Double AI spawns are difficult to fight when some bugs are present

  • @crimsonraziel dude what does global rank mean and what is it for?

  • @ziobasi Dude, you need a hug? You need a sailing simulator, not a Pirate Game. My comment was just a joke, no need to cry. Offending people will not make you be heard, it will only make people laugh at you.

  • @d4m0r3d There's a Global Ranking for completing all the achievements and there's another leaderboard for all the chests/skulls cashed in. I'm not saying that if I'm Global Rank#47 I'm the best pirate because in this game ranking doesn't mean a lot, but what I want to say is that I have a LOT of experience of this game so don't think I'm not able to kill a kraken. I'm just talking about the bugs that are present

  • @targasbr You started to offend me making fun of what I wrote so don't cry if I answered to your offenses. I've also read other answers that you've made in other posts and they are all the same. I thought we were in a "feedback + discussion" category and not a "make fun of other" category. And please next time answer to my question if you are able to have a discussion with somebody else instead of making useless comment

  • @crimsonraziel Read better the posts above plz. I didn't post my global rank just to pose, but so you can understand that you're not talking to a noob but with a player which has experience (maybe more than you). So don't act like you know how to play and don't say everything is fine when the game is full of bugs.

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr You started to offend me making fun of what I wrote so don't cry if I answered to your offenses. I've also read other answers that you've made in other posts and they are all the same. I thought we were in a "feedback + discussion" category and not a "make fun of other" category. And please next time answer to my question if you are able to have a discussion with somebody else instead of making useless comment

    There comes a time when we just tire of people crying in the forum for their own lack of skill. This is a pirate game, the seas are hostile, only the best pirates are victorious. What do we do when we get tired? We laugh, we joke, we play with people. I did not offend anyone, but if you felt offended, just prove that the problem is not the game, but your lack of skill.

    Just a comment, I make relevant comments for relevant posts. This "Please make the game easier so I can stop playing minecraft" thing is nothing relevant.

  • @targasbr "we just tired of people crying in the forum for their own lack of skill"

    If people are "crying" in the forum maybe there's something wrong in the game what do you think?! You think I'm crying for my skills when are 100% better than yours?? So what are you saying is that the game has NOT bugs right? You're saying that the game is fluid? No bugs in the game?? I think you don't have skill to understand what a game should looks like. I can understand, maybe you're a kid with doesn't even know what to say.

  • @targasbr and AGAIN!! I'm not asking to make the game EASIER, I prefer they increase the difficulty of the monsters instead to see my character fly away from my ship during a fight or fast travel in the seas and see he gets teleported miles and miles away with no sense. Do you really think the game should look likes this? Is that the best part you enjoy of the game? LoL just stop defending bugs!! You're just making fun of yourself

  • @ziobasi said in Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    As title: Can't understand why everytime (or almost) a skelly ship spawn there is also a megalodon.... Is Rare able to invent something cool or they just want to waste our free time just dying and loosing the loot all the time?!

    1. When the game was released, skull fort was ridicolous for the aim of the cannons....

    Yeah they had good aim, that was great for fending off others who tried to take our fort ^_^ To be honest It never bothered me, if they hit they just hit the top deck for 90% of the time and when we got close they stopped shooting.

    1. Since skeletons with explosive barel were released, players only encounter them and it's ridiclous to always run away...

    Yeah this was to make it so that people could get the commendations for them, afterwards it was knocked down a few pegs, it seems they've upped it but honestly I'm not bothered. They make killing golden skeletons easy.

    1. When DR was released the vulcano eruption was ridicolous...

    Meh as with the skeleton aim on cannons, we usually tanked it and repaired for that 10% chanse it got on the bottom deck.

    1. With this last update skelly ships and megalodon spawn together immediatly after a player finishes an Athena or if a player finishes a skull fort at 90% of the time he encounters the kraken + megalodon....

    Oh? I've done plenty of skull forts, killed dozens of megs and sunk at least a hundred skeleton ships and I've yet to see a ship and meg at the same time. Did you know that a Meg despawns when you get close to an island? There's always an island close by, a few seconds with full wind will take you near an island and out of megladon troubles.

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr "we just tired of people crying in the forum for their own lack of skill"

    If people are "crying" in the forum maybe there's something wrong in the game what do you think?! You think I'm crying for my skills when are 100% better than yours?? So what are you saying is that the game has NOT bugs right? You're saying that the game is fluid? No bugs in the game?? I think you don't have skill to understand what a game should looks like. I can understand, maybe you're a kid with doesn't even know what to say.

