The Shroudbreaker Tall Tale detailed walkthrough guide (HUGE SPOILERS)

  • It’s recommended that you only use this walkthrough as a last resort, and only if you get stuck at a particular point in the tale but still wish to progress further in the story. It should be noted that there are 2 ways you can fail the quest, either by losing the totem needed to progress further, or by all of your crew dying in the vault room, which shouldn’t happen if you follow this walkthrough. The tale itself is fairly easy when you know what you’re expected to do, but can be a little tricky when you don’t, hence this walkthrough.


    To begin the tale you will need to visit the mysterious stranger found in any tavern on any outpost. They’ll be standing at the back of the tavern next to the bar with a book placed beside them on a barrel. You and your crew will need to vote on this book to start the tale and receive the book in your map radial inventory wheel, which will then let you access the book at any time until the tale is finished. Should you wish to cancel the tale at any time, for any reason, you can do so by going to the voting table on your ship and voting to cancel. After everyone in your crew has voted to start the tale, the mysterious stranger will then begin to speak and your adventure will begin.


    Now that you have the book you can read through it, by selecting it from the map radial wheel and turning the pages with left/right on the d-pad or by pressing the Q & E keys. From the clues given in the book you will arrive at the conclusion to begin your quest searching for an uncharted island somewhere in the Ancient Isles. The island is located at the corners of N/O 13/14 on the ships map table grid.


    When you get to the island you are looking for the Magpies Wing’s ship log, which will add 2 new pages to the book and contain new clues that you will need to follow to find the next quest item. The Magpie’s ship log is located in the sunken wreckage of the Magpies Wing (west side of the island) on the floor to the left as you swim into the captain’s cabin, it’s on the overturned table.


    The ships log will give details on the Magpie’s journey and where they chose to ditch the chest before being sunk. You will need to workout from the clues on the pages which island they left the chest at by following the same course as the Magpies Wing. This part of the tale has different variations on islands and courses taken, so you can replay the tale and enjoy a new experience with a different crew. When you get to the island that you believe the chest to be on, you will need to swim under the sea and around the island to locate the chest somewhere on the islands seabed. This is made easier by the shinning glint that you will see coming from the chest when you get close enough to it. Known variations are as follows:

    Anchored on the north side of Discovery Ridge, fleeing northeast, passing a huge island and continuing northeast: Fools Lagoon (west side).

    Anchored on the south side of Discovery Ridge, fleeing southeast, passed small shallow islands starboard, now heading east by northeast passing a fortified island, continuing northeast to a cluster of islands: Snake Island (southwest side).

    Anchored on the south side of Discovery Ridge, fleeing southeast, passing a large tangled nest of islands to starboard, continuing east by southeast: Lookout Point (northwest side).

    Anchored on the south side of Discovery Ridge, fleeing east, passed a fortified island and amending course north: Chicken Isle (southeast side)

    Anchored on the east side of Plunder Valley, fleeing east, passing a small shallow island and continuing east, coming up on a short chain of islands and turning southeast: Paradise Spring (north side).

    Anchored on the south side of Thieves Haven, fleeing northeast, passed small shallow isles starboard and continuing north by northeast, rounding a fortified island and turning west by southwest: Cutlass Cay (northeast side).


    After retrieving the ancient chest and opening it you will find 2 more pages for the book, as well as 1 of 6 totem variations. Using the book you must now match the island shape that appears on the second to last page with the ships map table, to find out which island you need to go to next. There are 6 islands and 6 totems that you might get as variations of the tale, but you will only need 1 totem while playing through the tale. The quest islands and their respective totems are as follows:

    Crook’s Hollow: Scarab
    Uncharted Island (N/O 13/14): Crab
    Devil’s Ridge: Boar
    Kraken’s Fall: Shark
    Mermaid’s Hideaway: Snake
    Crescent Isle: Moon


    Once you’ve arrived at the island depicted in your pages of the book, you will now need to find the entrance to the vault room and where the totem should be placed to open the vault room door. There is a clue in the book hinting at where you should begin to search, and what you’re looking for is a square pressure plate on some rocks where the totem will go. The locations are as follows:

    Crook’s Hollow: from the east beach, through the waterfall into the cave, it’s on some small rocks on the left side, before the scarab rock at the intersection.

