very disappointed that I didn't know the airspeed velocity of a swallow. I'm not overly worried about this.

  • @gatorwocky African or European? 🤔

  • If the video I just watched about the April 30 update is "the big announcement" then I'm wholly disappointed.

  • The announcement of the announcement was scheduled weeks ago for today. The announcement is now out and other than announcing the release date, it is the most announced announcement of an announcement that has been so overhyped to be so extremely underwhelming.

  • @steelroots55 I thought the trailer was awesome. i'm bummed that its a month away, since we havn't had a big release in quite a while, but judging by the amount of stuff that was in the trailer, and i'm assuming more stuff that's coming but wasn't in the trailer, it'll be worth the wait.

  • also, every time they mentioned the mega-update, they have very carefully stated that they would be announcing what was in it, and giving us a release date today, March 20th. they never once said that it would RELEASE on March 20th, so if that's what you're disappointed by, you disappointed yourself.

  • @x-crowheart-x Extremely underwhelming? How so? I'm curious about your opinion on this.

  • @cthulhusroadie said in March 20th Disappointment:

    Is anyone else really quite annoyed they've spent weeks shouting about the March 20th mega update and only just now said that the Mega update is in the future?

    The only 2 annoying things have been reading all the posts/chat/etc from all the people who didn't either:

    • READ what was being said about the 'announcement on March 20th'
      or didn't
    • LISTEN when the words 'announcing the Mega Update features and the date when it will be released on March 20th' were spoken by ANY Rare employee who mentioned the update.
      Other than that, no other annoyance here matey.
  • @je0rgie-p0rgie said in March 20th Disappointment:

    @x-crowheart-x Extremely underwhelming? How so? I'm curious about your opinion on this.

    I am very happy to announce that I will at a later time announce the date of the answer to your question that will come some time after that announcement.

  • Not disappointed at all. In fact, very excited for the future of this game. The announcement that they said was coming today delivered in full as far as I'm concerned. Plus a little update to say "thank you".

    Well, thank you indeed.

  • @x-crowheart-x It's not uncommon for developers to announce that they'll be revealing something big on a specific date that will ultimately come at a later date. Look at E3. Companies make announcements like, "Hey on June "X" be the first to see our announcement trailer for our new upcoming IP." It builds hype and it allows consumers (players) in on the fact that they're working on something but more info is to coming.

    I honestly can't imagine why it's such a big deal that Rare announced over a month ago that they'd be releasing a trailer today. And before anyone jumps in and says, "because we haven't gotten new content in 4 months!" Well yeah...because this update is MASSIVE. Who's to say that most of this stuff isn't connected and that it just makes more sense to launch it as one complete package versus chopping it up into smaller pieces? We just don't know the full details yet.

    We're getting two new trading companies on the 30th of April! That's huge! A completely new questing mechanic, a new game mode, fishing, cooking, etc. To me it's worth the wait and I'd rather see them take 4 months to release something this epic then 2 months to release something that needs 2 more months of additional updates to feel right.

  • They were very clear about it

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie

    You went overboard there mate. I said “A N N O U N C E M E N T”. I was not speaking about the mega update itself, the content of said update, or the release date of said update. Your defend/attack mode seems to be on a hair trigger. ;) Cheers!

  • @x-crowheart-x Aye, as was my response. However, I'm sure you can understand by your intentional redundant use of the word announcement how easy it would be to misunderstand your meaning. Which is why I asked for more specifics regarding your initial post. Getting the response that I did I then assumed you had a specific issue with how the trailer was announced.

    My intentions aren't to attack anyone but are instead to help clarify the reasons behind certain decisions. Sorry if my response sounded hostile, it wasn't meant to be. At any rate, it is what it is onward to the 30th of April! Cheers!

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie we are good sir!

    Totally understand why to announce the announcement. Just lots of huge build up for a very lack luster announcement is all. It was Sea of Thieves first birthday/anniversary and the big day of the mega update announcement. Really missed the mark for a truly MEGA announcement and celebration of it all. It is over so we all can just sail on.

    Like you said we have the update itself to look forward to. Plus a golden hat that is not gold. Hopefully, it will truly be a big bada boom. Let's raise one to more Insider testing to make sure it goes off that way while we wait.

  • I am not disappointed they said that it would only be an announcement.

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