    I never said that the game is perfect, it does have bugs, but your post mentioned points that are not bugs, it's just things that are hard for you but for many players it's just everyday things.

    But I agree with you, any feedback posted here is really relevant. Rare should follow every feedback posted here. I cannot wait to have submarines, parachutes and shields to surf in the game. We can surf in our shields without the presence of enemies or players!

    We already have images of the Sea of Thieves in 2020!

  • @hynieth I've sunk 200+ skelly ships + 400 skull forts done... You think I don't know how to run away? But again... how can you defend your ship if you get teleported miles away or your get eat by a kraken when you under deck? You should admit that the game still has bugs. I don't cry if I sink because I fought in a bad way, but it becomes frustrating when I sink for a bug reason, don't you agree?

  • @targasbr Ok so plz show me how you defeat a kraken + megalodon while you've been teleported far away and you can't do anyhting. If you can show me that I'll agree with you, but if you just talking... well it's just talking

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr and AGAIN!! I'm not asking to make the game EASIER, I prefer they increase the difficulty of the monsters instead to see my character fly away from my ship during a fight or fast travel in the seas and see he gets teleported miles and miles away with no sense. Do you really think the game should look likes this? Is that the best part you enjoy of the game? LoL just stop defending bugs!! You're just making fun of yourself

    After reading this review I decided to go back to your original post and search where you quoted such bugs. See below:

    @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    As title: Can't understand why everytime (or almost) a skelly ship spawn there is also a megalodon.... Is Rare able to invent something cool or they just want to waste our free time just dying and loosing the loot all the time?!

    Not a bug.

    1. When the game was released, skull fort was ridicolous for the aim of the cannons....

    Not a bug.

    1. Since skeletons with explosive barel were released, players only encounter them and it's ridiclous to always run away...

    Not a bug.

    1. When DR was released the vulcano eruption was ridicolous...

    Not a bug.

    1. With this last update skelly ships and megalodon spawn together immediatly after a player finishes an Athena or if a player finishes a skull fort at 90% of the time he encounters the kraken + megalodon....

    Not a bug.

    Are we sure this game is a sandbox?! It's one of the grindest game that I've ever played since the '90!! I really enjoy this game and I play since day 1, but I gave too much chances to it and honestly I don't think there will be any solution at this. Rare always wants you to waste time because there's no content so they don't want you to "finish" the game really fast.

    I agree we don't have so much content, but... Not a bug.

    Terrible game, that's why I still didn't buy it because it doesn't deserve my money yet.

    Everything in the world is based on profit. So... Not a bug.

    Don't think I'm noob, I'm Global Rank #47 and I'm just saying that the game is not enjoyable and I don't see a brilliant future for it.

    I enjoy it. Also, not a bug.

    It actually has a bug, the one with the small print in the quote. I know how to solve this, but I do not have access because I do not work in Rare. I hope I have responded to your post properly.

  • @ziobasi Simple, you don't your friends do.
    There's never been a problem with the spawns, a tip I can give you is to drop anchor when you get random encounters often so the server can merge you. The more quiet a server is the more chanse you'll get for a random encounter.

    Server merges happen when you drop anchor, so if you see clear horizons for hours and no other players, drop an anchor near an island and let it merge.

  • @targasbr Ok maybe my first post was a little bit off cause a was tilt, but this post already has 50 answers so plz don't stop only at the first one and read also what I wrote after that. I feel stupid to continue to argue with you because I see you don't have anything to do except to offend other players in every posts. I see you're a founder so I understand why you'r defending the game, but please you're just making fun of the game again if you say it doesn't have bugs... play it more that I've already done and come back to talk to me because I see you're not ready yet

  • Yesterday... solo slooping.
    Kraken plus Skelly Ship in the middle of a storm.
    I just laughed... there was nothing else for it but look at what life had thrown at me :)

    Strangely I quite enjoyed it... I did my best.

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr Ok so plz show me how you defeat a kraken + megalodon while you've been teleported far away and you can't do anyhting. If you can show me that I'll agree with you, but if you just talking... well it's just talking

    If the problem is this, you should have recorded what happened and sent it to support

  • @targasbr Don't need to do that because it happens to lot of players and I'm sure they already know it. I'm also sure it happens to you as well

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr Don't need to do that because it happens to lot of players and I'm sure they already know it. I'm also sure it happens to you as well

    "I don't want to send a support ticket because they already know!"
    "I think I'm going to post a complaint in the Forum so Rare will know about my problem!"

