Mind to share your stats?

  • Accidentally, @Bugaboo-Bill presented at https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/95010/community-of-trolls-worst-online-experience/15#

    I would like to "show off", too 😜. Drumroll:

    PS: I allways can't see content I linked to. Is this working at all?

  • 33
  • Your stats are so teeny weeny I can’t even see them.

  • I keep my ePeen short, cuz i need to have a real life / virtual life balance 😂

    Pic link is broken @Goedecke-Michel

  • @bugaboo-bill @Goedecke-Michel

    Fixed it ;D

  • Thanks @Musicmee

    Only 2 Million miles more than me???
    I expected you have double than me mate :)))

    Good to see you also have a real life virtual life balance 😂

  • alt text
    Here there are my stats!

  • Ok, don't laugh... my amatuer stats.... :(

  • @musicmee
    [Mod edit]

  • Thank you very much, @musicmee.
    @Bugaboo-Bill Well, I had some friends who had much more miles in the same time. But most of them got problems with their real life, family or partners, some got divorced, lost their jobs, etc. SoT can be quite addictive.

    @musicmee and @EGGamer13, you are clearly in the risk group 😱

  • @eggamer13 said in Mind to share your stats?:

    [Mod edit]

    Hahaha 😂

    I'm so casual, i like beeing a casual for fun player :-)

  • Nice Idea.
    I (gamertag Buck_Luny) have the following stats:

  • Stats

  • @archangel-timmy 11,849,932... when do you do real life 🤓 😂... by accident? 🌼

  • @eggamer13 I get the sentiment... but...

    cough cough

    Family-friendly! I have had to edit your post.

  • @musicmee

  • @eggamer13

  • @musicmee Someday we need to sail together 😂

    And instead of using the chat or the non-verbal communication we'll use gifs

  • @goedecke-michel Unless we have something else planned, the wife and I hop on every night after the kids go to sleep :)

  • @archangel-timmy sagte in Mind to share your stats?:

    @goedecke-michel Unless we have something else planned, the wife and I hop on every night after the kids go to sleep :)

    Lol, I'm just imagining, "Come on, kids, it's 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, off to bed!" 😜

    My darling doesn't play that with me, I'm afraid. I only play when my darling is in bed.

    Me: Darling, it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon, you look very tired and exhausted, should I give you a bath and accompany you to bed?
    Darling: No, honey.
    Me: Sigh. Well, then I'll mow the lawn and fix the car?
    Darling: All right, honey.


  • @goedecke-michel said in Mind to share your stats?:

    Accidentally, @Bugaboo-Bill presented at https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/95010/community-of-trolls-worst-online-experience/15#

    I would like to "show off", too 😜. Drumroll:

    PS: I allways can't see content I linked to. Is this working at all?

    nice mate

  • @archangel-timmy said in Mind to share your stats?:

    @goedecke-michel Unless we have something else planned, the wife and I hop on every night after the kids go to sleep :)


  • alt text

  • @geoffman72 insane!

  • Haha. I don't know why it displays meters, as opposed to nautical miles but, it comes out to be 8918 nautical miles. I put more miles on a virtual sailboat in a little over a year than some people do real cars, lol.

    I wish there were more stats though. I want to see how many skeleton ships over 500 I've sank, or how many athenas and ashen athenas chests turned in.

  • Mods can edit to show the image? I can't seem to get images to work for me. 😫

  • @pithyrumble Paste the link, don't use the link to text option and it will show.

  • @pithyrumble Just post the raw link, don't use the forums functions offered above the form where you fill in your text.
    "[Link Text](Link Adresse)" false
    "![Bild Text](Bild Link)" false
    "http://picture-url" right (without the quotes)

  • Thanks! Thats a little better lol

  • Used to be you could check your Hours Played as well, did Xbox remove that entirely?

  • @gerbenhol Don't know, was it ever available?

  • @goedecke-michel Yep, I can still find it for most games on the xbox app on PC. On my phone I can see it for Sea of Thieves Insider as well. On PC I can see the Hours Played on Insider only if I compare achievements with a friend, but even then the window disappears after half a second. I can't find it for normal SoT, maybe it was never there.

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