Release Notes - 2.3.2

  • Release Notes - 2.3.2
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.3.2

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

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  • Sloop now has a bed, we can name our monkeys Pedro again… Everything is looking up! Oh, and the fixes of course. Good job on this one.

  • But can you name the bed 'Pedro'?

  • @meroviel that's one heap of updates and fixes right there. GG team!

  • Waiting to see the reactions to this one :D

    When boarding a ship from the sea, players are no longer able to muffle the boarding audio effects by grabbing the ladder while underwater or while using equipment, ensuring nearby players will always hear someone boarding from the ocean.

  • I think the crimson crypt cannon flare modification might be a problem. I did not buy it myself, but I would think players would be entitled to having their ancient coins refunded for this. They bought an item with certain specifications and that now has been changed. What it is now is not what they purchased. I'm sure there will be players who would opt to return the cannons given this change.

    • Crews joining a server at the start of a session should now always begin their journey at an Outpost.

    Curious, does this mean in open crews you will always start new in a tavern rather than joining with a crew in mid sail and voyage?

  • @scoobywrx555 said in Release Notes - 2.3.2:

    • Crews joining a server at the start of a session should now always begin their journey at an Outpost.

    Curious, does this mean in open crews you will always start new in a tavern rather than joining with a crew in mid sail and voyage?

    That's not at the start of a session.

    I think they stopped starting a session on a non-outpost island. Curious if that means another ship can be closer by than before or that you just start on another server.

  • @sumunumbastage said in Release Notes - 2.3.2:

    I think the crimson crypt cannon flare modification might be a problem. I did not buy it myself, but I would think players would be entitled to having their ancient coins refunded for this. They bought an item with certain specifications and that now has been changed. What it is now is not what they purchased. I'm sure there will be players who would opt to return the cannons given this change.

    As someone that purchased them, I wouldn't be opposed to some sort of refund system. I would understand if they opted not to as well; the emporium is never meant to be pay-to-win. We will see the direction they take. Anyone (including myself) that bought it for some sort of advantage should have at least expected this outcome a little bit.

  • I still don't have the title " Destroyer of The Damned " .

  • While swimming underwater, players can still be ambushed by Sirens, but this now occurs less frequently. When a crew encounters Sirens in the open seas, the limit on how many Sirens will appear during the encounter has been significantly reduced.

    I’m so disappointed in this. So very much. It’s like they don’t want us to fight them or they see the sirens are actually fun to battle
    Help prevent those who dive off there own ship trying to be sneaky and get attacked.

    Another patch directed to sneaking players.

  • @striderwa Surely it would be Bedro

  • @archangel-timmy said in Release Notes - 2.3.2:

    Waiting to see the reactions to this one :D

    When boarding a ship from the sea, players are no longer able to muffle the boarding audio effects by grabbing the ladder while underwater or while using equipment, ensuring nearby players will always hear someone boarding from the ocean.

    I'll certainly be testing that 1.

    Overall, I am incredibly happy with this update.

  • @burnbacon this isnt sea of friends my guy, its a pirate sandbox game where "thieves" is in the title. Sometimes you need to be sneaky to pull off a heist. you definitely seem like an advocate for pve only servers. Not to mention they removed silent boarding so if anything they helped you RPers to make it a more "friendly" experience. in my opinion they are straying further away from the pirate aspect of the game and they more or less just want people to have a peaceful experience on the waters with their friends, but what about the people who don't want peace? I.E reapers? This game is already catered to the casual player base so heavily that almost none of the old school players who loved this game no longer want to play.

  • @zeus8732 I wouldn’t say Reapers don’t want peace, they run more than fight to be honest, a real reaper will make himself know at any given chance, immediately attacking another ship regardless, a shoot on sight policy, but this rarely happens and when it does it’s usually a Galleon or a Brig against a solo slooper, only time it’s the other way around is when it’s a content creator or streamer, the amount a reaper runners I’ve come across is embarrassing to the name reaper, lol, but I get your point.

  • @burnbacon perhaps it’s a balancing change, it did seem to happen a lot perhaps more than they intended hence the significant reduction, we’ll need to wait and see by testing it.

  • @meroviel great update again, thanks for all the fixes, would personally have preferred to have a hammock instead of the bed on the sloop, one that moved with the sway of the ship and a puke bucket beside it, now that would’ve been funny! Especially if you could’ve puked into it, then used the bucket to fling it on other people! Lol, nevermind. Guess I’ll
    Keep eating worms and puke on folk anyways, cheers yer Skallywags!

  • @lem0n-curry said in Release Notes - 2.3.2:

    @scoobywrx555 said in Release Notes - 2.3.2:

    • Crews joining a server at the start of a session should now always begin their journey at an Outpost.

    Curious, does this mean in open crews you will always start new in a tavern rather than joining with a crew in mid sail and voyage?

    That's not at the start of a session.

    I think they stopped starting a session on a non-outpost island. Curious if that means another ship can be closer by than before or that you just start on another server.

    Max of 6 ships per server - 7 outposts - plenty of room to spread out among the map I would reckon and start us all at an outpost with some breathing room.

  • @sshteeve said in Release Notes - 2.3.2:

    @lem0n-curry said in Release Notes - 2.3.2:

    @scoobywrx555 said in Release Notes - 2.3.2:

    • Crews joining a server at the start of a session should now always begin their journey at an Outpost.

    Curious, does this mean in open crews you will always start new in a tavern rather than joining with a crew in mid sail and voyage?

    That's not at the start of a session.

    I think they stopped starting a session on a non-outpost island. Curious if that means another ship can be closer by than before or that you just start on another server.

    Max of 6 ships per server - 7 outposts - plenty of room to spread out among the map I would reckon and start us all at an outpost with some breathing room.

    There are certain spots where you might be close to two outposts (e.g. The Sunken Grove) and as Morrow's Peak isn't a starting one, the 6th ship (if all non-Wilds outposts are occupied) might have spawned on Marauder's Arch instead.

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