Cash in Emissary Flags while using the Hourglass

  • On the last patch they added the ability to carry the Emissary flags you collect on PvP when diving.

    I strongly recommend carrying them because if you manage to sell them before opting out of PvP you will gain a TON of Allegiance. I tested it yesterday and after selling 3 flags and lowering a 3 streak Hourglass I got almost an entire level from 49 to 50 on Servants.

    It gives a strong boost and can help you level up faster.

    Hope this helps everyone struggling to level up Allegiance.

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  • Doesn't that decrease your faction treasure value? What I did was to hoard them, lower the HG with many flags (I had 3 from my streaks and a few more from a Reaper I sunk), then sell whichever I could to the Mysterious Stranger. Did I mess up?

  • @tigeremperor118 I think faction stash value only applies if you successfully defend, so invading and winning wouldn't add any value to your hourglass based on 'protecting' loot

  • @capt-pilotes depends where you're at, they're not massive rep gains but post ritual there is commendations specifically for selling flags so if you get battles near reapers/outpost worth selling just for that

  • Problem is, 90% of ships (at least on solo sloop) don't even bother to put one up.

  • I have a streak 4 right now and a few flags, should I lower hourglass first then sell the flags, or sell the flags then leave hourglass battle?

  • @pumous Sell the flags first...

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