Reapers NEED to be nerfed

  • Reapers are the worst faction in game - 10 times in a row they sank my crews ship - just after we put on souls flag. They should have less money so attacking people on their resp wouldn't be so [mod edit] profitable

    (sorry for bad english)

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  • I don't run reapers for the gold, I do it for the glory

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  • It's just a high risk high reward faction

    which is why many run

    There are top pvp crews that run reapers but most of them are just average pve/pvpers looking to make some gold. There isn't any standard of skill there

    Easiest in the game to avoid as you can track them. Leave the server if you don't want to fight or just keep track of them and keep your distance

  • @a1r2e3s45 why should they make sinking emissaries as a reaper less profitable when it’s the whole point of the faction lol? Your crews simply needs to get better at defending your ship.

  • If you don't wish to be attacked by Reapers, don't fly the flag. You would think that maybe after the 2nd sinking, that a change of scenery was in order? If you don't like being put through the grinder, change things up. I am not seeing anything worth justifying a change here. Emissaries come with Reapers, they are to be expected here.

  • Yea for starters Reapers are always on the map and they can only see you on the map once they hit lvl 5 and that only if your an emissary also if you see a reaper on the server your on switch if you don’t want to deal with them or go with my crews rule....”if you can’t out fight them out smart them”

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  • Haha....
    So what your really upset about is grade 5 reapers able to see your ship across the sea. While you can see them 24/7 regardless.

    And feel they attack your ship to much.
    ..nerfing won’t solve or stop pirates from sinking you.

  • @a1r2e3s45 a dit dans Reapers NEED to be nerfed :

    They should have less money so attacking people on their resp wouldn't be so [mod edit] profitable

    They're meant to do that. It's their job to hunt down and sink the other emissaries. It is profitable for them to do so because the dev want to encourage them to hunt down and sink other emissaries

    You put on the emissary flag, they came for you as they should.

  • That's why you keep an eye on the map, you would've seen them from miles away if you only payed some attention

  • You must really be careless if you fail to notice a Reaper approaching.
    Even if it is a "silent Reaper". Every ship is an enemy until proofen otherwise.
    And even if proofen, never let your guard down.

  • clears throat GET GUD.

  • I haven't done anything for reapers and I'm level 30 everywhere else

  • As BurnBacon said,
    “They are supposed to do that”

    Also, most reapers I encounter are just PvE’ers who run for hours. Honestly, lucky you.

  • @a1r2e3s45 indeed it is the worst fraction, FOR YOUUU insert evil laugh while cannonling your ship to annihilation and stealing your hard earned treasures for great profit!

  • Its all about the game balance. You raise an emissary flag and you get up to a 250% bonus, that is the reward you get. The balance to the system is the service the Reapers offer to all emissary players. The Reapers sole purpose in the game is to hunt for emissaries and their flags, that is the prize you pay for the huge bonus you get from using the flags.

    So why raise a PvP beacon (emissary flag), and the complain about being hunted by other players?

  • The risk of running an emissary is that a reaper will find you and sink you, if you cant defend your ship DONT run an emissary. Simple as that

  • They should have less money so attacking people

    You what now? You want to make the faction BASED AROUND KILLING PEOPLE, LESS PROFITABLE FOR PVP??? Good lord, this community sometimes...

  • Just sail into red sea, im doing that everytime when they chase me and they rarely catch me unless im docked somewhere. Its better to destroy your ship and loot by yourself than letting them take your work xD

  • @stewcha-kun said in Reapers NEED to be nerfed:

    Just sail into red sea, im doing that everytime when they chase me and they rarely catch me unless im docked somewhere. Its better to destroy your ship and loot by yourself than letting them take your work xD

    Ah, I see you're a fellow man of culture. If I can't have it nobody will!

  • @stewcha-kun

    No.... Don't Sail into the Red Sea... How about learn to fight and defend yourself and your boat instead of being that guy.

  • @mrbadabing said in Reapers NEED to be nerfed:


    No.... Don't Sail into the Red Sea... How about learn to fight and defend yourself and your boat instead of being that guy.

    You are beating a dead horse, they had no intention of wining, they play to lose. The moment they see another ship it's straight into the red, with that mentality you lost before it even began.

  • @badassfro

    lol it's sad isn't it.

  • @mrbadabing They are not playing the same game as us, plus if you disagree with them they think you are salty you lost the loot. So it's best not engaging.

  • @badassfro said in Reapers NEED to be nerfed:

    @mrbadabing said in Reapers NEED to be nerfed:


    No.... Don't Sail into the Red Sea... How about learn to fight and defend yourself and your boat instead of being that guy.

    You are beating a dead horse, they had no intention of wining, they play to lose. The moment they see another ship it's straight into the red, with that mentality you lost before it even began.

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  • Reapers need to be nerfed? Lol, I think they should be buffed, by knowing on the map which emmisary is each ship spotted once you reach grade 5.

    Reapers can be seen anytime on your map table. Next time, check your map from time to time to be aware. And also watch your surroundings, cause a no emissary ship could sink you all the same.

  • aint nothing gonna break my stride im running and i wont touch ground...

  • I like aggravating reapers. I will load up my ship with supplies, and when I see grade 5 reaper on the map I will raise merchant emissary, sail to next outpost and lower it. Than sneak across map and raise again than lower at next outpost.
    Its funny to see them sailing around looking for those elusive emissaries.

    If that does not work, I throw Athena emissary and sail eight in front of them.

  • I dont "run" the reaper flag and I attack other people alot of the time, this would do nothing to deter me as I fight other ships for the fun of Naval combat, not to steal your loot, if you run emmissary, people who run reapers can see you, if you dont and just sell the loot the normal way, they cant see you but you have a spotlight of them on the map and can keep away all day long.

    Unless I find you, then thats bad luck on your part, I sink for the challenge of it.

  • @a1r2e3s45 in Reapers NEED to be nerfed:

    Your skills NEED to be boosted

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in Reapers NEED to be nerfed:

    @stewcha-kun said in Reapers NEED to be nerfed:

    Just sail into red sea, im doing that everytime when they chase me and they rarely catch me unless im docked somewhere. Its better to destroy your ship and loot by yourself than letting them take your work xD

    Ah, I see you're a fellow man of culture. If I can't have it nobody will!

    lol @blackbeard-lufy I like the sarcasm flavoring you added.

  • You might not have tasted it yet but the best treasure is treasure seasoned with the tears of their previous crew.

  • PvP is in the game description, i assume you read the game description before you pruchased it. I dont know what you think you are gonna gain from complaining about the PvP faction in a PvP game

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