The most rarest thing you have seen!

  • Ahoy mateys!!!

    What's the most rarest thing you have ever seen on SoT?
    Maybe you own a rare set of items or
    perhaps seen something absolutely rare in game!

    I want to know!!


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  • In like my first or second session in the game, my crew happened upon a Box of Wondrous Secrets. Haven't seen one since.

  • A shipwreck spawn with two Reaper's chests.

  • A couple of things.

    First, we found the Box of Wondrous Secrets once.

    I also saw an eclipse occur in game. I do not know how rare that is, but I have never noticed another one.

  • As far as items/encounters go in the game I've found it all

    rarest thing I've seen in the game is me hitting my shots

  • A Triheadedmonkey

  • @ostara-mk I see your two, and raise you...

    Three Chests

  • Rarest thing "I've seen" was getting an Athena chest from a thieves haven run, followed by another one in the very next thieves haven run within the same session. It was really good karma, because in the same session we had an Athena keg skeleton atually dig back down into the ground, which I didn't even know was possible. Such a string of improbable events probably will never occur again.

    Lots of rare things I've never seen too, but I bet you can guess those.

  • 2 ancient skeletons on the same trip to barnacle cay

  • Getting Kraken'd, and a Meg would spawn on you, and then a Skellie Gally. That was a interesting little time to be on the Seas

  • @longbeardfellow said in The most rarest thing you have seen!:

    Getting Kraken'd, and a Meg would spawn on you, and then a Skellie Gally. That was a interesting little time to be on the Seas

    I miss this more than anything in the game.

    It was so much fun to encounter this.

  • @wolfmanbush said in The most rarest thing you have seen!:

    @longbeardfellow said in The most rarest thing you have seen!:

    Getting Kraken'd, and a Meg would spawn on you, and then a Skellie Gally. That was a interesting little time to be on the Seas

    I miss this more than anything in the game.

    It was so much fun to encounter this.

    This is why my underpants are now a permanent shade of brown 😜

  • @ostara-mk sagte in The most rarest thing you have seen!:

    A shipwreck spawn with two Reaper's chests.

    That's actually not that rare...not sure how rare it is in the current state of the game, but there was a time almost every 2nd or 3rd reaper chest spawn was a double spawn

  • @stoutodin809 the rarest thing I saw was a Rare-sail on a sloop behind an outpost...was logging off, ship started to sink when we were swimming at I don’t know who it was

  • @schwammlgott wow!!!

  • I was in a fight with an enemy crew, they were shooting at us with their cannons. I shot myself from my cannons, trying to get on their ship, when I had accidentally overshot. However, as I was going over them in mid air, I had taken out my eye of reach and managed to kill one of the enemy crew members that was on the cannons firing at my ship. Neither I nor the player I killed actually believed what just happened.

  • Solo near Arches Peak returning to Reapers with a bounty, I came across more loot than I have ever seen. Thing is it was up in the air just floating, some even higher up than my crows nest. Some in the sea, both below and on the surface, Athena loot - everything. Took 15 minutes harpooning what I could and didn't even notice the Reaper gally until it was on top of me.. got ganked just as I got to reapers, lost the lot!

    Not a 'rare' item as such but I doubt I'll see it again...

  • Rarest thing I've seen?

    Pirates with a personal code of conduct.

    It is rare to meet up with level headed people who can have a conversation before cannonballs are fired.

    The same goes with level headed people after they experienced a win or loss.

    You win? People berate you with curses and be toxic.

    They win? Some times people berate you that you 'suck' and be toxic.

    I think sailing the seas with some honor code in mind is important. It brings another dynamic to interactions.

  • @makuren said in The most rarest thing you have seen!:

    Rarest thing I've seen?

    Pirates with a personal code of conduct.

    It is rare to meet up with level headed people who can have a conversation before cannonballs are fired.

    The same goes with level headed people after they experienced a win or loss.

    You win? People berate you with curses and be toxic.

    They win? Some times people berate you that you 'suck' and be toxic.

    I think sailing the seas with some honor code in mind is important. It brings another dynamic to interactions.

    I'm genuinely curious about how you approach this in your adventures with how you feel about this.

    Something I see a lot of (and I personally find as annoying as some of what you describe) is the common, condescending and not very helpful approach where it becomes this piratical lecture by people that like to get sassy but then want to dictate how others do their thing. Personally I view this as escalation that ultimately just ends up contributing to more negativity on the sea.

    Not saying you in any shape or form participate that way I'm just curious how you handle it when you encounter it.

    In my adventures I just have an ignore and move on mentality but I think I've seen more things that fall in with -act how I want you to act- (both personality and gameplay) type of bickering than I have the slurs and other major violations of decency. Lots of mild unpleasantries but in a game where some want to fight and some don't I think that's just gonna happen even if people aren't typically that way outside of the game.

    I've played more than most but I'm also real quick to move on and away from things that eat away or could eat away at me so maybe I just bounce before it all takes off.

  • An Insider not spinning on the spot....

    No no I joke... Don't hurt me.

  • @musicmee Hahahaha!!!

  • Here in Brazil the rarest item I saw was the Obsidian Banjo. Unfortunately, many things do not arrive here, or arrive at exorbitant prices.

  • @wolfmanbush

    A fire cannot burn without oxygen and the kindle it consumes. When people start giving off those negative vibes it is just better to take it as a win or a loss and move on. You give them an inch of blast back and they take a mile. It is better to say good game and bow out.

    Some days it can get on the nerves though but at the end of it all we all want to succeed and win. It isn't every day that happens.

    All I'm saying is that you get more interesting interactions if you try to converse with the other ship first in some witty way before boarding and blasting them with cannon balls. That usually means you have a code. Such as 1. Do not attack unless attacked first. 2. Only go after ships with loot. 3. If the player is doing a tall tale leave them alone.

    It's fun adding code of conduct conditions to each adventure to change it up a bit. The only behavior you can change is your own.

  • I saw a crew with the Sea of Champions sails once before

  • I've had 2 megs and a skelly skip attacking our galley at the same time, haven't seen 2 megs attackin a ship before or since. This was years ago.

  • @the-pheonix6886
    I became terrified when I saw them because I was solo.

  • Rarest thing I have is the obsidian drum

  • I saw another player that didn't try to kill me once.

  • @longbeardfellow in the storm too?

  • Either the Arena League Sails or the Overachiever Sails. I’ve only met one other person that’s had the latter so far. And the former is one of the Rarest cosmetics in the game!

    Still haven’t seen the ghost or box of wondrous secrets yet though.

  • Someone that uses gamechat

  • I found a Box of Wondrous Secrets that was legit 7 steps from where I had to dig up my Ashen Athena once.

    I also killed some white fish once by the rocks south between Morrow's Peak and Ancient Spire.

  • These days anther human ship

  • @ghostpaw

    I also saw an eclipse occur in game. I do not know how rare that is, but I have never noticed another one.

    I remember it being forecasted one mefrolk's lullaby site, can't find the page anymore but it was about once every 12 hours if I remember correctly.

  • Receiving a GG’s in an Xbox chat message, instead of horrendous language.

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