Players need more entry points (rocks) to the new instances !!!

  • Please increase the number of stones on the map with which you can teleport to the instance. My eyes can still see something on the horizon or in the sky, so also please increase their size by two or three times. After all, it will be easier for players to swim in them.

    No one needs adventure mode anymore. No one will play it, so more stones on the map will not hurt anyone and will not interfere. Personally, I plan to make exclusively new Tall Tales for the next three years.

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  • Adventure mode and the "new" mode are the same thing. They just impact where you spawn into the world. You are still in an "adventure" server.

  • @alymon Think you missed the sarcasm, and the point.

    I agree OP, more rocks are needed. I'm tired of so much open seas.

  • @calicorsaircat said in Players need more entry points (rocks) to the new instances !!!:

    @alymon Think you missed the sarcasm, and the point.

    I agree OP, more rocks are needed. I'm tired of so much open seas.

    Hmmm, you may be right. Sarcasm isn't always clear, and certainly was just trying to be helpful.

  • I'm with you in that I think they should not have placed these portals so close to outposts. Yes, it will help the newest of players get there easily but is that a good enough reason to alter the map for all and for ever?

    I hope when this season is over the portals get moved to locations on the edge of the map.

  • It's almost like they anticipated people griefing and tried to account for that.

  • New rocks should emerge from the sea, like the mermaid statues when someone activates the tall tales

  • @kissofkilll said in Players need more entry points (rocks) to the new instances !!!:

    New rocks should emerge from the sea, like the mermaid statues when someone activates the tall tales

    I am pretty sure that would be a dead giveaway to others crews in the region that a ship will be attempting to pass through soon. I am okay with that if the rest of you are.

  • @kissofkilll This would be the best solution imo. I don't quite get why a portal needs a permanent archway fixed at its location. If it's not absolutely necessary, it would be nice to ditch them and open up the seas a bit again.

  • @ghostpaw said in Players need more entry points (rocks) to the new instances !!!:

    @kissofkilll said in Players need more entry points (rocks) to the new instances !!!:

    New rocks should emerge from the sea, like the mermaid statues when someone activates the tall tales

    I am pretty sure that would be a dead giveaway to others crews in the region that a ship will be attempting to pass through soon. I am okay with that if the rest of you are.

    It takes like 30 seconds to pass, when it lights up people can already see it anyways so this isn’t a concern

  • @kissofkilll said in Players need more entry points (rocks) to the new instances !!!:

    @ghostpaw said in Players need more entry points (rocks) to the new instances !!!:

    @kissofkilll said in Players need more entry points (rocks) to the new instances !!!:

    New rocks should emerge from the sea, like the mermaid statues when someone activates the tall tales

    I am pretty sure that would be a dead giveaway to others crews in the region that a ship will be attempting to pass through soon. I am okay with that if the rest of you are.

    It takes like 30 seconds to pass, when it lights up people can already see it anyways so this isn’t a concern

    Does it light up for other crews? I hadn’t noticed that. I’d like to watch a crew sail into it. I don’t know why, but I kinda want to see it.

  • @ghostpaw
    It doesn't light up for other crews.

    A possible 6 crews could start a Tall Tale needing a portal; a portal can be used by only one crew (if you start up a Tall Tale on the same outpost another crew started (but has not yet used that one) your portal is next to another outpost), so they need at least 6 portals. I hope they change this when not "everyone" will be doing the Tall Tales.

  • @kissofkilll what???? how then will they fulfill their main purpose? I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYTHING ON THE HORIZON!!!

  • I think it would be enough if there was just one of those rocks in each it would be 3 instead of 6

  • I would have been much happier with a giant portal appearing with no rocks. Make it closer to the outpost even maybe for dramatic effect. Or even make the rocks ghostly instead of physical rocks.

    They are very obtrusive visually when sailing the open world now. I very much dislike it.

  • I disagree. The map is becoming cluttered if they keep adding more rocks. We don't need a sailing maze.

  • ^_ Up _^

  • I'm for removing the rocks altogether and just having the portal appear nearby for the crew doing the TT. The Castaway already shows players what a portal looks like during the opening animation for the first tale - and it's just a portal floating in mid air that she sends the model ship through. The rocks are an eyesore and completely unnecessary.

  • @realstyli

    The black pearl also already goes through a rockles portal at the end. I want that to be me ;)

  • I don't see the problem. They made the map a big chunk larger in the north and south. They also are nice strategic cover in regular adventure mode.

    Sea of thieves is in all the top selling lists again since last week and it attracts a lot of new players (they posted that in their new friendly alliance event). So there a probably coming a lot more new Tall Tales so they reuse the portals.

    I play since the alpha. The past week has been the most fun I had in SOT since launch.

  • @nosnibor-eosurc

    I chuckled at this post - love the sarcasm lol.

    Yeah I found it off putting to have the portals to the Sea of The Damned right next to an outpost...

    I thought the portals should at least be off the edge of the map on the edge nearest to the outpost that the tale is started from. I understand they wanted it to be super accessible for even the greenest of players, but something doesn't feel right about casually going to the land of the dead right next to an outpost. I mean, there's got to be a better way.

    To quote Barbossa: "For certain, you have to be lost to find a place as can't be found. Elseways, everyone would know where it was."

    Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End would have been really boring if Barbossa and crew simply sailed out half a nautical mile from Tortuga to get to Davy Jones' Locker...

  • After so much time, developers have not added new stones. Is it really all in vain?

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