Take part in the Gold & Glory Event! Ends in:
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@miserenz Lure dart for skelly ships.
Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing th...
@karkona My group of players won't.
@burnbacon comon dude you've been called out on this before....
@europa4033 said in the cheating: @metal-ravage said in the...
As this thread was over a year old and revived today, it wil...
@zdrkreaper If you’re not sinking due to lack of supplies, d...
They need to fix these achievements, they are basically impo...
@hitash-levat The generous gifts have a lower spawn rate the...
@BurnBacon Nobody said to remove events. But diving to voyag...
@miserenz That too, yeah. Although SoT is only available on ...
The game design and intent for Sea of Thieves is a shared wo...
As this thread was months old and revived today, it will now...
@burnbacon I would like the game to work as intended mechani...
@europa4033 did you even read my comment? I said it can be d...
@tedakin i said the same thing two weeks ago, then got 3 kra...
Yes! And to Able’s basket/checkout idea too!
@veronik5682 I'm asking a genuine question I asked one as ...
@metal-ravage yup i agree with u tbh ♥ but if i am new play...
This topic has dated back to the dawn of captained ships, yo...
Totally agreed, these are in need of a rework. These the las...
Manson, how are you? We still don't know why you didn't add ...
You can sell a broad range of loot at increased bonus, so i...
@super87ghost said in other ways to get chests of fortune. v...
Returning to Sot as someone that used to like the game has a...
@tesiccl sagte in Obsidian Captain’s chair and curtains.: S...
As this thread was over a month old and revived today, it wi...