Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode

  • @whipped36 you are funny...telling in the OP you're a PC player...YOU ARE NOT! Just need to look at your XBox Profile...just another "give us op-out"-troll

  • @whipped36 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    (Which I am a PC player)

    I'm sorry but all I could think when I read that was "hello, fellow kids"

  • @realstyli sagte in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @whipped36 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    (Which I am a PC player)

    I'm sorry but all I could think when I read that was "hello, fellow kids"

    He ain't no PC player, just look at his XBox profile...or do you know any PC gamer, who pays for goldmembership for 8 years?

  • @schwammlgott could be possible he recently bought his pc

  • @schwammlgott

    You took the time to look at his profile but didnt check his clips?

    He clearly plays SoT on PC

  • @chonky-lemon sagte in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:


    You took the time to look at his profile but didnt check his clips?

    He clearly plays SoT on PC

    You didn't watch it obviously...he had to press the "x" button on the controller to get ammo...

  • @schwammlgott

    Look at the left upper corner, Xbox doesnt have FPS/Ping informations.

    Xbox also doesnt have 60+ fps. Just because he plays with a controller doesnt mean he plays on Xbox.

  • @chonky-lemon ok...didn't see the Ping, because every other video I saw with that, had it on the right top corner...

  • suggestion: fix sword combat which si the crux of the PC advantage rather than segregate all pc players...

    Arena for PC is already empty due to this segregation...

  • @motu-81 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    suggestion: fix sword combat which si the crux of the PC advantage rather than segregate all pc players...

    Arena for PC is already empty due to this segregation...

    Arena is dead because it is nothing new. Adventure is 100 times better and is where the fun is at. Arena was dead way before the opt out and should be deleted for the game.

  • @inboundbomb said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @motu-81 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    suggestion: fix sword combat which si the crux of the PC advantage rather than segregate all pc players...

    Arena for PC is already empty due to this segregation...

    Arena is dead because it is nothing new. Adventure is 100 times better and is where the fun is at. Arena was dead way before the opt out and should be deleted for the game.

    Nah, xbox community still plays it consistently, and I doubt Rare will be daft enough just delete a whole game-mode mate.

  • @motu-81 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @inboundbomb said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @motu-81 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    suggestion: fix sword combat which si the crux of the PC advantage rather than segregate all pc players...

    Arena for PC is already empty due to this segregation...

    Arena is dead because it is nothing new. Adventure is 100 times better and is where the fun is at. Arena was dead way before the opt out and should be deleted for the game.

    Nah, xbox community still plays it consistently, and I doubt Rare will be daft enough just delete a whole game-mode mate.

    Rare has done alot of things that they said they didn't want to do but here we are today. I can't speak for the xbox community as I can only speak for myself as a console player and my opinions and that is Arena should be removed and all the time and money should be spent on improving, debugging and optimizing adventure mode.

  • @schwammlgott said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @realstyli sagte in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @whipped36 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    (Which I am a PC player)

    I'm sorry but all I could think when I read that was "hello, fellow kids"

    He ain't no PC player, just look at his XBox profile...or do you know any PC gamer, who pays for goldmembership for 8 years?

    Yeah, me... because I have an Xbox as well


    But, yeah, I got that myself, hence my joke.

  • @chonky-lemon said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:


    You took the time to look at his profile but didnt check his clips?

    He clearly plays SoT on PC

    If he does he plays with a controller - note the X button prompt when he goes to restock ammo. He's very good with a controller though, I'll give him that.

  • Hang in there Xbox players.
    The most recent word, directly from the lead designer of SoT is the Opt out is still planned for Adventure.

    I hope it gets there while there still are Xbox players, but we can know that the concerted efforts of the half dozen or so on here who lobby against it have been for naught.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    Hang in there Xbox players.
    The most recent word, directly from the lead designer of SoT is the Opt out is still planned for Adventure.

    I hope it gets there while there still are Xbox players, but we can know that the concerted efforts of the half dozen or so on here who lobby against it have been for naught.

