I wish people would wear sea dog more

  • I'm just saying its a good outfit set that pulls off that true pirate style like nothing else its a bit sad to see it not get worn enough its simple yet stylish and works for all ocassions

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  • Is that the all black one?

  • Sea dog coat, Sovereign hat, Grand Admiral gloves, Executive Admiral trousers, Sovereign or Hunter shirt, Sea dog or Legend belt & boots, try it out, quality combo imo

  • I like the ship livery.

    Looks swell on a galley.

  • @reedski said in I wish people would wear sea dog more:

    Sea dog coat, Sovereign hat, Grand Admiral gloves, Executive Admiral trousers, Sovereign or Hunter shirt, Sea dog or Legend belt & boots, try it out, quality combo imo

    Five bucks says you don't give half this thought or effort to your work wardrobe.


  • @lucky-13-x said in I wish people would wear sea dog more:

    Is that the all black one?

    That's the BLACK Dog stuff.

  • @drayman86 did you want a cheque or shall I risk mailing you cash?...

  • Seadog gear is sensible outerwear for the working mariner. No shiny bits and baubles.
    All business.

    It's the basis for all my pirate attire.

    True to my name.

  • Nope I’m wearing the whole Royal Sovereign Set on my body and on my Ship! Only this sets fits to my name and I love the colors:)

  • aye, I absolutely love the Sea Dog coat (Rogue variation)! That trench coat style is perfect imo. The rest of the set I was a bit "meh" about. I think I have Sea Dog boots on, but those two are all. I just really like the Executive Admiral shirt, gives me more of a piratically refined look :)

  • The sea dog coat is the best one in the game!
    I'll never stop wearing it!

  • If the coat came in a closed variant, I'd probably not have been so keen on getting the Mercenary set.
    It is a nice set though =)

  • I've worn my white sea dogs coat since I was able to get it. My favorite jacket in the game by far. I never put on the purple pirate legend gear. Only thing PL that I wear is the eyepatch. My character is a mismatch outfit of different items I have collected throughout my adventures reminding me of my adventures.

    My outfit is the skullcrusher hat, legend eyepatch, the red festival face paint, the cursed sails scars, hungering deep tattoo, the white sea dog coat, the golden sea dog gloves, one of the sovereign shirts, the black dog pants, athena boots, and the mercenary of the ancient order title.

    Equipment wise I roll with the DR cutlass, onyx eye of reach, black dog hurdy and concertina, hungering deep drum and speaking trumpet, the company items shovel compass watch telescope lantern and mug.

  • @bigbootysmack20 Aye! I love the Sea Dog gear. I've been wearing it since I was able to purchase them. I sometimes where the fancy coat, but primarily just this. I also love these Sea Dog sails with the Sovereign Hull. That's been the livery of The Devil's Hind for a long time.

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  • @entspeak said in I wish people would wear sea dog more:

    @bigbootysmack20 Aye! I love the Sea Dog gear. I've been wearing it since I was able to purchase them. I sometimes where the fancy coat, but primarily just this. I also love these Sea Dog sails with the Sovereign Hull. That's been the livery of The Devil's Hind for a long time.

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    Those are the best sails IMO

  • Personally, I just like the Bone Crusher set more and don't want to spend the gold on the Sea Dog set.

  • @bigbootysmack20 I wear a Seadog/Bone crusher combo.

  • @karloss00
    Agreed, can't stand a lot of the sets but to each their own.
    I just think keeping in brown/dark colours helps you blend in and all that glowy stuff to be pretty ugly and draws attention.

  • monkey is in full shipwreck bilge rat sometimes ill mix it up with the crab items just for some colour but me have kinda swiched out my shipwrecked bilge rat hat for the anavirsery hat that every 1 got who played the game last year golden sailor or something like that

    my dad use to rock full sailor outfit but now hes full mersanairy

  • @reedski said in I wish people would wear sea dog more:

    @drayman86 did you want a cheque or shall I risk mailing you cash?...

    Sixty quid cash please.

  • @drayman86 sadly for you the bet was 5 bucks, I'm not certain how to wrangle deer though...

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