  • @targasbr If Rare doesn't know anything about those bugs, well they are not good developers at the end :)

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr If Rare doesn't know anything about those bugs, well they are not good developers at the end :)

    Are you a developer?

  • @targasbr Yes I am and I can work for free with them :)

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr Yes I am and I can work for free with them :)

    Ever developed games or anything cross-platform?

  • @targasbr I've developed games for iOS and Android never developed a cross-platform. But I know how to code and how a developer should work especially when they ask 60 bucks for a game

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr I've developed games for iOS and Android never developed a cross-platform. But I know how to code and how a developer should work especially when they ask 60 bucks for a game

    So you know the importance of public feedback, after all, the application behaves in different ways on different devices. "But it's only Xbox and PC", yes, but each PC has a different configuration. Otherwise a case that happens to you may not happen as often.

    You should also know that before correcting a bug we need to reproduce this bug, and as I mentioned above, without seeing the bug is difficult to reproduce and fix. It may be a case that happens on one portion of the map and in others it does not (The map is very big, remember that). It could be something that happened in a very specific condition like a Kraken attack along with a Meg bite. It could have happened because of the position of your player in relation to the ship. There are many alternatives.

    The time you spend creating threads and shifting the conversation to something that was not initially proposed could have been used to write the bug and send it to support. Come on, I already sent the support link. What's the use of wanting a better game if you do not even collaborate?

    Or, you can do better, just send your contact to Rare.

    I bet in a week you fix the whole game!

  • @targasbr I didn't send any support ticket because my friends already did it. We don't need to send 1000 tickets which explain the excact same things, don't you think?! Also because I wasn't recording so what kind of proof I could give them?! I posted here because it's a "feedback + suggestion" category so they SHOULD also read the post, if they care about the game (or tell me, why they've created a forum if they don't look in it). Another guy already gave a proof with a photo, what else we should do?
    So you're saying that they don't know anything about these bugs if we don't send them proofs?? It's embarassing honestly... You know that they could test the game/patch before releasing it?!

    This game was released 11 months ago and still has bugs + they ask 60 bucks, seriously?!
    Did you play Red Redemption 2? Did you see how a 60 bucks game should be fluid with no bugs when it's released? That's why I said SoT looks like No Man's Sky, Fallout76,.... they released an empty game with full of bugs. I can understand they are working "hard" on fixing those issues, but plz.... don't ask 60 bucks if they're not able to fix a game lol... especially after 11 months!! It should be a 20 bucks game for how it looks right now (that's why I still didn't buy it).
    And I'm not saying I can fix all this bugs in a week, but plz don't say they "The seas are hostile, only the best pirates can overcome such dangers" because you don't know how to defend them. Just admit bugs are presents and it's fine!

    At the end we talked a lot about me... but who are you? It says you'r Founder, but of what? Of the game? Of the forum? Are you even a developer or you're just talking here because you don't have anything else to do?

    Ps. If this is the community of the game, well better not to work with them because I could be ashamed and make a bad reputation. Better work with other companies :)

  • I agree that the game has its mistakes and that rare needs to correct bug's, however all the mentioned by what I understood is with respect to animal attacks, and this really is not bug.
    I agree that it is frustrating when the kraken pulls out of the boat being that you need to repair the same, however it has a simple tip, before it pull has an animation of black dust that circulates in the air, when that happens you just lie on the lower deck of the boat, so you will not be pulled and you can quietly keep fighting. This is more practice of game, if you have so many hours of game you should know this tip and avoid this type of problem.

    And with regard to global rank, I do not remember the game to make this available, if it really exists, please send a print there of yours so we can understand what it is about and where this information query is.

  • @ziobasi Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please keep the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in mind in future.

    Thank you.

  • @jet-fire-diego Read post above. Kraken's bug is that he can catch you also if you're under the deck. Not always but when it happens just suc*

  • @triheadedmonkey You're right I'm sorry. I was little bit upset

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @targasbr I didn't send any support ticket because my friends already did it. We don't need to send 1000 tickets which explain the excact same things, don't you think?! Also because I wasn't recording so what kind of proof I could give them?! I posted here because it's a "feedback + suggestion" category so they SHOULD also read the post, if they care about the game (or tell me, why they've created a forum if they don't look in it). Another guy already gave a proof with a photo, what else we should do?