    Hecking darnnit. This news ruins my day.
    Now how will I be able to pick on PC players? Arrgh..
    Guess fellow xbox laddies will have to do...

  • @heavyreaper102

    I mean, its an option.
    If you want to pick on pc players, opt in instead of out.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:


    I mean, its an option.
    If you want to pick on pc players, opt in instead of out.

    It was more sarcasm than anything, directed towards the sass you threw at me and the other five.
    Although I'm more amazed that people still care about crossplay, than outright saying we shouldn't have it. I don't see how it's really a big deal.

  • @heavyreaper102

    Thats cool and all, but not really germane.

  • @motu-81

    I play on Xbox and I yesterday I was put 2x into crossplay lobbies eventhough I have opt-out active.

    Arena is a dead gamemode, doesnt matter which platform.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:


    Thats cool and all, but not really germane.


  • @ultmateragnarok You neglect to mention that controller users have an advantage in ship controls. The cannons, helm and sails are easier to use than on a M&K (of course, it is very much still possible to use them on a M&K). So, while PC, or more specifically, M&K players, have an advantage in close-range gunplay, controller users all the more reason why optional cross play is needed

  • @motu-81 it's also empty for xbox players too arena weekend and it's Dead no one is interested in arena it's a massive flop imo

  • @ultmateragnarok said in [Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode]

    This is what it's about. It isn't some advantage that particular players have in hardware, it's the advantages in skill that they have. There's no upwards progression here, and the game was built around both platforms being balanced. As such, knowledge and familiarity of game mechanics, alongside tactics, are the real deciders of who will win and who will lose in the interactions had with players. 'Get good' is actual good advice here, because there's nothing else that'll help. Repeated strategies can be worked around, OP weapons/tactics are nowhere to be found (ignoring the movement bug with the cutlass right now), and hard advantages are balanced against each other. It's skill, tactics, and experience. Nothing more.

    While I ultimately agree with ged gud. For the most part me and my crew have been able to build the skill and experience to do pretty well against anyone... I have seen a lot of shenanigans that it is obvious when encountering a PC player; Not taking proper damage (execution style headshots don't kill them, landing a sword strike doesn't kill, but that stuff kills me one shot) being able to boarding galleons like night crawler, crazy sniper head-shots on a wildly moving target from distance in stormy seas with huge swells. I love the idea of crossplay, however it can be pretty lopsided at times.

    But PC players certainly wont stop me from playing, or attempting to exact revenge if we get killed or sunk. We gone come back again and again.

  • Absolutely agree to opt out. Why not let players choose what they want to do. Period.

  • The opt out is pretty specific to clearly state controller and xbox, if it was the hardware only causing the masses to lose and not based as well on the default input device it would be just xbox. So, why are PC and controller not given the same option?

    What happened to Rares mantra: no asterix crossplay! I love that xbox players keep going on about promises of Rare to them, while ignoring the same promises that are being broken to give them what they want. Xbox and PC were supposed to be given equal opportunities and choices, the premise on which I as a PC player bought the game on. For me one of the major selling points was the crossplay without the segregation, because of having access to a larger community that will come with it.

    I cannot wait till the scarlett comes out and I hear nobody on the xbox only side scream they have 60 FPS! Scarlett xbox players are OP, get them out of my filter. Cause let's be realistic it ain't going to happen. Those on their high standard of it is about the hardware aren't concerned about hardware but branding.

    Money matters, the age of your computer matters and yes an xbox is just a computer running a different OS. How much your gaming hobby is worth to you and how much one has to spend will have an effect. From elite controllers, hard drives, better internet, etc. They all make a difference and in an online multiplayer that has always been true.

