Merchant Alliance Voyage Offering is Flawed

  • So I've turned on Sea of Thieves tonight to try and plow through some of the 500 cargo turn ins that I'll need for the Pirate Legend commendation.

    I'm finally all motivated and ready to work on these, but when I speak to the Merchant trader to purchase a cargo run she only has animal runs to offer me... Hmm no matter, I'll just start in on another server. Okay, fresh start, different outpost, new server. Let's go get a cargo run, right? Apparently not, animal runs only, yet again.

    So I've spent the past 40 minutes server hopping, just in hopes of being able to buy at least one cargo run. No luck. The in game day has cycled at least once and I've server hopped dozens of times, but I can't purchase cargo runs due to the RNG voyage offering system. It's frustrating.

    I don't know how much of an undertaking this change would be, if there are server limitations, or other technical hardships, but I really think it would be a HUGE quality of life improvement to give the merchant trader 2 pages for voyages. One for cargo runs, and one for animal runs. I don't think a choice of voyage type should not be left to RNG.

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  • I agree with you, there should be more voyages for choose from in Merchant trader. I had that problem also but then I noticed that by doing following sequence changed my situation with merchant voyages.

    So when you go to merchant lady and see that available voyages are only animals and you want cargo voayges then buy all or just one of those animal voyages even you don't need them. After you have those in voyage list then make the server hop by leaving game and starting new one. When you are in the new game then go to merchant lady and you should have totally new voyages which probably have cargo's now available.

    Just remember when discarding those animal voyages do that part after you have started new game and you are in new outpost ready to buy new voyages. Not in the old game where you originally bought them.

    I am not sure if this 100% solution but as for me it has worked pretty much every time.

  • Perhaps it's built this way to discourage potential abuse?

  • @chronodusk I agree, I have said this before too. Surely it couldn't be too difficult to have two tabs like you say.

    In the meantime, did you make sure to purchase the animal voyages and cancel them? That seemed to help me when I face this problem.

    @Galactic-Geek I can't see how this would cause any exploitation?

  • @octopus-lime I can complete a CR in the DR in under 10 minutes. At lvl. 50 MA, that's 1400gp×8c=11,200gp. That makes it officially the fastest and most consistent way to earn gold upon the SoT. And the best part? You can do more than 1, or another voyage, entirely at the same time! So that means for roughly 15 minutes of work, that 11,200 gold becomes 22,400, and if we score another Gold and Glory weekend, that doubles again to 44,800 gold! In only 15 minutes!

  • @galactic-geek Yea but that isn't an exploit or abused, that is the way they designed them. Plus gold has no real value in this game anyway so even if you could make a million gold an hour it doesn't matter.

    When you said 'abused' I thought you meant some kind of cheese like the early days of MA animal runs where it could be manipulated to give the same hand in outpost each time.

  • Totally agree, i also just started running cargo, i recommend to get some folks and create a brig, this way you will have better chance that one of you will find cargo run, or even in 2 players, its a wayy faster then solo.
    If you want you can add me on xbox ill gladly join you. :)

  • Just having a more well designed vendor menu should resolve the issue, it's been silly from the very beggining the limitation of having only 3 mission available for purchase and not even the missions you want to do most of the time, like not being able to choose between riddles or x marks the spot in gold hoarders and choose between cargo run or animal collection or supply collection on MA. Not calling for unlimited missions, but just tweaked to either allow a drop down menu to choose between the mission types; after all if we ever get more missions in the future for each main voyage company, the current system is the worst possible to have.

  • The "missions" only differ in a randomly generated name so maybe have an option to get a random generated Cargo run, or a random generated animal run. Still limit 3 per game day.

    Or if they add another merchant voyage type it would be a choice of 3. Hopefully something to do with gathering plants!

  • For some reason cargo runs don't count as completed voyages for me. :(

  • @japollo-93

    Yeah they do not count, and that's intentional. The reason being is because once you pick up the cargo, the voyage is cleared. You don't technically have to deliver it to clear it. I guess they made it not count because it could easily be farmed for voyage completion counts for a commendation.

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