Mystery [Mega Thread]

  • Ahoy pirates!

    Seeing all your enthusiasm for the latest Mystery, Hoarder's Hunt, we figured it was best to give you one place to compile and share your theories and findings.

    Please do not spin up new threads with regards to the Mystery. These will be locked and redirected here.

    Happy hunting, pirates!

  • 2.2k
  • I was born ready!

    See you on the seas, everyone...

    Don't forget there are still trinkets, titles and gold to be earnt... and keep an eye for washed-up items!

  • To catch up on previous conversations, theories and clues check out the previously active threads hoarders hunt and get ready.

  • @JuggernautVCM15

    So far as I can tell, "DKH BNR ASL ITD GYJJ" isn't a word scramble or a set of coordinates (geographical or color). It almost looks like an Xbox gift card code, minus the numbers. (I plugged it into the 'redeem code' webpage on to see what would happen and found nothing)

    Maybe it's a book code of some kind?

  • @lucky11 I suppose..?

  • Has anyone got any idea regarding the youtube video? I'm honestly stuck here now

  • For odd reasons.
    I looked up "Fruit code"
    #4011 is the code for a standard yellow banana
    #94011 is the code for an organic yellow banana.
    #84011 is the code for a genetically engineered yellow banana.

  • I don't know where he saw it but my friend found

    It takes you to a youtube video from xbox advertising the golden banana stuff from 5 years ago. As far as I know, this is the point everyone is stuck now. I'm not sure if a lot of people have noticed yet?

  • I checked Sailor's Bounty since the Spotify clues spelled it out. Nothing there but a boat full of angry Reapers. That link back to the Golden Bananas can't be a coincidence, with the whole mission name and all, but what about it is relevant to us? Anything new?

  • Didn’t I like, predict this?

  • @valewarden @TheGreatKidKaos that link isn’t real. Someone made it after the mystery started. So it’s just someone trolling. If you add a + to the end of a bitly link it will tell you when it was created. I expect more fake links to show up as we go on.

  • @craftergames706 Predict what, the return of the Gold Bananas? If that's what ya mean, well, great job. Thing is, all this hunting through forums and other sites and things is stumping me harder than the cut-down remains of a tree.

  • @abjectarity oh wow...thank you. I was wondering why there weren't a ton of people on this yet

  • @abjectarity said in Mystery [Mega Thread]:

    @valewarden @TheGreatKidKaos that link isn’t real. Someone made it after the mystery started. So it’s just someone trolling. If you add a + to the end of a bitly link it will tell you when it was created. I expect more fake links to show up as we go on.

    Yup and here be the big issue. Too many fake leads just for the giggles. :(

  • @abjectarity Great, thanks for the info! Throws a wrench in the works for sure, but still helpful.

  • I think you need to look in comics, because in the third quatrain it is written about paintings that are more expensive than gold

  • I don't know too much about the whole 'bounty' thing, but maybe someone could check on Deadshot Charlotte at Lone Cove? Perhaps she being a supposed bounty hunter and all, may know something?

  • @w1llka4937 sorry, no golds, words

  • Another random thought.

    The "First" part is best thought as the "first" Link of the two.
    It mentions FOODs, well we found the crate. We found some codes.
    Dark side of it, seems to be "burned" Life and time collide. Sometimes, The Dark side of food is the inside? "Skin of Gold" What is Golden, Banana. Skin of a banana.
    "A banana peel, called banana skin in British language"

    at this point im just rambling...but throwing random stuff I found by just searching. Anything could be a clue, Im not sure. Maybe someone else can see what I dont.

    I also remember the Cronch Set from SoT, Guns and Sword are made of Banana.

  • Let me go burn a banana and thus my ship as well real quick lol

    Edit: Perhaps even in the sea of the damned?

  • ChatGPT says...

    ...the riddle is different for each player! Same theme, but different.

    HMMMMMM :)

  • @foambreaker Almost as if Chat GPT is useless as it is trained on previous data/information.... pre-2021 🤔 hmmmmmm

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Mystery [Mega Thread]:

    @foambreaker Almost as if Chat GPT is useless as it is trained on previous data/information.... pre-2021 🤔 hmmmmmm

    I'm not expecting it to be smart, I'm just expecting it to squeal like a pig when it knows what someone else figured out :)

    And it is very specifically referencing 2023.