    I have for over a decade have run games on minimal settings with even as low as 20 fps on PC and played end game in many games. Did it put me on a disadvantage running games on my dad's old PCs euhm... yeah or the fact that I upgraded my system after 10 years as an adult and now have a pretty good PC that has to last me most likely the same amount of time, so another 7 years. Do I have to fork up even more money to upgrade my Xbox360 to a Scarlett while I have a PC that I saved up money for and bought a couple of years back? People always act like every PC gamer has an endless money tree and run on the most optimal settings. This is not reality, you get what you pay for and an xbox is just a pretty good deal performance vs price tag and the current system is at the end of its life cycle and one has to wait for the next. That is the downside of a closed system, ooh and the fact you have to pay a subscription fee to play online games, one of the main reasons I spent my money in an upgrade for my PC instead of the new xbox when the one came out.

    This is a crossplay title... the options should be for everyone, want input model opt out. It should be given to everyone, including PC players.

  • @cotu42

    Many Xbox players just don't want to play with anyone on PC regardless of their devices. Read into that however you wish. It is what it is.
    Xbox live during this current console generation, has until now been a great place to play online multiplayer games as no exploiting or cheating has been possible.
    Players are now experiencing things that concern them with crossplay and are right to express themselves, they are paying to play online on these servers after all!
    If people don't voice their opinions, on all platforms of social media etc, Microsoft will just add more of it. Don't be convinced crossplay to be the future, many u turns have been made by Microsoft over the years if their player base are unhappy with something. And it would seem the concerns are many.

  • @needsmokes lol if you think exploiting doesn't happen on console... you are mistaken. I learned the quick dig technique from an xbox only player.

    Gamers are gamers and is what crossplay titles should be about. I wish Rare and Microsoft would be more principled when it comes to their intentions instead of caving for the majority of the community, while they promised us to be treated as equals in the community.

    Ooh and thanks for showcasing my point about it being about branding not hardware.

  • This sounds like generic xbox bait
    Oh I died and only to pc players cause I'm that good
    This whole post feels like a lie orchestrated to cover the real motive of the poster dying and blaming pc players with a bait and switch

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    Xbox live during this current console generation, has until now been a great place to play online multiplayer games as no exploiting or cheating has been possible.

    False. I've found hardware devices that enable all kinds of exploiting. I also know about man-in-the-middle attacks that enable HUD-like radar to be displayed on a second screen.

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:


    Many Xbox players just don't want to play with anyone on PC regardless of their devices. Read into that however you wish. It is what it is.
    Xbox live during this current console generation, has until now been a great place to play online multiplayer games as no exploiting or cheating has been possible.
    Players are now experiencing things that concern them with crossplay and are right to express themselves, they are paying to play online on these servers after all!
    If people don't voice their opinions, on all platforms of social media etc, Microsoft will just add more of it. Don't be convinced crossplay to be the future, many u turns have been made by Microsoft over the years if their player base are unhappy with something. And it would seem the concerns are many.

    Arguably they are also paying for 4 "free" games a month, not to mention other perks like "free" weekends for games.

    Let's be honest though, they ain't really "free" are they.

  • @troubled-cells said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @needsmokes said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:


    Many Xbox players just don't want to play with anyone on PC regardless of their devices. Read into that however you wish. It is what it is.
    Xbox live during this current console generation, has until now been a great place to play online multiplayer games as no exploiting or cheating has been possible.
    Players are now experiencing things that concern them with crossplay and are right to express themselves, they are paying to play online on these servers after all!
    If people don't voice their opinions, on all platforms of social media etc, Microsoft will just add more of it. Don't be convinced crossplay to be the future, many u turns have been made by Microsoft over the years if their player base are unhappy with something. And it would seem the concerns are many.

    Arguably they are also paying for 4 "free" games a month, not to mention other perks like "free" weekends for games.

    Let's be honest though, they ain't really "free" are they.

    Where does this response tie into what is being discussed?