    Uncharted Island (N/O 13/14): locate the secret cave entrance on the west side of the island and swim into the cave, head to the east side of the cave to find the worktable that’s opposite Merrick’s journal. It’s up and behind the table, the bottom left rocks.

    Devil’s Ridge: on the southeast beach you will find 3 boar paintings on the rocks, it’s at the bottom right of this (small rocks).

    Kraken’s Fall: head to the middle of the island and find the Kraken remains in the sea, it’s just a few paces up and to the north on some small rocks.

    Mermaid’s Hideaway: on the west side of the island just under the archway, it’s opposite the single snake symbol on the small rocks.

    Crescent Isle: head to the bridge underneath the middle of the island and then into the north cave, it’s on the small rocks to the right as you enter, just past the torch.


    When you enter the vault room you will find the puzzle table with 4 unlit torches on each of the corners, and a button with a handprint in the middle. Just passed the vault room puzzle table you will also find 4 pillars that can be rotated. In order to solve the puzzle you will need to use the book to decipher the code and then enter it correctly to complete the puzzle. To start the puzzle you will need to light the 4 torches around the table, which will then close the door behind you as the room begins to fill with water. You will now need to turn the pillars to match the first (top) line of symbols, found in the last page of the book, and then return to the table to press the button. The symbols on the pillars should then change to match the second (middle) line of symbols found in the book. Repeat the process by entering the code for the second and third lines and the puzzle will be solved.


    After solving the puzzle you will now need to retrieve 3 medallions, which will be placed in the 3 circular holes in the puzzle table found underneath the handprint button. The puzzle table will now light up showing you an image with the location of the first medallion indicated by a circle, and will change to the next location once a medallion has been placed into the table. After retrieving all 3 of the medallions and placing them into the puzzle table, the door in-between the rotating pillars will open up inside the vault room revealing the Shroudbreaker. Known locations for the medallions are as follows:

    Crook’s Hollow: 1, in front of the scarab stone at the cave intersection (south). 2, behind the waterfall on the right side after leaving the vault room (east). 3, in front of the Easter Island head located at the top of the island just after the steps (south).

    Uncharted Island (N/O 13/14): 1, the pillar next to the cave entrance on the left as you leave (west). 2, in front of the palm trees by themselves (south). 3, a pillar in front of an underwater archway (southwest) head to the Magpies captains’ cabin and then west by southwest from there.

    Devil’s Ridge: 1, three rocks by the pool of water directly in front of the waterfall (west). 2, underneath the overhanging rock that can be found directly above the vault room (southeast). 3, on the boar shrine in the caves (southeast) the entrance to the caves can be found at the northeast side of the island behind some foliage near the cannon.


    Now that you have the Shroudbreaker you will have to fight your way back to the ship through endless waves of the new coral skeleton type (except on the uncharted island). Then it’s just a simple case of returning to the mysterious stranger (any outpost) and handing it over for your reward, as well as some information on where to begin the next tale (Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost).


    If you want all of the Shroudbreaker commendations along with the Magpies Wing cosmetic ship cannons, you will also need to complete the tale 5 times, and find the 5 Mercia journals. These can be found at the following locations:

    Uncharted Island (N/O 13/14): northwest tip of the island, near the sunken wreck.
    Ancient Spire Outpost: in a cave on the north side of the opposite spire to the tavern.
    Devil’s Ridge: by the cannon on the northeast side of the island.
    Thieves Haven: in the ruined hut inside the middle of the island next to the waterfall.
    Plunder Outpost: inside the destroyed rowboat by the campfire next to the gold hoarders’ tent.

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  • Do you have more guides?

  • @litoskimask I highly recommend using the guides on Rare Thief.

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