Unplayable game

  • Hi There.
    Me and my crew were killed constantly by the same people for like 1.5 hour and we decided to leave.
    Can there be a solution for this?
    We didn't even have any loot on board but they kept killing us, and when they didn't sunk our ship they spawn camped us on our ship.
    Can we somehow permanently ban these kind of players?
    I don't mind if i die or my loot is gone but this was the most annoying thing ever.
    I think there is some kind of a solution for this like changing server automatically when a ship sink or if you killing a person 5-10 second after its revived you got a day ban time at first and a warning and later permanent ban if you doing it again.
    What do you guys think?

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  • @elkazil probably should just vote to scuttle or go to another server.

  • You did the right thing. Little late but you did it. Leave server and play another.
    Why keep playing the same server for 1.5 hours if you keep getting attacked by same “pirates”

    Also. They didn’t do anything really wrong. From my view, I can’t remember the ships, pirates I sink. Could of been the same people? Who to tell.

    And. If your being spawned liked. “Scuttle” and move on.

    Nobody is gonna be banned for being a pirate unless they actually do something that prevents you from playing.

  • But does anybody have an explanation of why it makes sense for that ship to come back and kill these players repeatedly after having already stolen their loot and sunk them (thus forcing them to spawn somewhere else on a new/empty ship)?

    I guess I just don't see the appeal in being that much of a Pirate..

  • If you have nothing to lose then you have nothing to fight for

    Spend the 1.5 hours doing something productive on a different server.

  • @burnbacon said in Unplayable game:

    Nobody is gonna be banned for being a pirate unless they actually do something that prevents you from playing.

    Ah yes! The great Catch-22 of this game:

    Nobody is gonna be banned for being a pirate unless they actually do something that prevents you from playing.

    But even then: so long as they're being piratey about it, nothing will ever qualify (i.e. spawn-camping, derailing TTers, etc.).

  • @thagoochiestman Actually its a lot of fun. My brig crew attempts a spawn camp whenever we get the chance. We all cheer when we finally hear that sweet scuttling sound, lol.

  • @thagoochiestman said in Unplayable game:

    But does anybody have an explanation of why it makes sense for that ship to come back and kill these players repeatedly after having already stolen their loot and sunk them (thus forcing them to spawn somewhere else on a new/empty ship)?

    I guess I just don't see the appeal in being that much of a Pirate..

    Because everybody is a threat, especially the people whose loot you just stole. Most people try to get their loot back after they get sunk if they see the chance. But it seems like this forum mostly has people who just immediately give up.

  • @thagoochiestman said in Unplayable game:

    @burnbacon said in Unplayable game:

    Nobody is gonna be banned for being a pirate unless they actually do something that prevents you from playing.

    Ah yes! The great Catch-22 of this game:

    Nobody is gonna be banned for being a pirate unless they actually do something that prevents you from playing.

    But even then: so long as they're being piratey about it, nothing will ever qualify (i.e. spawn-camping, derailing TTers, etc.).

    False equivalence here. Spawn camping is not preventing you from playing the game as you have been given the tools to get out of this situation 100% of the time, and multiple options to boot.

    1. Scuttle. No one can keep your Ship from sinking if you do this, even if they really try it will go down after a little bit. So make the vote, chill for a minute on the Ferry, and respawn at your new Ship and get on with the game.

    2. Leave Game back to the menu and start a new Ship which will toss you into a new server. The odds of you landing on the exact same server are astronomical based on the total player count and how many server instances are needed to accommodate that. So even if you end up on a server where a crew is actively hunting just for PvP you can get out of there and get in with the game.

    With these tools, the only thing preventing someone from playing the game is themselves, their own crew, and/or their ego. Either way, the problem lies within and not out - you are the master of your own destiny.

    You say you don't mind being sunk, well if you're being spawn camped and can't recover just consider yourself sunk and move on.

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