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @iii-porker-iii said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    All these pc players ignoring the fact they have a huge advantage. I have been playing since launch and I can instantly tell if a player is on pc or not. Easily confirmed by looking up there gamer tag in recent players. The higher frame rates. M&kb, more graphics settings to aid in performance. Faster load times. For all you who seem to think there isn't an advantage. For those who said use a m&kb on Xbox I implore you to set your frames to 30 and use a mouse. Its horrid. Since the fotd came out I have yet to have a server that was not populated with pc players. There are plenty of pc players and the fact only 24 players are allowed per server the splitting of the player base wouldn't really matter much.

    Yeah except you only got that ability recently, wasn't around since launch. Next a lot of players are called PC players by associations. Another thing you all fail to realize is that PC doesn't have just one input device. They can use Controller, M&K, Steering Wheel, that one dude using banana's (yes actual bananas)

    PC players are in general hardcore. Its not the mytical advantages, its muscle memory and dedication. PC players are in greater number more dedicated towards winning and playing competitively. Xbox players are in greater number casuals. I've never seen a PC being marketed as something "the whole family can enjoy" "Play with your friends using the kinect".

    Are xbox players bad? Yes they are. Can they be good and better? Definitely as there are console players that are really good. However, a lot of them don't want to play that hard.

    Another thing that no one considers and this was mentioned by someone else. Is that PC players generally have crews they play with. Xbox or more PC players, we play with crews. Pick up groups made up of random players will have a very difficult time against players that are part of a crew.

    Full crews communicate faster, initiate commands faster, work together faster. The pecking order is established and everyone knows what to do when it needs to be done. This isn't true for randoms.

    So no, we aren't ignoring anything. You are ignoring the fact that what xbox players complain about things being "too hard" or "can't be done" or "impossible" is being done everyday by other players who say they have no problems against PC on console.

    So no, just no

    I would agree with you if you were posting this 15+ years ago in the golden days of C.S, quake 3 and BF 1942 but PC is about as mainstream as console these days, just about everyone has one, I own 2 gaming PCs but only own 1 Xbox :D.

    Do you think muscle memory is exclusive to 'harcore' PC gamers only?

    The Xbox 360 was supposed to be crossplay, Microsoft had closed tests with the world's top ranked xbox halo players against PC players and it was so one sided Microsoft dropped it, there's a reason why esports, and games like R6 siege, overwatch and just about every other FPS segregate controller and keyboard users and it's not because they think you're 'hardcore', if you think keyboard and mouse has no advantage over a controller then you are in denial.

    *"Microsoft set out on a Xbox Live project that would let PC and console users interact on some form of united multiplayer platform – a grand idea on paper. In practice however, it's said that PC gamers "destroyed" console players every time.

    The slaughter was so bad, Sood says that Microsoft even pitted "mediocre" PC gamers against "the best" console gamers in testing, and the results were unchanged: the keyboard and mouse prevailed."*


    Anyone who thinks mouse has no advantage over controller try connecting a controller and navigate just your web browser with the right analogue stick and A and see if you have the same fast precise control and movement range as you do with your mouse.

  • @evil-lime y

    We are all aware of the advantages of M&K over a controller.
    Here comes the blah blah blah buy a M&K responses, Umm. No. I like to sit on and around my sofa using the standard equipment supplied with any console, the controller.

    What I don't quite understand is why would anyone on PC continue to fight for crossplay when people just don't want to play with you?

    The answer of course is plain and simple, but will never be admitted too. You need your easy mode. Without it, your nothing. An average gamer.

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    What I don't quite understand is why would anyone on PC continue to fight for crossplay when people just don't want to play with you?

    The answer of course is plain and simple, but will never be admitted too. You need your easy mode. Without it, your nothing. An average gamer.

    It's been explained multiple times but you guys ignore it all, plug your ears and go "lalala need your easy mode lalalala" so why bother really.

    In the end it doesn't matters if you understand or not, people are voicing their opinions just as you are.

    What I don't understand though, is why you people insist on throwing oil on the fire daily and come defecate daily on PC players and expect us to smile and clap all the way until the opt-out for adventure finally comes out? I'm genuinely curious to know what you guys think it adds to the table?

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