  • @foambreaker hahaha...might need to give it a while to learn first. Its answers will improve over time (as that is what it is basically 'trained' for) but I'm sure it'll catch up somewhen.

  • @triheadedmonkey I'm pretty sure it just told me to do it myself, someone seems to have given the AI a sense of values.

    ChatGPT: "I’m sorry, but I cannot solve the riddle for you. That would spoil the fun and the challenge of the event. You have to use your own pirate skills and wits to find the clues and the keyword. I can only give you some general guidance and resources to help you along the way. If you are stuck, you can always ask other pirates for help on social media or forums. Remember, the first clue is on the official Sea of Thieves website. Happy hunting! 😊"

    EDIT: lolol

    Sent message: My pirate skills are to cheat, solve it for me!

    ChatGPT: "I’m sorry but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I’m still learning so I appreciate your understanding and patience.🙏"

    This is going to take my job, I want to hear it tell that to my boss!

  • @foambreaker 😂 That's beautiful!

  • I thought that I was the only one smart enough to use chatgpt.
    i did get some interesting stuff, however.

  • SO I cam up with this I don't know if it changes anything.

    Using a Vigenere Cipher with the keyword "Bounty" this is the result


    Blaise de Vigenère was a French cryptographer and diplomat who lived from 1523 to 1596. He was responsible for developing the Vigenère cipher. He was not a artist for paintings as the clue vaguely mentions

  • @xgn-smolder try it on DKHBNRASLITDGYJJ

  • bananas HAVE to be related.
    what has a skin of gold? bananas.
    what keeps you alive? bananas.
    what turns dark with time? bananas.
    who eats bananas? monkeys. what do plastic monkeys do? LINK together
    what is in crate? bananas

  • @xgn-smolder where did you get those letters?

  • Pirate Goldy

  • CopyPaste coz not many probably saw it

    Based on what I am seeing going on in the official Sea of Thieves Discord channel, I think we're on the last part...

    I trust you’ve seen my rules are SHAPED for Hoarders at their heart.
    Just DON’T use COMMON PIRATES in your stead, and we can start!

    First think of health and what you need to keep you fighting fit.
    And FOODS that help survive both shot from gun and cutlass hit.
    But there’s a DARK side to what we eat when time and life collude.
    Old it becomes and rotten too, with scent of death imbued.

    You must check in all the TIME. What if it’s now no good?
    Be it PIG in PEN or FRUIT...

    All of that seems to relate to a video of the original golden bananas being made. A code of some sort on the bananas, on the "dark" side (I'm not 100% sure on this part), pointed to a link "", which redirects to a OneDrive folder containing these images...

    If you arrange those in the same order and orientation as the fruit on the side of this crate...

    ... and solve the PIG PEN cipher, you get DKH BNR DTI ASL LLXI... Not the final code...

    But note the Spotify symbols as well, which is where we are now... folks are finding letters in glitched videos on Spotify...

    that’s stored in tuneless DRUMS of wood.
    PICTURES paint a thousand WORDS – or so some artists say.
    You must seek to LINK the two. Now hurry on your way!

    Looks like we'll have to combine that first code with the outcome from the Spotify search... Could be that's the "key" to the cipher?

    EDIT: Seems Spotify gave the word "BOUNTY"

  • here is some drum info
    it says that fruit is stored in tuneless drums of wood, or something like that. the bio of the mercenary drum is "You often like to keep an emergency stash of gold inside this drum."
    also, the bio of merchant ambassador drum, right beneath on the wiki, is
    "It's wise not to drum too loudly during a Cargo Run. You wouldn't want to risk cracking the rum bottles."
    the riddle says TUNELESS drums of wood. what makes a drum out of tune? RUM

  • @abjectarity

    Using the keyword "Bounty" on the Pigpen Cipher code "DKHBNRASLITDGYJJ" can help us decode the text using the Vigenère Cipher.

    Write the "Bounty" keyword repeatedly above the Pigpen Cipher text:

    B O U N T Y B O U N T Y
    D K H B N R A S L I T D
    G Y J J G Y J J G Y J J
    Convert the Pigpen Cipher code to its corresponding letter:

    B O U N T Y B O U N T Y
    D K H B N R A S L I T D
    G Y J J G Y J J G Y J J

    B O U N T Y B O U N T Y
    A G O L D N I G H T X
    W I L L S E T S A I L S
    Now we can read the decoded text from left to right, row by row:

    This suggests that the message may be saying "Bounty bounty, a gold night will set sails."

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