    It does not matter if your friends sent a ticket, you should send it too. As I said above, each case is unique. Sometimes the bug that happens to them is not the same as what happens to you. As a developer you should know that.

    So you're saying that they don't know anything about these bugs if we don't send them proofs?? It's embarassing honestly... You know that they could test the game/patch before releasing it?!

    In fact they test, but the Pioneer Program serves just that, to test. Whenever a new patch comes out, the pioneers give feedback to Rare. But this is not always enough. For a big game like the Sea of Thieves, all feedback and tickets are crucial.

    This game was released 11 months ago and still has bugs + they ask 60 bucks, seriously?!

    Yes, it still has bugs. As a developer should know that every feature added new bugs will emerge (or resurface). And Rare loses a lot of time listening to the community with useless requests, that slows the development of much. And if you find 60 bucks expensive, wait till you find out that here in my country it costs almost 1/4 of the minimum salary.

    Did you play Red Redemption 2? Did you see how a 60 bucks game should be fluid with no bugs when it's released? That's why I said SoT looks like No Man's Sky, Fallout76,.... they released an empty game with full of bugs. I can understand they are working "hard" on fixing those issues, but plz.... don't ask 60 bucks if they're not able to fix a game lol... especially after 11 months!! It should be a 20 bucks game for how it looks right now (that's why I still didn't buy it).

    You can not compare an offline game with an online game, even if RDR2 has an online mode, remember that it has suffered many complaints (and still suffers) from various instability and bugs. Bugs exist in every game, and I bet the Rockstar team is about 10 times or more bigger than Rare's. Aside from the fact that the Sea of Thieves, although based on the Unreal Engine, was written from scratch, and RDR2 already has a lot of stuff that has been reused (hence, corrected) from other Rockstar games. As a developer you should know that.

    And I'm not saying I can fix all this bugs in a week, but plz don't say they "The seas are hostile, only the best pirates can overcome such dangers" because you don't know how to defend them. Just admit bugs are presents and it's fine!

    As I said earlier, what was quoted by you are not bugs, at least they were not quoted in any Rare note. You asked for an easier game, then changed the conversation and started talking about bugs. You have to decide what you want...

    Make suggestions and give feedback - Okay, you're in the right place. But there is a difference between asking for an easier game and giving really useful feedback.

    If it's to complain about bugs, it's in support.

    At the end we talked a lot about me... but who are you? It says you'r Founder, but of what? Of the game? Of the forum? Are you even a developer or you're just talking here because you don't have anything else to do?

    I think it's good to find out what Founders, Pioneers and Insiders are in this game... For a Global Rank #47 (Global Rank?! LOL!!!) you are a beginner...

    Ps. If this is the community of the game, well better not to work with them because I could be ashamed and make a bad reputation. Better work with other companies :)

    I do not work for Rare, I'm just a player.

  • @ziobasi disse em Megalodon + Skelly Ship or Kraken + Megalodon spawn together = Sucks:

    @jet-fire-diego Read post above. Kraken's bug is that he can catch you also if you're under the deck. Not always but when it happens just suc*

    This is not a bug, it's a feature. We have many tutorials teaching how to avoid this. Just google it!

  • If you have this mistake it never happened to me. I believe then that it is rare to happen that they are having difficulty correcting it.

    And the rank I questioned, any answers? I'm curious to see this ...

  • @ziobasi if you have that much experience a meg+kraken or skelly ship+meg should be easy for ya. im a solo slooper and i find them easy. unless you are one of those pve players who join servers where everyone is allianced

  • @targasbr That's the difference between me and you. I play the game actually, I don't spend all of my time in the forum. If you have spended all your time in commenting all the posts you see, how can you learn about the game? I see that you probably have played the game for 1 month and maybe spent the other 10 in the forum, this doesn't make you a good player, but just a good writer (maybe)... you should do the journalist not the gamer lol.

    And again, you've been rude to avoid for the 3rd times my questions but the only thing you can do is to contradict me. If you're not able to answer my question I dunno why I still argue with you because it doesn't make any sense :)

    Have fun with your bugs and get a life! Because all the other comments here (from other players) were more helpfull than yours and they didn't need to write 1000 lines

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