Okay so... I got Gold Curse a little while back.
The spots of gold you see here, is all the gold my character got... Basically, i am not happy... My curse doesn't match any of the gold hoarder NPC's, so im wondering if mine is bugged somehow, as i hear people are supposed to get a curse based on one of the gold hoarder NPC's.
As far as i know, my curse is completely unique, but very underwhelming.
Having searched furiously for information about this curse, i haven't found anything related to how this curse works specifically, other than the fact that some players get the gold hoarder NPC curses, speaking of which, i actually encountered a fellow player ingame that got Horace the Hoarder's curse... With most of his body covered in gold, but most importantly, a golden foot! Boy am i jealous!!! Congrats, whoever you are, you lucky scallywag! xD
So, i decided to make a post, with this feedback, and some suggestions... I hope i am posting in the right place.
So my suggestion is to have the curse spread statically, from dynamic locations on each pirate's body... And this curse spreads incrementally each 1%, from.... let's say 1 gold, to 10 000 000 gold... with 10 000 000 gold making your character fully golden, in other words, 100%... Alternatively, you could cap the percantage at some point to avoid people becoming solid gold statues, should Rare find that too silly (which i doubt). xD
The curse would slowly recede the more money you spend, based on the values presented, only makes sense, right? The more gold you hoard, the more golden you become... The less gold you hoard, the less golden you become! Fits the theme of the greed curse of the Shores of Gold. :)
It would basically be a texture that slowly spreads across your body, based on how rich you are, i think that would be amazing... And i think many would agree.
However, given my character's gold curse is completely unique (not a match for ANY gold hoarder NPC's whatsoever), im unsure if this is already how the curse works, but given some players literally get NPC curses, i doubt it. Only 0.05% of the entire playerbase has this curse, so it makes sense that there arent a lot of examples to take information from. So it would be great if Rare could explain how this works!
I also know that Rare is gonna change something about this curse, but they haven't been clear on precisely what that means... Hence the concern, and the suggestion! ;)
That being said, if you got golden curse, show me your pirate! :O
EDIT: New information has been found!
I have Humphrey the Hoarders curse, the old one, from BEFORE they updated the appearances of the gold hoarder NPC's.
Btw, the following picture is what Humphrey the Hoarder looks like CURRENTLY in the game. The Youtuber MixelPlx has this version of the curse, so i know Humphrey has ENTIRELY GOLDEN HANDS beneath those gloves. xD
Basically, the Gold Curse texture pool consists of ALL the old versions of the Gold Hoarders, as well as the ALL the new versions of the Gold Hoarders... There's a total of 7 Gold Hoarder NPC's.
6 old + 7 new = 13 total gold curse appearances players can get.
I'm assuming the old versions have generally less gold on them than the new versions. Have fun getting RNG'd, guys! xD
Now we know how the curse works! Thanks SeaNethermore for helping me find this information! ;)
Curse was updated, here's my new curse appearance!
I got a golden foot, so i am a happy camper. xD
Though now the question is, do we all look completely identical, or are there still curse variations? Did they just remove the 7 old versions? What exactly was the change? :O
Semi-hidden patch notes. -.-'
Curse is identical for everyone... That is a fix to a problem that never existed... I'm not unhappy about my new appearance, i love my golden foot, i am unhappy about how you chose to fix the problem, Rare. : /
I hope you will take my suggestion into consideration for the future. Over and out!